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Distress Calls by Neale_Davidson

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Act One

The sky is clear blue over the Yucutan peninsula in prehistoric earth. The Gung Ho's remains have been gutted and made a part of the acting Maximal base, located in a stone Vok pyramid. Within, Scuba and Diver's robot forms work over their systems, manning their posts. Lio Convoy, also in robot mode, steps quietly into the command center.

Lio Convoy Anything?

Scuba Not in the past two months. The scanners have been bone dry. Not so much as an energon surge.

Lio Convoy sighs as that, and steps over to the two other Maximals. He also looks over the screens, and slowly shakes his head.

Diver Maybe the Predacons slipped through the scanners somehow? Maybe they already headed back through the wormhole?

Lio Convoy It's possible, but not likely. I don't think the Cybertron of this age would be very welcome to a handful of damaged protoform-based Transformers.

Scuba Besides, I don't think that the Predacons are too enthused by the idea of changing history even more than it already has.

Diver Maybe they don't think they don't have anything to lose. To most of them, it isn't even history, is it?

Lio Convoy considers that a moment, then looks over the screens again. Knowing the grave consequences, It's an option he doesn't wish to consider too deeply.

Diver They may be Predacons, but not Predacons from our time. Artemis said that most of their sparks came from the Nemesis itself. They're really Decepticons.

Scuba Even if they had returned to Cybertron, Decepticons would be swarming all over us by now. You think they would pass up a chance at ripping the energon from this planet, desperate as they were back then?

Diver Knowing how much trouble Angolmois is?

Lio Convoy No, they're still here, somewhere.

Though Diver doesn't remain convinced, Scuba nods his assent and returns his attentions to his control console, beginning yet another scanning sweep of everything that they can reach. Diver sighs, shaking his head and sitting back.

Diver Well, one thing's for sure. Even if we find them, it's not like we can do a lot about it. We've got one working shuttle, and no way of hitting Gigastorm if he goes airborne again.

Scuba We're also stuck here. Win or lose with the Predacons, unless someone comes to help us, we're going to be here a long time.

Lio Convoy I hadn't wanted to risk a message through the wormhole, but you're right. We need help. Scuba, you and Diver rig up a transmitter and send out a general distress call.

Scuba Even if it's going to get through, someone's got to be crazy enough to risk entering Sol sector.

Lio Convoy It's our only shot. Besides, there are lots of crazy people in the universe.

Once, the Star Voyager was the pride of the Maximal exploration fleet, but that was three generations ago, and the current owner has had a hard time keeping the ship in order. Rust and pit marks line the hull. The ship's call lettering has started to flake away once again. The ship still roars, however, tearing through the curtain of space. Aboard her, Slowpoke and Ikard sit at the command controls. Slowpoke, though, doesn't seem too thrilled about his assignment.


You know, I really don't get you.

Ikard Get me?

Slowpoke You could have had any assignment you wanted. You could have had any ship you wanted. And you settle for a beat up frigate doing courier jobs for Mach Kick.

Ikard It's peaceful. Believe me, sometimes that's all you want out of life.

Slowpoke Sometimes, but all the time?

Ikard finally gets a little annoyed at that, and raises a finger-pod of warning to his comrade.

Ikard You know, you could always go for a transfer,


Slowpoke (sighing) Knowing my luck, I'll probably get stuck on something worse.

Ikard I'm sure you will. Especially after they hear my recommendation of you.

Slowpoke Now that's just mean.

Ikard lets out a smirk, then returns his attention to the monitors in front of him. Perturbed but quiet, Slowpoke also returns to his duties, such as they are. The two don't notice as Star Upper's robot form steps from the halls behind them and approaches. He stretches out, and takes one of the spare seats on the bridge.

Star Upper (tired) How much longer until we reach Cybertron?

Slowpoke Four hours. I'm surprised you bothered getting up.

Star Upper The recharge beds broke down. I'm beginning to regret taking this ship.

Ikard Hey, you wanted the fastest ship in the galaxy, didn't you?

Slowpoke It's just too bad that they didn't tell you that the only thing that works on this ship is the engine.

Ikard (smirking) Certainly not the ship's first mate.

Again, Slowpoke gives a hurt look over to his captain, but Ikard doesn't offer any apologies, turning his attention to one of his side displays as the computer starts to chime. Slowpoke tenses just a bit upon hearing it, and quickly – for him – gets to work at his console.

Star Upper Something wrong?

Slowpoke We're coming up on Sol sector.

Ikard All right, set up a parabolic course to take us around. Let's not ruffle any Elder feathers today.

Star Upper Sol sector? What's the big deal about that?

Ikard Forbidden territory.

Slowpoke Since the Great War no Transformer is allowed to go there.

Ikard The natives don't like us much.

