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The Deathtouch by GraySeeker

Summary: I wrote this for the October Transformers Flash Challenge. The goal of the challenge is to write four pieces of exactly 500 words about a favorite character. I chose Dirge. Given my penchant for epics, it's probably not surprising that my four-part series has turned into seven parts. Special thanks to Dark Star of Chaos for having divined the perfect names for three of my OCs, namely Rattlewing, Patchjob and Prism.
Rated: G [ - ] starstarstarstarstar
Category: Generation One
Characters: Dirge (G1)
Genre: Romance and Adventure
Location: Library
Series: None
Chapters: 7 Completed: Yes
Words: 3612 Hits: 3024
Published: 01/10/16 Updated: 05/11/16

Story Notes: Dirge, a young cleric, is on the brink of starting his new life, both as a priest at the Temple of Primus as well as getting bonded to the person he loves. He's soon to discover, however, that destiny has other plans for him.

1. The First Moment by GraySeeker [ - ] starstarstarstarstar (514 words)

2. Music to My Audials by GraySeeker [ - ] (525 words)
Unwilling to become Uraya's next Crypt Master, Dirge is ready to leave town - until fate offers him a whole new reason to stay.
3. Open Your Hands by GraySeeker [ - ] (507 words)
Troubled by recent events, Dirge seeks counsel from a Magister of the Temple, who makes a startling revelation.
4. Magickal Touch by GraySeeker [ - ] starstarstarstarstar (523 words)
Dirge seeks medical advice for his strange condition, and is reassured... for now.
5. Home is Castle by GraySeeker [ - ] (515 words)
Even as Dirge turns his home into a fortress to protect the ones he loves, he can sense the stormclouds gathering.
6. Dripping Claw by GraySeeker [ - ] (512 words)
Seekers from every part of Cybertron had flown to defend Vos, their flagship city. Little did they imagine that the real target was closer to home.
7. Eternal by GraySeeker [ - ] (516 words)
In the end Dirge returns to the Crypt, where his journey began.