Sideswipe (G1,G2,Alt,TFU)
Rated: G •
Summary: This is an updated version of my original fan-fic that I took down due to it no longer fitting in with the 07 Movie/RotF/DotM story. This is a prequel to 1: Mind of a Leader and takes place in the comics Foundation, Defiance and 07 Movie prequel.
Not long after the Allspark was found, Optimus and Ariel are married and expecting Sparklings, but with Sentinel Prime retiring as Leader and Megatron's growing jealously. Which is more important to Optimus? Duty or family?
Categories: Origins,
Transformers: Dark Of The Moon,
Transformers 2007 Movie,
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Movie
Characters: Arcee (G1,TFU),
Ariel Pax,
Bumblebee (G1,G2) - aka Goldbug,
Draco Prime,
Ironhide (G1,G2,Transformers Movie 2007),
Jazz (G1,G2),
Megatron (G1,G2,MW),
Optimus Prime (G1,G2,MW,RM,TFU, Transformers Movie 2007),
Perceptor (Armada,Energon),
Phoenixfire Prime,
Prowl (G1,MW),
Sideswipe (G1,G2,Alt,TFU),
Skywarp (G1,MW),
Soundwave (G1,G2),
Starscream (G1,G2,BW,MW,RM),
Thundercracker (G1,MW),
Ultra Magnus (G1,TFU),
Wheeljack (G1, Alt),
Genre: Drama,
Romance and AdventureLocation: Library
Series: My Movie Series
Chapters: 6 |
Completed: No |
Words: 8676 |
Hits: 6141 |
Published: 07/09/11 |
Updated: 08/02/12
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Rated: G •

Summary: During the third cybertronian war, a young drone and a little yellow transformer will form a bond that can never be broken.
Most of this story is told from Bumblebee's point of view.
This is based on the War for Cybertron game out now!!
Categories: Generation One,
War For Cybertron Game
Characters: Alpha Trion aka A3 (G1/TFU),
Bumblebee (G1,G2) - aka Goldbug,
Cliffjumper (G1),
Draco Prime,
Elita One (G1),
Ironhide (G1,G2,Transformers Movie 2007),
Jazz (G1,G2),
Kup (G1),
Megatron (G1,G2,MW),
Omega Supreme (G1),
Optimus Prime (G1,G2,MW,RM,TFU, Transformers Movie 2007),
Perceptor (G1),
Phoenixfire Prime,
Prowl (G1,MW),
Ratchet (G1),
Sideswipe (G1,G2,Alt,TFU),
Starscream (G1,G2,BW,MW,RM),
Sunstreaker (G1,TFU),
Trypticon (G1),
Ultra Magnus (G1,TFU),
Wheeljack (G1, Alt)
Genre: DramaLocation: Library
Series: My War for Cybertron/G1/Japanese G1 series
Chapters: 12 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 8865 |
Hits: 27016 |
Published: 22/01/10 |
Updated: 20/03/10
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Rated: G •
Summary: This story takes place in between 07 Movie and RotF, but before NEST. It's a year after 07 movie, the Autobots are living happily among humans, all but one. Optimus is troubled by the thought that the Decepticons will come back. Hope he's wrong...
UPDATED VERSION 2.00: 21st of June 2011: Cleaned the story up a little using Mircosoft Office Word.
Categories: Transformers 2007 Movie
Characters: Arcee (G1,TFU),
Bumblebee (G1,G2) - aka Goldbug,
Draco Prime,
Ironhide (G1,G2,Transformers Movie 2007),
Optimus Prime (G1,G2,MW,RM,TFU, Transformers Movie 2007),
Phoenixfire Prime,
Ravage (G1,BW,BT),
Sideswipe (G1,G2,Alt,TFU),
Soundwave (G1,G2),
Starscream (G1,G2,BW,MW,RM)
Genre: Comedy,
DramaLocation: Library
Series: My Movie Series
Chapters: 17 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 11538 |
Hits: 22279 |
Published: 24/12/09 |
Updated: 25/12/09
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Rated: G •
Summary: This is the sequel to Mind of a Leader. This story takes place between Revenge Of The Fallen and The Dark of the Moon. 6 months after RotF, Optimus is healing after what happened, the Autobots aren't in hiding anymore and Megatron and Starscream is nowhere to be seen.
