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Reviews by Raksha

Beyond The Obvious by Magic

Rated: G • starstarstarstar
Summary: What was not shown in the BotCon 2001 comic, but gives the plot a completely different direction.
Reviewer: Raksha Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 04/03/03 Title: Chapter 1: Beyond The Obvious

The *corrected* version of the conteptible BotCon 2001 comic.

Born of Light by Kevona

Rated: G • starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: Short and sweet fic about the birth of a Decepticon. It is also possible to read this fic from a normalverse point of view.
Reviewer: Raksha Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 09/06/03 Title: Chapter 1: Born of Light

Probably *the* perfect Soundwave-and-Ravage story, capturing both characters dead-on.

Surprise! by Lady_Dementia

Rated: G • starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: Blackarachnia's beast mode went into heat, but now the Beast Warriors have to deal with the consequences....
Reviewer: Raksha Signed starstarstarstar
Date: 20/02/03 Title: Chapter 1: Surprise!

Much as I loathe and despise Beast Wars, I actually enjoyed this story because it presents the 'Cons in a positive light, acting like a team that has real interrelationships and affections for one another, rather than a bunch of mindless walking cliche's trying to kill each other off for no reason whatsoever. BlackArachnia and Tarantulas, in particular, are here presented with some of the potential they *could* have had in the series, which was so utterly wasted by the "official product." This fanfic, showing some honest-to-gods *characterization*, even if in a humourous way, is lightyears beyond anything that was ever seen on the show.