Transformers Fanfics, Essays, Author Interviews and More...! Established 1996!
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Stories by DeathsHead

Bar Culture by DeathsHead

Rated: G • starstarstarstarstar
Summary: Maccadam, bartender to the Autobots and Decepticons, is having a really bad day: Planet-sized robots, cannabalistic spheres and the oil's just run dry...

Breathe: Time to Kill 2 by DeathsHead

Rated: G • starstarstarstarstar
Summary: The consequences of time-jumping are made horribly clear, as are some home-truths about the Transformers themselves...

Damask Rose by DeathsHead

Rated: G • starstarstarstarstar
Summary: An ancient Cybertronian priest is brought kicking and screaming into the future...

Nobody Loved You by DeathsHead

Rated: G •
Summary: On Beast Wars-era Cybertron, two Predacon explorers discover the truth of the Golden Disk, back in the days of the Decepticons!

Ravages of War by DeathsHead

Rated: G • starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: In 1994, Ravage discovers a clue to his ultimate demise - but what should he do?

Soma Holiday by DeathsHead

Rated: G •
Summary: Within the Star Saber-controlled Iacon of the far-future, Greatshot must find a new way of controlling the population...if only he could pay attention!

Time to Kill by DeathsHead

Rated: G •
Summary: The Transformers gain Time-Jump technology - but at what cost?

Version 1.0 - Prelude to the Software Wars by DeathsHead

Rated: G •
Summary: With the Decepticons crushed and the Autobot cause distorted, a new enemy begins to reveal itself. Or maybe it's all just a coincidence...?