I would like to give my thanks to Dark Primus and my dad for many of the ideas in this story.
UPDATED VERSION 2.00: 27th of September 2011: Cleaned the story up a little using Mircosoft Office Word, also some of the original plot has changed.
Categories: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Movie
Characters: Blackfire,
Bumblebee (G1,G2) - aka Goldbug,
Draco Prime,
Ironhide (G1,G2,Transformers Movie 2007),
Megatron (G1,G2,MW),
Optimus Prime (G1,G2,MW,RM,TFU, Transformers Movie 2007),
Phoenixfire Prime,
Sideswipe (G1,G2,Alt,TFU),
Soundwave (G1,G2),
Starscream (G1,G2,BW,MW,RM),
Genre: Drama,
Romance and AdventureLocation: Library
Series: My Movie Series
Chapters: 23 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 22660 |
Hits: 20871 |
Published: 25/12/09 |
Updated: 10/06/10
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Rated: G •
Summary: Takes place during the Dark Of The Moon Video Game Prequel, during and after the film Transformers: Dark Of The Moon.
3 years after Revenge Of The Fallen and 2 years after the events of 2: Family and Friends, Love And War. Phoenixfire and her father, Optimus Prime have now put the past behind them and are now getting along and on with their lives.
But will something from Optimus's past come back, threaten the entire Autobot group and break the recently reconnected bond between father and daughter?
Spoilers warning!!!
Categories: Transformers: Dark Of The Moon
Characters: Blackfire,
Bumblebee (G1,G2) - aka Goldbug,
Draco Prime,
Ironhide (G1,G2,Transformers Movie 2007),
Megatron (G1,G2,MW),
Mirage (G1,G2,MW,RM),
Optimus Prime (G1,G2,MW,RM,TFU, Transformers Movie 2007),
Phoenixfire Prime,
Sideswipe (G1,G2,Alt,TFU),
Soundwave (G1,G2),
Starscream (G1,G2,BW,MW,RM),
Ultra Magnus (G1,TFU),
Wheeljack (G1, Alt),
Genre: Drama,
Romance and AdventureLocation: Library
Series: My Movie Series
Chapters: 9 |
Completed: No |
Words: 12133 |
Hits: 14462 |
Published: 03/06/11 |
Updated: 03/05/12
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Rated: G •
Summary: Set after 3: Separating of Paths and 3 & 1/2: The Creed Chronicles between 1987 and 1990 on both Earth and Cybertron, set after season/series 2.
2 years after the Autobots and the Decepticons woke up on Earth, Optimus Prime wonders about the fate of The Creed Of The Phoenix And The Dragon and his two children Phoenixfire and Draco. But with sightings turning up here and there on Cybertron of the Creed members, will the Female, Male and Creed Autobots reunite?
Categories: Generation One
Characters: Arcee (G1,TFU),
Astrotrain (G1),
Beachcomber (G1,G2),
Blaster (G1),
Bluestreak (G1),
Bumblebee (G1,G2) - aka Goldbug,
Carly Witwicky (G1),
Chromia (G1),
Cliffjumper (G1),
Cosmos (G1),
Eject (G1),
Elita One (G1),
Firestar (G1),
First Aid (G1),
Frenzy (G1,G2),
Gears (G1),
Griffin Prime,
Grimlock (G1,G2,Alt),
Hoist (G1,MW),
Hound (G1,Alt),
Inferno (G1,G2),
Ironhide (G1,G2,Transformers Movie 2007),
Jazz (G1,G2),
Jetfire (G1,G2),
Laserbeak (G1),
Megatron (G1,G2,MW),
Mirage (G1,G2,MW,RM),
Moonracer (G1),
Optimus Prime (G1,G2,MW,RM,TFU, Transformers Movie 2007),
Perceptor (G1),
Phoenixfire Prime,
Prowl (G1,MW),
Ratchet (G1),
Ravage (G1,BW,BT),
Roller (G1,G2),
Scoop (G1),
Seaspray (G1,G2),
Shockwave (G1),
Sideswipe (G1,G2,Alt,TFU),
Soundwave (G1,G2),
Sparkplug Witwicky (G1),
Spike Witwicky (G1),
Starscream (G1,G2,BW,MW,RM),
Steeljaw (G1),
Sunstreaker (G1,TFU),
Warpath (G1),
Wheeljack (G1, Alt),
Genre: DramaLocation: Library
Series: My War for Cybertron/G1/Japanese G1 series
Chapters: 2 |
Completed: No |
Words: 2084 |
Hits: 1513 |
Published: 03/06/11 |
Updated: 22/06/11
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Rated: G •
Summary: They left a long time ago. Now they are returning to a different Earth. They just don't know it yet.