Star Upper looks over the displays, then shakes his head.

Star Upper That's not going to interfere with our schedule is it? I've got a match to get to.

Ikard No, you're fine. We just have to –

Computer Warning, temporal anomaly detected.

Surprised, Ikard looks over to Slowpoke, who is already checking over even more readings. He nods quickly and draws up an image of the wormhole on the main screen.

Slowpoke Confirmed, a wormhole found within the Sol sector.

Ikard That's none of our business.

Slowpoke There's a Maximal transmission coming from within the wormhole. It's a distress signal.

Ikard On speakers.

Scuba (voice, weak) This is First Officer Scuba of the Maximal Scout Gung Ho. We have crashed on the other side of the Sol Wormhole, and need assistance.

Ikard (quietly) Scuba.

Ikard slumps back in his chair, lowering his head. At the familiar name, Slowpoke turns and lowers his eyes. Scuba's voice comes in again, filling the now nearly silent bridge.

Act Two

The Star Voyager glides quietly through the void. In its bridge, Slowpoke and Star Upper wait expectantly for Ikard's order. The captain of the ship, however, is very torn as Scuba's voice once again comes out over the ships' speakers.

Scuba (voice, weak) There are hostiles in the area. Repeat, this is First Officer Scuba of the Maximal Scout Gung Ho. We have crashed on the other side of the Sol Wormhole, and need assistance.

Slowpoke Captain, the wormhole is deep within Sol sector, near Terra herself.

Star Upper (nervous) We can't go in there.

Slowpoke It's family, Upper.

Ikard summons a deep breath, then finally nods.

Ikard Slowpoke, set a course for the wormhole. We're going in.

Star Upper (worried) Captain, that's a direct violation of orders. You said Sol-sector was off limits.

Ikard (firmly) I know my responsibilities, Mister. Slowpoke, set the course.

Slowpoke (nervous) Course change locked. Here we go.

Ikard (quietly) I'm coming for you Scuba. Just hang on.

Computer Warning, entering Sol sector. Warning, entering Sol sector.

The bridge lights turn red as Ikard's ship now violates Maximal edicts. Star Upper tenses and clutches his seat. Slowpoke glues his attention to his scanners.

Ikard Shields up.

Slowpoke (smirking) Going to Sol system with shields up? That's going to look good.

Ikard We enter a wormhole without shields and we'll be the ones that need rescuing.

Slowpoke Let's just hope that –

Slowpoke's face turns to alarm, but he has little time to react as the ship suddenly shakes violently. The trio manage to keep to their seats, but loose gear and equipment all over the bridge tumbles out of place onto the floor. Ikard struggles to right the ship and narrows his optics.

Ikard How bard?

Slowpoke I got the shields up in time. We're fine – but that was a hell of a hit.

Star Upper You weren't kidding about the natives not liking us.

Ikard We're still outside the Terran defense grid. That's something else.

Slowpoke Predacon battle cruiser decloaking off starboard bow.

Star Upper Predacons, here?

Rippling into existence, some distance from the Star Voyager, the Predacon cruiser Raksha emerges from hiding and opens up again with her cannons. The Maximal ship takes the hits well, shuddering from the strain, but moving forward relentlessly. Halfshell watches his prey pull away from them, and looks none too pleased about it.

Halfshell Status?

Around Halfshell are his four-man crew. Coelagon, Seafathom, Scylle, and Terrormandar. The group remain at their posts, attentions focused on the Maximal frigate fleeing them. Coelagon scans the ship, shaking his head at the results of the surprise attack.

Coelagon Hit on Maximal starship, but their shields were already up.

Seafathom Little damage to their vessel, not that you could easily tell.

Halfshell I see. Coelagon, is this ship going to be worth the trouble?

Coelagon Scanners indicate she's fully loaded.

Seafathom Can't be anything too valuable on that scrapheap.

Halfshell No, but we'll take supplies wherever we can find them. Bring us in.

The Raksha kicks in her own engines now, giving chase, and spitting forth a series of missiles at her prey. The Star Voyager nimbly moves aside, using point-defense lasers to eliminate most of the missiles before they strike their target. Unfortunately, some get through, smashing onto the ship's shields and finally tearing into the ship's heavy armor.

Slowpoke Shields down to seventy.

Star Upper (worried) Are we going to be able to lose them?

Ikard Don't worry, we'll lose them. Slowpoke, get back on course for that wormhole.

Slowpoke (fearful) That's going to take us right into the Terran defense grid!

Ikard No kidding, just do it!

Slowpoke hesitates, but nods and starts to make the course changes. His maneuvers come too late, however, as another series of blasts rup through the ship. Slowpoke screams out as his console erupts into flames and metallic shards beneath him. He falls back near Star Upper, and doesn't move again.

