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Beast Machines: The Lost Episodes, End of the Line by TheOrange

Summary: Megatron is finally ready to make his move, with all of the obstacles finally out of his way -- or are they? Who has been helping Megatron perfect a technological body? Will Phil Bond show up to foil his plans and save Geever and Crawley? Will Benny an
Rated: G [ - ] starstarstarhalf-star
Category: Beast Machines
Characters: None
Genre: Comedy
Location: Library
Series: Beast Machines: The Lost Episodes - Season 1
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Words: 3745 Hits: 1065
Published: 29/12/01 Updated: 29/12/01

1. Beast Machines: The Lost Episodes, End of the Line by TheOrange [ - ] starstarstarhalf-star (3745 words)