Categories: Generation One
Characters: 'At'prafen Pax,
Elita One (G1),
Hot Rod (G1),
Ironhide (G1,G2,Transformers Movie 2007),
Jazz (G1,G2),
Megatron (G1,G2,MW),
Optimus Prime (G1,G2,MW,RM,TFU, Transformers Movie 2007),
Prowl (G1,MW),
Sideswipe (G1,G2,Alt,TFU),
Ultra Magnus (G1,TFU)
Genre: DramaLocation: Library
Series: fania
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 4409 |
Hits: 1167 |
Published: 10/08/09 |
Updated: 14/08/09
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Rated: G •

Summary: A day in the life of the Autobot Sideswpie. Hey a bot has to have a little fun every once in a while right? Even if it is...playing a practical joke on Optimus Prime!!
Categories: Generation One
Characters: Sideswipe (G1,G2,Alt,TFU),
Genre: ComedyLocation: Library
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 441 |
Hits: 924 |
Published: 22/10/05 |
Updated: 22/10/05
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Rated: G •
Summary: A certain teen girl has fallen for someone not of her race, and by Prime's orders, the one who she fell for was never allowed to cross that point. The aftermath of the accident.
Categories: Transformers 2007 Movie
Characters: Mikaela,
Sideswipe (G1,G2,Alt,TFU)
Genre: None
Location: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: No |
Words: 1704 |
Hits: 785 |
Published: 21/01/09 |
Updated: 22/01/09
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Rated: G •
Summary: One of the better Gobot moulds, but Sideswipe is the worst toy to use this mould. The colours in robot mode are terrible and the scheme just isn't Sideswipe. The car mode is actually quite nice, but I'd still recommend against this toy.
Categories: Generation Two
Characters: Sideswipe (G1,G2,Alt,TFU)
Genre: Toy ReviewLocation: Library
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 545 |
Hits: 605 |
Published: 26/12/03 |
Updated: 26/12/03
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Rated: G •

Summary: Information about the character introduced in Transitions.
Categories: Generation Two
Characters: Bluestreak (G1),
Inferno (G1,G2),
Mirage (G1,G2,MW,RM),
Prowl (G1,MW),
Sideswipe (G1,G2,Alt,TFU),
Sunstreaker (G1,TFU)
Genre: Tech SpecLocation: Library
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 125 |
Hits: 1139 |
Published: 27/12/00 |
Updated: 27/12/00
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Rated: G •
Summary: When it comes to drinking High Grade Energon, Prowl is one Cybertronian who doesn’t drink it in great quantities. The Twins, Sunstreaker and Sideswipe, found out the hard why the SIC don’t drink too much of it.
Categories: Generation One
Characters: Jazz (G1,G2),
Prowl (G1,MW),
Sideswipe (G1,G2,Alt,TFU),
Sunstreaker (G1,TFU)
Genre: ComedyLocation: Library
Series: None
Chapters: 3 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 5327 |
Hits: 4287 |
Published: 21/10/09 |
Updated: 22/10/09
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Rated: G •
Summary: First in the Full Ark series. A war amoung humans is now raging. Keith brings his sister to the Autobots in hopes that she'll be safe.
Categories: Generation One
Characters: Cliffjumper (G1),
Hound (G1,Alt),
Jazz (G1,G2),
Mirage (G1,G2,MW,RM),
Optimus Prime (G1,G2,MW,RM,TFU, Transformers Movie 2007),
Perceptor (G1),
Prowl (G1,MW),
Ratchet (G1),
Sideswipe (G1,G2,Alt,TFU),
Sunstreaker (G1,TFU),
Wheeljack (G1, Alt)
Genre: OtherLocation: Library
Series: Full Ark
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 7542 |
Hits: 539 |
Published: 04/01/10 |
Updated: 09/01/10
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Rated: Adult •
Summary: Prequel to Predicament: In which, Carly Spencer and Alicean Witwicky are invited to lunch with New York socialite Astoria Cartlon-Ritz, and Alicean is drawn into one of Astoria's crazy plans to discover if Cybertronians have the toys that keep the ladies up all night. Or rather, that one time Alicean betrayed the Autobots for silly reasons.
