Transformers Fanfics, Essays, Author Interviews and More...! Established 1996!
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Stories by Meeps

A Charmed Life by Meeps

Rated: G • starstarstarstarstar
Summary: Written for Epona Harper's Superstition Challenge: Bluestreak is unhappy that he's been deemed a good luck charm.

A Foul Deed by Meeps

Rated: G • starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: A few weeks after the Autobots awaken on Earth, they discover a disaster worse than the Decepticons.

Drinking Game by Meeps

Rated: G • starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: Shades started it and I finished it. The Autobots take some time to have some fun.

Fire and Ice by Meeps

Rated: G • starstarstarstar
Summary: Why DID Skyfire crash on Earth during a little bit of bad weather? Thanks to Silverrose, Kidu and Jazzbot for inspiration and title. Skyfire and Starscream belong to Hasbro.

Fire and Ice by Meeps

Rated: G •
Summary: Skyfire and Starscream on Earth...9 million years ago. Why did Skyfire crash? Thanks to Silverrose, Kidu and Jazzbot for inspiration and title.

Groundhog Day by Meeps

Rated: G • starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: Sideswipe cannot believe that humans can predict the weather using rodents. He sets out to see how it's done and drags along a few friends. By the way, no groundhogs were hurt in the writing of this story though the potential was there.

Meeps' Author Interview by Meeps

Rated: G •
Summary: Because it seems to be required.

Revenge is a Squeaky Toy by Meeps

Rated: G • starstarstarstar
Summary: Thundercracker has one last chance at revenge.

Snow by Meeps

Rated: G • starstarstarstarstar
Summary: I wasn't going to post this because it was so short and then I thought, oh, heck, why not? Anyway, very, very short story featuring Hound, snow and Prowl.

Spring Forward, Leap Back by Meeps

Rated: G • starstarstarstarstar
Summary: Something has gone wrong with the Transformer Timeline. Can Sam Beckett leap in and save the day?

Squeaky Toys by Meeps

Rated: G • starstarstarstar
Summary: It's amazing what you can find on E-Bay. Especially when it's Skywarp doing the buying. Part I of The Squeaky Toys Trilogy

Strange New Worlds by Meeps

Rated: G •
Summary: Find out what Hound did in the time before the wars on Cybertron.

The Headless Seeker by Meeps

Rated: G • starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: When Bluestreak tells a story, he spins a whopper. Just in time for Halloween

The Return of the Squeaky Toys by Meeps

Rated: G • starstarstarstarstar
Summary: Part III of the Squeaky Toys Trilogy. No more, I promise.

The Squeaky Toys Strike Back by Meeps

Rated: G • starstarstarstarstar
Summary: Part II of the Squeaky Toys Trilogy. Squeaky toys are nasty, vicious, evil things.

Thunderstruck by Meeps

Rated: G • starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: Bluestreak and Thundercracker meet under less than ideal circumstances. Will there be a meeting of the minds?