Ikard (worried) Slowpoke!

Star Upper (shaken) He's gone. He's gone.

Ikard (firmly) Get up here and man the helm.

Star Upper But –

Ikard Now! Or we're both going to join him.

Halfshell's faceplate hides his pleased smirk at the flames now erupting from the Star Voyager's hull. The Raksha continues her assault, pushing forward.

Coelagon We've gotten through their shields, major damage to all her decks.

Scylle Terran defenses just went active. They know we're here.

Halfshell Where's that ship going? It should have backed around by now.

Terrormander She's going right into the defenses, Halfshell. The outer batteries will open up on her in minutes.

Scylle They're nuts.

Halfshell They're heading for something. Coelagon, scan the areas in front of that ship. What are they going to?

Star Upper mans another series of controls, waving off as much smoke as he can. The Star Voyager plows on, taking more hits to her aft as the Predacon ship relentlessly approaches.

Star Upper They still haven't backed off.

Ikard Brace yourself. We just crossed the defense perimeter.

Star Upper (nervous) I hope this works.

Ikard So do I.

Ikard looks out his screens again. Hundreds of small steel orbs suddenly come to life. A single red optic in each flare up and face the approaching Maximal frigate. The Terran defenses have noticed them.

Ikard Here it comes.

Halfshell watches as the Terran batteries open up on the Star Voyager. Hundreds of laser blasts fly out to her, bathing her in white-hot light. As missiles follow up, the Predacon captain merely watches as a brilliant explosion fills his screen.

Coelagon (stunned) Maximal starship has been destroyed.

Terrormandar Ready to change course, captain.

Halfshell (distant) No.

Terrormandar (fearful) Say again?

Halfshell Engage cloaking device and stay on course.

More than a little nervous about this prospect, Terrormander nevertheless obeys his orders and recloaks the ship, keeping on his course. The Raksha disappears from view once more, but the Terran defenses know she's there, and continue to open fire. Occasionally, some of the blasts disrupt the cloak and expose her, but the ship holds together.

Scylle Sooner or later, those missiles are going to get a bead on us.

Halfshell Coelagon, what have you found?

Coelagon Terran defenses are jamming scanners and communications now, but I think I picked up something on the Maximal's course.

Halfshell Define 'something' for me.

Coelagon A disruption. It may have been a wormhole.

Even as his ship shakes from the defense's blind attacks, Halfshell calmly nods and returns to his command chair.

Halfshell Go in the wormhole.

Terrormandar With our cloak up, our shields may not have enough power to take a wormhole, sir.

Halfshell Then I hope you have a good sense of timing, Terrormandar. Decloak as we enter the wormhole.

Terrormander takes in a nervous breath, but nods his understanding of his orders. Coelagon draws in a breath, and stands, stepping over to his commander.

Coelagon Halfshell, the Maximal ship may not have survived. This risk seems excessive.

Halfshell They were desperate to enter that wormhole, Coelagon. Around Earth, that's cause for concern.

Coelagon crosses his arms, then turns to the bridge's main screen. In front of them, the wormhole finally comes into view, a spinning dusty mass of dark gray and blue against the black curtain of space. The simple beauty of the image is marred by the brilliant red lights of laser-batteries desperately searching for the invading Raksha.

Act Three

On Earth, the day is warm and calm. The powerblue skies brilliantly reflect off the pure green-blue shallow ocean waters. The scene is beautiful and calm - then the sky erupts. The air rips apart as a small tear in reality opens and spits out the Star Voyager, careering through the air completely out of control. On the bridge of the ship, alarms and displays sound off multiple warnings of impending doom. The two surviving crew members, Ikard and Star Upper work furiously to somehow regain control.

Star Upper (scowling) I told you warping in a wormhole was a bad idea.

Ikard We're alive, aren't we?

Star Upper (tense) For the next few seconds anyway.

Ikard tries to maneuver the wounded ship, struggling to get her straight again. For a moment, it seems to be working, right up until one of the thrusting engines flare out and shatter away from the craft. Star Upper is thrown back from his seat and Ikard struggles to reach for the controls again.

Ikard Okay, this is bad.

Star Upper (nervous) We got to set down! Can you land this thing?

Ikard Depends on what you mean by 'landing'.

Star Upper Preferably one where we survive.

Ikard (tense) That would be good. I agree.

Ikard pulls back on his controls and fires the Star Voyager's counter-thrusters. Not caring for a gentle landing, he ceases as much movement of the ship as possible. The Star Voyager lurches, throwing off parts of scorched armor as she slows somewhat.

Ikard All right, brace for it.

