1. What is your name or nick? Blade
2. What is your E-mail address/addresses?
3. How old are you?
4. Are you female or male?
5. What is the name of your home page name and what is its URL?
I do not have a web page
6. List the Transformers fanfics have you written.
1. A Beautiful Day
2. The Decepticons vs. Barney…A Mother’s Fantasy
3. Nostalgia… Or How My Kids Turned Me Back On To The Transformers
4. Second Guesses
5. Little Girl Lost
6. Mortal Combat…Take 24
7. Origin…Alternate Ending
7. Which, of the Transformers fanfics you've written, is your favorite and why?
I am very fond of Little Girl Lost. But, A Beautiful Day is the one I am most proud of. It was the first story I wrote. Sure, there are errors but overall I feel I was able to give Armada Sideswipe an interesting backstory and created a couple of my own characters- who… well, read the story to find out (shameless plug-sorry).
8. Which is your favorite Transformers fanfic written by someone else and why?
A Chance In A Million by Raksha, A wonderful yarn about the origins of Megatron. Really gives Megatron depth. A Means of Persuasion by Meryneith, such a great story with incredible detail! Bad Crowd by Goldenrod, focuses on Armada Sideswipe - This is the story that provided me the inspiration to write A Beautiful Day. I found it to be an interesting take on a character, who for the most part, is undeveloped on the show TF Armada.
9. What influences you to write Transformers fanfic the way you do?
I really don’t have a style. It really depends on how the story plays out in my head. I think if you look at my submissions they are all different.
10. What other Transformers fanfics writers write in a similar way to you?
I’m mot really sure.
11. How much time do you usually spend writing Transformers fanfic?
Not much. You try writing with three kids screaming after you. Seriously, after the offspring are put to bed and all the housework is done. I jot down ideas or work on my story lines before I turn in.
12. What inspired you to write Transformers fanfic?
I found the web sight one night while I was at work and read Goldenrod’s story Bad Crowd. I submitted a review and mentioned an idea that popped into my head. Golden e-mailed me back and encouraged me to write a story about it. And the rest, as they say, is history.
13. What drew you to Transformers in particular?
I was a tom-boy, navy brat. My mom constantly bought me Barbie and Strawberry Shortcake dolls. I hated them. I was always drawn to my brother’s guns and Star Wars toys. When I first saw the cartoon on TV, I was fascinated. I had never seen anything like it before. And , to a kid like me; huge, talking, transforming robots were cool. I was also picked on when I was younger (no I am not bitter, honest) and to see the weaker Autobots put a fight against the stronger and meaner Decepticons, that was great to watch.
14. Who is your favorite Generation 1 or Generation 2 Transformers character (fan-created or official) and why?
I can’t pick just one. I love Ironhide. I have a soft spot for cowboys. He was always so loyal and brave. I was crushed when he was killed in the movie. I also like Jazz, when I watch the DVD’s and hear Scat-Man’s voice…nostalgia. And of course there’s Optimus and Megatron …Starscream and Soundwave is cool….I could go on forever.
15. What do you like most about the official Generation 1 and Generation 2 canon?
Two races at war with each other. Good vs. evil. 16. Who is your favorite Beast Wars character (fan-created or official) and why?
Right now it’s Rat Trap, he sassy and mouthy. But, when a problem erupts he can always be counted on.
17. What do you like about the Beast Wars canon the most?
I only have the Season One DVD’s and from what I’ve seen so far… this series goes a little deeper in to the spiritual side of the Transformers. It’s a bit more philosophical.
18. What do you like most about the Beast Machines canon? Sorry I have never seen it
19. Who is your favorite Beast Machines character (fan-created or official) and why?
20. What do you like most about the Robots in Disguise canon? Sorry, I have never seen it.
21. Who is your favorite Robots in Disguise character (fan-created or official) and why?
22. What do you like most about the Armada canon?
I like the premise of a smaller species being battled over by two warring factions. Each trying to gain the upper hand. You have they Decepticons, who blatantly want to control them for their power. Then, you have the Autobots, who proclaim they want to liberate the minicons and treat them as equals, using them to gain the upper hand in battle as well. My oldest son saw the conflict there.
23. Who is your favorite Armada character (fan-created or official) and why?
By far, Starscream! Now, I know Generation 1 Screamer would never join the Autobots- but this is not Generation 1 Starscream. They took this character and gave him depth. He’s not just the scheming , whining caricature of the evil second fiddle. I love how the character grew and in the end discovered who he was and what his purpose was. Plus, Michael Dobson did a stellar job with his voice! IMHO, Chris Latta’s torch. has been successfully passed
24. What parts of your Transformers fanfics are based on events in real life?
Not a one. They are all figments of my twisted imagination.
25. What would you like to change about the Transformers fanfics you've written?
My grammar, for one. Thank Primus for beta readers! I would love to be more descriptive. I am usually afraid of going over the top and that tends to h old me back.
26. What do you consider to be a trite or overused theme in fanfics and why?
Romance is overused. I hate seeing a perfectly good Mech come off as interface whipped. That being said….IF the character in question remains in character, then it can make for a good story. Megatron taking after Starscream in Nightbird the Aftermath is a good point. Megatron did fall in love with Nightbird, but handles it as Megatron would- he doesn’t fawn over her or turn to mush and when Screamer takes her out he reacts only as Megatron would- violently!
27. Have you had any interesting feedback as a result of your Transformers fanfics?
Any feedback is interesting. I wish more reader would comment when they hit on one of my fics. I always welcome constructive criticism. So, come on Guys and Gals…Let me know what you like and what you don’t like;-)
28. How much time do you spend online? What percentage of that time is devoted to Transformers?
According to my husband, too much. Honestly I never timed myself.
29. Which Transformers newsgroups do you use? Select any that apply.
I don't use any Transformers newsgroups-- That’s the one
30. Have you any other comments to make about Transformers fanfic?
I think for most of us “grown-up” the 30 and over crowd, this is a way to relive the fond memories of our childhood. I use to feel like an odd-ball, how many married, mother of three, Transformers fans do you know? Seeing the diversity of the writers out there is amazing! The talent of some of these young writers is outstanding! Thank you for your time.