Chapter 3, First Battle
(From Bumblebee's point of view)
I was on 1984's back, looking at the Decepticon army, standing before us in the distance.
I looked to my left and saw Optimus riding another creature like 1984; the difference was it was a Cybertronian Dragon, pure white with green hair and tail.
Optimus didn't even say "attack", when suddenly she took off.
"IT'S NOT ME, IT'S THIS CREATURE!!!" I shouted back.
I put my head down to her eyes and said, "What are you playing at? If we don't get back on the ground, we'll both get fired and you'll get deactivated."
She then stopped in mid-air, at first I thought she was going to turn back, but instead she used the move Flamethrower in to the sky, the attack revealed 3 Seekers which were in camouflage.
Optimus noticed this and fired at them, I could hear the Head Seeker saying, "Megatron, the element of surprise is gone!!!"
Meanwhile, over on the Decepticon side.
"WHAT!!! You fool Starscream, how is that possible!?!" Megatron shouted.
"This little yellow Transformer on this huge bird, creature, thing, did a Flamethrower attack and broke our camouflage!!"
"No matter, Decepticons CHARGE!!!"
Back with Bumblebee.
"Nice one, but how did you know?" I whispered.
She said nothing to that.
I heard Optimus give the command to attack, that was what 1984 was waiting for, she started again using Flamethrower on the Decepticon drones, killing them in the hundreds, showing her might, no not hers, our, our might as a team.
She landed on the ground in the Decepticon side of the battle, in doing so she crushed 6 drones under her claws, killing them instantly.
She did little hops, taking off then landing again, grabbing cons and ripping them apart.
I was firing my gun like as if I was trigger-happy.
She then showed off her wing-span and sounded a war-cry.
Upon hearing and seeing this, Megatron ordered a quick retreat.
When we got back to base, Optimus looked shocked, in fact I swear if he didn't have his mouth-plate, his jaw would be on the floor, he asked me, "Did you tell it to do all that?"
"In a way." I answered, looking at her, I winked at her, and she did it back.
"Let me check you two over for injures back at my medic-bay." Ratchet said.
15 minutes later.
"Nothing, you both have not got a dent on you, but how, you were in the thick of the battle..... HOW?" Wheeljack said.
"I guess Primus must be smiling down upon us, that or I'm just lucky." I said.
The bird sounded her quieter war-cry, "Sorry, I mean "we're lucky".".
She nodded her head like a bobble-head, and then yawned.
We then made our way back to my room, she made herself a nest out of her wing and I talked to her for a while.
I finished the talk with, "You did a good job today, I only said "I told you to do all that", because The Main Man wanted results."
She did a Phoenix laugh.
"It was all you, you're special, you know it, and I can see a bright future ahead."
I then noticed she had fell asleep, I turn out the lights and fell into recharge mode/sleep.