Takes place during the Dark Of The Moon Video Game Prequel, during and after the film Transformers: Dark Of The Moon.
3 years after Revenge Of The Fallen and 2 years after the events of 2: Family and Friends, Love And War. Phoenixfire and her father, Optimus Prime have now put the past behind them and are now getting along and on with their lives.
But will something from Optimus's past come back, threaten the entire Autobot group and break the recently reconnected bond between father and daughter?
Spoilers warning!!!
Story Notes:Warning: This story takes place both in the comic and video game prequel (which are nearly the same) and the film of Dark Of The Moon, thus a Spoilers warning must be put up.
The Prequel doesn't have any spoilers, I think, but after that maybe one or two hints of both film and game. Thus I wouldn't really advise reading beyond Prequel until DotM has been and passed or you've seen it.
Don't say I didn't warn you...
Sorry about not writing for a while, I've been very busy recently but don't worry I haven't forgotten about this fan-fic or any of my other fan-fics as well.
Note: I made a mistake in the last two chapters, I didn't realise (until I saw DotM) that the wings Optimus Prime uses in the film weren't the Jetfire wings, I've haven't corrected this because I came up with an idea. Which I wrote into this chapter.
I should say that these Earth log entries aren't proper chapters.
Spoiler warning!!!
I should say that this chapter contains infomation on the prequel videogame and so will the next five chapters in this story.
If you haven't played the videogame or at least read about it then I would advise you not to read this chapter or the next 5 chapters to follow.
For those who have played the game (or read about it) you might recognize the mission as the first level in the game.
Sorry this hasn't been updated in a long while but I had a writer's block and I just couldn't write out this chapter right. Because of that I've rewriten this chapter over 4 times before I decided to upload this final version.