Transformers Fanfics, Essays, Author Interviews and More...! Established 1996!

Cybertron Remixed by Iacon

Summary: It is the year 1996. After twelve years of deadlocked battle on Earth, the stagnant balance of power is suddenly upset as the earthbound Autobots return home. Shockwave has found an abundant Energon source and forged peace on his own terms. The energy shortage has ended, but the war has only just begun...
Rated: G [ - ] starstarstarstar
Category: Generation One
Characters: Cliffjumper (G1), Grimlock (G1,G2,Alt), Megatron (G1,G2,MW), Mirage (G1,G2,MW,RM), Obsidian (BM, TFU), Onslaught (G1,G2), Prowl (G1,MW), Razorclaw (G1), Springer (G1), Starscream (G1,G2,BW,MW,RM), Windcharger (G1,Alt)
Genre: Drama
Location: Library
Series: Sunbow/Mainframe TV Continuity
Chapters: 13 Completed: Yes
Words: 29467 Hits: 22780
Published: 01/09/03 Updated: 02/07/11

Story Notes: Originally known simply as "Cybertron" when first published on-line in 2001, this story has since been renamed "Cybertron Remixed" to differentiate from "Transformers: Cybertron" (2005), which is a largely unrelated television show.

1. Chapter One: Homecoming by Iacon [ - ] (922 words)

2. Chapter Two: Deceit by Iacon [ - ] (2469 words)

3. Chapter Three: Conquest by Iacon [ - ] (1147 words)

4. Chapter Four: Pursuit by Iacon [ - ] (1562 words)

5. Chapter Five: Blitzkrieg by Iacon [ - ] (2540 words)

6. Chapter Six: Turmoil by Iacon [ - ] (2452 words)

7. Chapter Seven: Folly by Iacon [ - ] (3617 words)

8. Chapter Eight: Vengeance by Iacon [ - ] (2887 words)

9. Chapter Nine: Futility by Iacon [ - ] (3611 words)

10. Chapter Ten: Chivalry by Iacon [ - ] (2452 words)

11. Chapter Eleven: Revelation by Iacon [ - ] (3275 words)

12. Chapter Twelve: War by Iacon [ - ] (2305 words)
"The Reckless Abandoned" begins concurrently with Chapter Twelve of this story
13. Epilogue by Iacon [ - ] (228 words)