Sunbow/Mainframe TV Continuity by
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Summary: Stories set completely in continuity with the overall saga of "The Transformers", "Transformers: The Movie", "Transformers: Beast Wars" and "Transformers: Beast Machines", telling the tales that happened in between what we saw on the television and/or silver screen.
Categories: Beast Machines,
Generation One,
Beast Wars
Characters: None
Genre: None
Location: Library
Parent Series: None
Stories: 5
Series Type: Closed
Rated: G •

Summary: It is the year 1996. After twelve years of deadlocked battle on Earth, the stagnant balance of power is suddenly upset as the earthbound Autobots return home. Shockwave has found an abundant Energon source and forged peace on his own terms. The energy shortage has ended, but the war has only just begun...
Categories: Generation One
Characters: Cliffjumper (G1),
Grimlock (G1,G2,Alt),
Megatron (G1,G2,MW),
Mirage (G1,G2,MW,RM),
Obsidian (BM, TFU),
Onslaught (G1,G2),
Prowl (G1,MW),
Razorclaw (G1),
Springer (G1),
Starscream (G1,G2,BW,MW,RM),
Windcharger (G1,Alt)
Genre: DramaLocation: Library
Series: Sunbow/Mainframe TV Continuity
Chapters: 13 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 29467 |
Hits: 22782 |
Published: 01/09/03 |
Updated: 02/07/11
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Rated: G •

Summary: It is the year 1997. The war is in a state virtually unprecedented throughout all of the millions of years of combat. The Decepticons have won, and stand ready to inherit the dominion that Megatron has been promising his troops from the beginning. The Autobots retreat to Earth, despondant in the face of genocide and enslavement, finding hope only in a most unseemly ally...
Categories: Generation One
Characters: Blast Off (G1,G2),
Breakdown (G1,G2),
Hound (G1,Alt),
Ironhide (G1,G2,Transformers Movie 2007),
Kickback (G1),
Kup (G1),
Octane (G1),
Optimus Prime (G1,G2,MW,RM,TFU, Transformers Movie 2007),
Silverbolt (G1,G2),
Smokescreen (G1,Alt),
Streetwise (G1),
Thundercracker (G1,MW),
Ultra Magnus (G1,TFU),
Whirl (G1)
Genre: DramaLocation: Library
Series: Sunbow/Mainframe TV Continuity
Chapters: 16 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 72039 |
Hits: 20663 |
Published: 19/02/04 |
Updated: 27/07/11
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