Dragon's Tech Specs by Rob_Jung
Summary: Tech specs of the restrained Autobot introduced in Absolution.
Categories: Generation One Characters: Prowl (G1,MW)
Genre: Tech Spec
Location: Library
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 141 Read: 938 Published: 30/04/08 Updated: 30/04/08

1. Dragon's Tech Specs by Rob_Jung

Dragon's Tech Specs by Rob_Jung

Dragon can be found in the fanfics "Absolution" and "One Last Dance".

Dragon was modelled on my own car; the name comes from a bumper sticker on the back.

* * *

Name: Dragon
Function: Combat Instructor
Group: Autobot

Motto: "The way of war is the way to peace."

Would be one of the deadliest Autobots ever made if it weren't for his restraint. Believes peace is best achieved through mastery of the combat arts, to better disarm and disable opponents quickly. Knows a thousand fighting styles and always learning or inventing more. Quiet and somber. Prefers hand-to-hand combat; thinks weapons are cowardly and impersonal. Double-barreled plasma rifle unfolds into a battle lance and separates to a pair of nunchaks.

Strength: 8 Intelligence: 6 Speed: 8 Endurance: 7 Rank: 6 Courage: 9 Firepower: 8 Skill: 10

The End

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