Physical Description Of Soundwave by Raksha
Summary: Soundwave has been portrayed in many ways, but this description is Raksha's favourite.
Categories: Generation One Characters: None
Genre: Tech Spec
Location: Library
Series: Tribute to Soundwave
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 149 Read: 1137 Published: 30/04/08 Updated: 30/04/08

1. Physical Description Of Soundwave by Raksha

Physical Description Of Soundwave by Raksha

In robot mode, Soundwave is a large, powerful Decepticon in indigo armor, built in a blocky utilitarian style that sets him apart from the more rounded designs of later generations. A sizeable trapdoor in his chest bears the Decepticon emblem in its center, and is rimmed in a bright yellow ribbon of color. His single, deep-red eyeband and silver facemask, along with the deep, reverberating monotone of his voice, often seem to make him almost expressionless. However, those who pay close attention will note that his optic band changes shade slightly according to his emotions (he can "smile" by brightening his optics, for instance), and his presence generally manages to convey a sense of quiet competence and utter composure. In transformation he folds down into a rectangular blue-and-silver tape recorder, which can additionally compact itself into a much smaller size and mass than that of the robot mode.

The End

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