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Reviews by dragoness_e [2]
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Stories by dragoness_e

Friends no longer with me... by dragoness_e

Rated: G • starstarhalf-star
Summary: [Post-TFTM] Skyfire reflects on the friends he's lost to the war... and has an unexpected, uninvited 'guest'.

Lines by dragoness_e

Rated: G • starstarstarhalf-star
Summary: [G1,S2] Sometimes you need a reminder that some lines should not be crossed… especially if your name is Starscream.

Stunticon Rally by dragoness_e

Rated: G • starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: The Stunticons join an outlaw cross-country road rally, and Dead End kidnaps Spike to be his driver. No, not Sparkplug's son Spike. That other guy named Spike--the one from Sunnydale.

Stupidity in Blue, Redux by dragoness_e

Rated: G • starstarstarstarstar
Summary: One of Slog's art masterpieces is the Decepticon Seeker statue known as "Stupidity in Blue". Who was he, and how did he end up as one of Slog's artworks?

The Message by dragoness_e

Rated: G • starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: Skyfire’s point-of-view regarding the incident described in 'Lines'. Starscream went too far even for a Decepticon, and Skyfire will make sure he never does again, even if he has to violate all other Autobot rules to protect the innocent.