Categories: Generation One
Characters: Carly Witwicky (G1),
Sideswipe (G1,G2,Alt,TFU),
Sunstreaker (G1,TFU)
Genre: ComedyLocation: Library
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: No |
Words: 17549 |
Hits: 219 |
Published: 22/07/22 |
Updated: 02/09/22
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Rated: G •
Summary: Heroic Decepticons. One-shot. Three seekers walk into a bar... but not all is as it seems. Supernatural/spiritual themes.
Categories: Generation One
Characters: Bluestreak (G1),
Brawn (G1),
Chromedome (G1),
Drift (G1),
Hoist (G1,MW),
Hound (G1,Alt),
Octane (G1),
Sideswipe (G1,G2,Alt,TFU),
Skyfire (G1),
Skywarp (G1,MW),
Smokescreen (G1,Alt),
Starscream (G1,G2,BW,MW,RM),
Sunstreaker (G1,TFU),
Thundercracker (G1,MW),
Whirl (G1)
Genre: OtherLocation: Library
Series: None
Chapters: 2 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 21831 |
Hits: 1083 |
Published: 09/08/18 |
Updated: 19/08/18
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Rated: G •

Summary: Smokescreen probably never meant to tell Mirage that, but it slipped out. To Sideswipe's surprise it bothers Sunstreaker. Written for a challenge by Starhorse.
Categories: Generation One
Characters: Mirage (G1,G2,MW,RM),
Sideswipe (G1,G2,Alt,TFU),
Smokescreen (G1,Alt),
Sunstreaker (G1,TFU)
Genre: DramaLocation: Library
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 1009 |
Hits: 1549 |
Published: 16/04/04 |
Updated: 13/08/04
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Rated: G •
Summary: Continuation of the Prisoner of Destiny series, takes place after Legacy of the Last Headhunter. Some Decepticons and Autobots find trouble in the form of Magic.
Categories: Generation One
Characters: Astrotrain (G1),
Beachcomber (G1,G2),
Blaster (G1),
Blitzwing (G1),
Bonecrusher (G1,G2),
Brawn (G1),
Bumblebee (G1,G2) - aka Goldbug,
Buzzsaw (G1),
Cliffjumper (G1),
Devastator (G1,G2,TFU),
Dirge (G1),
Frenzy (G1,G2),
Gears (G1),
Grapple (G1),
Hoist (G1,MW),
Hook (G1,G2),
Hound (G1,Alt),
Huffer (G1),
Inferno (G1,G2),
Ironhide (G1,G2,Transformers Movie 2007),
Jazz (G1,G2),
Laserbeak (G1),
Long Haul (G1,G2),
Megatron (G1,G2,MW),
Mirage (G1,G2,MW,RM),
Optimus Prime (G1,G2,MW,RM,TFU, Transformers Movie 2007),
Perceptor (G1),
Powerglide (G1),
Prowl (G1,MW),
Ramjet (G1,G2),
Ratchet (G1),
Ravage (G1,BW,BT),
Red Alert (G1),
Reflector (G1),
Rumble (G1),
Scavenger (G1,G2),
Scrapper (G1,G2),
Seaspray (G1,G2),
Sideswipe (G1,G2,Alt,TFU),
Skywarp (G1,MW),
Smokescreen (G1,Alt),
Soundwave (G1,G2),
Sparkplug Witwicky (G1),
Spike Witwicky (G1),
Starscream (G1,G2,BW,MW,RM),
Sunstreaker (G1,TFU),
Thundercracker (G1,MW),
Tracks (G1,Alt),
Trailbreaker (G1),
Warpath (G1),
Wheeljack (G1, Alt),
Windcharger (G1,Alt)
Genre: DramaLocation: Library
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: No |
Words: 12834 |
Hits: 287 |
Published: 26/02/17 |
Updated: 01/03/17
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Rated: G •

Summary: Prowl, favored son of the city of Vos, strategist and thinker, spins out the thin wires of his life in patriotic furore for his beloved home-- a paradise city where Decepticons and Autobots alike spend their days in peace, prosperity, egalitarianism... and complete ignorance of the lies and hypocrisy that prop up the city and its tyrannical leaders. Caught up in the events that give rise to the great conflict that will tear all of Cybertron apart, Prowl's conscience demands he perform the unconscionable for the sake of a friend who is an enemy, for a lie that becomes the truth, and for the very salvation of a new Autobot empire facing the doom of global civil war.
