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Beast Machines: The Lost Episodes, Act 2 - Bonds by TheOrange

Summary: The Lost Episodes continue with Act 2. This time new characters are introduced and new challenges are brought into focus, and those challenges are Phil Bond and Mr. Bamt! Can Megatron win this war with such an onslaught of forced comedy and bad in-jokes?
Rated: G [ - ] starstarstarstar
Category: Beast Machines
Characters: None
Genre: Comedy
Location: Library
Series: Beast Machines: The Lost Episodes - Season 1
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Words: 7017 Hits: 1260
Published: 29/12/01 Updated: 29/12/01

1. Beast Machines: The Lost Episodes, Act 2 - Bonds by TheOrange [ - ] starstarstarstar (7017 words)