Star Upper (quietly) Primus, I promise to pay more attention to you if you just let us –

Sadly, it's the water that finally brings the ship to a stop. The Star Voyager slices into the ocean, sending out large waves from the impact, but miraculously stays more-or-less intact at the splash-down. Ikard's station-chair snaps cleanly and he smashes hard into his console. Star Upper is slightly more fortunate, and finds his side crushed against the bridge's walls. The two quickly snap back to the floor as the ship stops its more violent moves and settles into a gentle sway on the ocean waves.

Star Upper (stunned) I'm alive.

Star Upper stands slowly, painfully, and takes in the battered ship around him. Most of the consoles and panels are burnt out, the lights flicker underneath the still pulsing red-alert lighting. Star Upper gets his bearings, and steps over to Ikard, pulling him up from his crashed position.

Star Upper Tell me you're all right.

Ikard (wincing) Damaged pretty bad. But, I'll live.

Star Upper I'm going to need your help to get the regen chambers back online.

Ikard (weakly) I can do it. Just give me a second.

Star Upper backs away and nods, stepping to the rear of the bridge where the body of Slowpoke has settled, despite his knowledge, Star Upper still kneels to check on the fallen Maximal, and slowly checks his head.

Ikard (wincing) Computer, where are we?

Computer Cannot confirm location due to scanner damage.

Ikard Can you pick up Scuba's distress signal?

Computer Negative. All communications are down.

Ikard stands slowly, sighing then wincing as he looks over a leaking wound on his chest. He staggers a bit before finally stepping over to Star Upper and Slowpoke's remains.

Star Upper (quietly) There's nothing to be done. I'm sorry.

Ikard Not your fault, Upper. He died helping save the ship. I don't think he would have wanted it any other way.

Star Upper nods, then stands as Ikard stumbles to his side, growing weaker. Star Upper offers his shoulder to his captain, allowing Ikard to shift some of the strain off from his systems.

Star Upper Let's get you fixed up, and hope the Predacons didn't decide to follow us through that thing.

Halfshell looks up at the screen again, quietly relieved as the warping of space gives way to the bright blues skies of a simple organic world. Scylle looks over the screen as well, taken a bit by the simple colored artistry of the prehistoric Earth.

Scylle (quietly) It's beautiful.

Terrormandar I'm just glad we pulled through.

Halfshell Damage report, Coelagon?

Coelagon takes his optics from the main screen and returns him to his own displays. He pours over them, then sinks back in his seat, shaking his head.

Coelagon Main drive is out, shield batteries are in minimal power. Most of our weapons systems are burnt out.

Halfshell Internal systems?

Coelagon They all seem to be up and functioning. Truth is, it could have been a whole lot worse.

Halfshell nods and steps to the forward part of the bridge, narrowing his optics. He looks over the view again, then turns to his comrades once more, returning to his command chair and taking his seat.

Halfshell Where is the Maximal ship? I know they're here.

Scylle The atmosphere is making scans difficult. I'm also picking up a great amount of odd energy readings from the planet.

Halfshell Communications?

Scylle I am getting a Maximal distress signal. That must be what the ship was after.

Terrormandar How do you want to proceed.

Halfshell There's energy here. There are Maximals here. We have our work cut out for us. Get to the chambers for reconfiguration.

Terrormander And then what?

Halfshell Then? Then we go hunting.

Aboard the Star Voyager, Star Upper waits impatiently for the ship's regen chambers to do their work. Displays flicker around him, but the chamber seems to be working well enough.

Computer Replication of life form complete. You may emerge.

With the sound of a heavy latch opening, the chambers open up to reveal Ikard's new robotic form, complete with elongated tentacle-arms and new claws emerging from his chest. Star Upper looks him over a moment, then shakes his head.

Ikard You're next.

Star Upper What sort of creature are you supposed to turn into anyway?

Ikard A lesser Kraken. I take it that you don't approve.

Star Upper (muttering) Not exactly my first choice, no.

Ikard No time to be too fashion conscious. We've got a lot of work to do.

Star Upper Finding the other Maximals?

Ikard With any luck.

Star Upper And if they can't help us?

Ikard pauses at that, stepping out of the chamber and shaking his head slowly.

Ikard Then welcome to your new home, Upper.

Floating elsewhere on the ocean, the Raksha moves slowly and silently. Beneath her, a large docking hatch opens up, and four dark shakes make their way into the water, heading for the depths. Terrormandar, Scylle, Coelagon, and Seafathom each move in their new beast modes, scouring the seas.

Halfshell (voice) Find any trace of either Maximal ship, and hunt down their crews.

Halfshell, remaining on the bridge, steps forward to his main screens, optics narrowed.

Halfshell The treasures of this ancient world our for the Seacons, and the Seacons alone.

Halfshell clutches his fist, and leans over another console, grim resolve building within him.