Categories: Generation One
Characters: Bluestreak (G1),
Brawl (G1,G2),
Hound (G1,Alt),
Huffer (G1),
Ironhide (G1,G2,Transformers Movie 2007),
Jazz (G1,G2),
Megatron (G1,G2,MW),
Mirage (G1,G2,MW,RM),
Onslaught (G1,G2),
Optimus Prime (G1,G2,MW,RM,TFU, Transformers Movie 2007),
Prowl (G1,MW),
Ratchet (G1),
Razorclaw (G1),
Red Alert (G1),
Sideswipe (G1,G2,Alt,TFU),
Soundwave (G1,G2),
Starscream (G1,G2,BW,MW,RM),
Sunstreaker (G1,TFU),
Swindle (G1,G2),
Ultra Magnus (G1,TFU),
Vortex (G1,G2),
Warpath (G1),
Wheeljack (G1, Alt)
Genre: DramaLocation: Library
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 79177 |
Hits: 19825 |
Published: 14/01/04 |
Updated: 15/08/04
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Rated: G •

Summary: This was commmissioned by Merytneith, to go with her excellent "
Means of Persuasion" fanfic.
Categories: Generation One
Characters: Bluestreak (G1),
Inferno (G1,G2),
Mirage (G1,G2,MW,RM),
Prowl (G1,MW),
Sideswipe (G1,G2,Alt,TFU),
Sunstreaker (G1,TFU)
Genre: Colour IllustrationLocation: Gallery
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 0 |
Hits: 959 |
Published: 22/10/04 |
Updated: 30/04/08
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Rated: G •
Summary: Two months after Birds of a Feather. Phoenixfire falls ill and heads down to Ratchet's medic ward, much to Bumblebee's worry. But it's no illness, infact it will change they're lives again forever!
Part 2 of 2, the first book is Birds of a Feather.
Part of Dark Primus's Children of Prime series.
Categories: Transformers 2007 Movie,
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Movie
Characters: Blackfire,
Bumblebee (G1,G2) - aka Goldbug,
Ironhide (G1,G2,Transformers Movie 2007),
Optimus Prime (G1,G2,MW,RM,TFU, Transformers Movie 2007),
Perceptor (Armada,Energon),
Phoenixfire Prime,
Prowl (G1,MW),
Sideswipe (G1,G2,Alt,TFU),
Wheeljack (G1, Alt),
Genre: Drama,
Romance and AdventureLocation: Library
Series: Children Of Prime
Chapters: 9 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 7619 |
Hits: 7134 |
Published: 31/01/11 |
Updated: 16/02/11
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Rated: G •

Summary: Sam and Mikaela are getting closer to their graduation and to each other. Their tranquility is shattered when old enemies with new faces appear on a mission for vengeance and conquest. S/M/BB, IH/Chromia
(I consolidated every thing into one story. Sorry to all those whose reviews I deleted. I just could not stand having my story hanging everywhere.)
Categories: Transformers 2007 Movie
Characters: Eloise (Ellie) Murdock,
Ironhide (G1,G2,Transformers Movie 2007),
Jazz (G1,G2),
Optimus Prime (G1,G2,MW,RM,TFU, Transformers Movie 2007),
Prowl (G1,MW),
Sideswipe (G1,G2,Alt,TFU),
Skywarp (G1,MW),
Soundwave (G1,G2),
Starscream (G1,G2,BW,MW,RM),
Sunstreaker (G1,TFU)
Genre: Romance and AdventureLocation: Library
Series: None
Chapters: 18 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 51462 |
Hits: 29583 |
Published: 30/04/08 |
Updated: 22/04/09
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