Transformers Fanfics, Essays, Author Interviews and More...! Established 1996!
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Stories by Harmony

A New Day by Harmony

Rated: G • starstarstarstar
Summary: A new recruit joins the Autobot army on Earth, and hilarity ensues.

Author Interview - Harmony by Harmony

Rated: G •
Summary: My author interview, and a deeper look at the woman behind the 'bot. :)

Harmony by Harmony

Rated: G •
Summary: Finally... my first real drawing of Harmony. I've had this for a while, but was unable to scan it until now. Enjoy!

Harmony's Tech Specs by Harmony

Rated: G •
Summary: Tech Specs for my original G1 character, Harmony.

Make Up My Heart by Harmony

Rated: G •
Summary: The three main characters of most of my fanfics together in one shot. This is my attempt at capturing the mood throughout this main story arc. Enjoy!

Queen For a Day by Harmony

Rated: G •
Summary: Megatron decides he wants a queen, and guess who's the lucky femme...

Recycled Gears by Harmony

Rated: G •

*Improved, with Part 2 now complete!

Chip Chase helps a new Autobot deal with a devastating situation, and changes both their lives forever in the process.

The Ties That Bind by Harmony

Rated: G •
Summary: A voice from the past interrupts a joyous occassion among the Autobots.... but is it all that it appears to be?