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Kre-O Insecticon by Firestorm

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Chapter Notes: am guessing as to which series this guy fits into

          Yes, that’s his name. Admittedly, he was something of an impulse buy; he was the last figure available at the local Walgreen’s, and they were having a special going that day. But to be honest, he’s not all that bad.

            Unlike other “Insecticon” figures, he’s actually an original character who just happens to fit into a particular theme. He shares a lot of bits with other figures, however that’s to be expected with Kreons. It always comes down to how they fit together.

            In robot mode, he looks suspiciously similar to Spinister due to the fact that they have similar colors and the exact same helmet. But while Spinister has a rotor on his back, Insecticon has the pieces of what are supposed to be his insect legs. Thing is, while Spinister has no issue with staying on his feet due to his gatling weapon being a counter-weight, Insecticon’s sword doesn’t always balance out the leg assembly and so Insecticon can sometimes topple backwards if he’s just on his brick instead of on an actual template. He’s also got some kibble in this mode, as two of his insect mode bits (the pieces that make up his insect head) have no place to go. Personally, I use the combined bits as a holder for his sword, something akin to a weapons rack.

            Insect mode is… a mess. I can get by with the fact that I replace his head with some bricks so that he can have a head like that of a Hercules Beetle, but the leg assembly is just an awkward mess as with Scorponok and Waspinator. There’s… really no salvaging it without some kitbashing.

            In that sense, I’m not sure what to rate him. He has a mostly solid robot mode that would really stand out if he just had some slightly different parts or colors, but his insect mode is largely non-functional. Hate to say it, but as much as I’m kinda fond of him I can’t rate him all that high. Rating: 6 / 10.