Cliffjumper (G1)
Rated: G •
Summary: During the third cybertronian war, a young drone and a little yellow transformer will form a bond that can never be broken.
Most of this story is told from Bumblebee's point of view.
This is based on the War for Cybertron game out now!!
Categories: Generation One,
War For Cybertron Game
Characters: Alpha Trion aka A3 (G1/TFU),
Bumblebee (G1,G2) - aka Goldbug,
Cliffjumper (G1),
Draco Prime,
Elita One (G1),
Ironhide (G1,G2,Transformers Movie 2007),
Jazz (G1,G2),
Kup (G1),
Megatron (G1,G2,MW),
Omega Supreme (G1),
Optimus Prime (G1,G2,MW,RM,TFU, Transformers Movie 2007),
Perceptor (G1),
Phoenixfire Prime,
Prowl (G1,MW),
Ratchet (G1),
Sideswipe (G1,G2,Alt,TFU),
Starscream (G1,G2,BW,MW,RM),
Sunstreaker (G1,TFU),
Trypticon (G1),
Ultra Magnus (G1,TFU),
Wheeljack (G1, Alt)
Genre: DramaLocation: Library
Series: My War for Cybertron/G1/Japanese G1 series
Chapters: 12 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 8865 |
Hits: 26765 |
Published: 22/01/10 |
Updated: 20/03/10
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Rated: G •
Summary: Set after 3: Separating of Paths and 3 & 1/2: The Creed Chronicles between 1987 and 1990 on both Earth and Cybertron, set after season/series 2.
2 years after the Autobots and the Decepticons woke up on Earth, Optimus Prime wonders about the fate of The Creed Of The Phoenix And The Dragon and his two children Phoenixfire and Draco. But with sightings turning up here and there on Cybertron of the Creed members, will the Female, Male and Creed Autobots reunite?
Categories: Generation One
Characters: Arcee (G1,TFU),
Astrotrain (G1),
Beachcomber (G1,G2),
Blaster (G1),
Bluestreak (G1),
Bumblebee (G1,G2) - aka Goldbug,
Carly Witwicky (G1),
Chromia (G1),
Cliffjumper (G1),
Cosmos (G1),
Eject (G1),
Elita One (G1),
Firestar (G1),
First Aid (G1),
Frenzy (G1,G2),
Gears (G1),
Griffin Prime,
Grimlock (G1,G2,Alt),
Hoist (G1,MW),
Hound (G1,Alt),
Inferno (G1,G2),
Ironhide (G1,G2,Transformers Movie 2007),
Jazz (G1,G2),
Jetfire (G1,G2),
Laserbeak (G1),
Megatron (G1,G2,MW),
Mirage (G1,G2,MW,RM),
Moonracer (G1),
Optimus Prime (G1,G2,MW,RM,TFU, Transformers Movie 2007),
Perceptor (G1),
Phoenixfire Prime,
Prowl (G1,MW),
Ratchet (G1),
Ravage (G1,BW,BT),
Roller (G1,G2),
Scoop (G1),
Seaspray (G1,G2),
Shockwave (G1),
Sideswipe (G1,G2,Alt,TFU),
Soundwave (G1,G2),
Sparkplug Witwicky (G1),
Spike Witwicky (G1),
Starscream (G1,G2,BW,MW,RM),
Steeljaw (G1),
Sunstreaker (G1,TFU),
Warpath (G1),
Wheeljack (G1, Alt),
Genre: DramaLocation: Library
Series: My War for Cybertron/G1/Japanese G1 series
Chapters: 2 |
Completed: No |
Words: 2084 |
Hits: 1511 |
Published: 03/06/11 |
Updated: 22/06/11
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Rated: G •
Summary: If you like the Minicars as I do, then I'd suggest you'll like Cliffjumper. A cute car mode, a well done robot mode and good colour scheme (ok, schemes) all make him worthwhile to a G1 collector.
Categories: Generation One
Characters: Cliffjumper (G1)
Genre: Toy ReviewLocation: Library
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 504 |
Hits: 571 |
Published: 28/05/03 |
Updated: 28/05/03
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Rated: G •
Summary: It is the year 1996. After twelve years of deadlocked battle on Earth, the stagnant balance of power is suddenly upset as the earthbound Autobots return home. Shockwave has found an abundant Energon source and forged peace on his own terms. The energy shortage has ended, but the war has only just begun...
Categories: Generation One
Characters: Cliffjumper (G1),
Grimlock (G1,G2,Alt),
Megatron (G1,G2,MW),
Mirage (G1,G2,MW,RM),
Obsidian (BM, TFU),
Onslaught (G1,G2),
Prowl (G1,MW),
Razorclaw (G1),
Springer (G1),
Starscream (G1,G2,BW,MW,RM),
Windcharger (G1,Alt)
Genre: DramaLocation: Library
Series: Sunbow/Mainframe TV Continuity
Chapters: 13 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 29467 |
Hits: 22480 |
Published: 01/09/03 |
Updated: 02/07/11
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Rated: Adult •
Summary: Heroic Decepticons AU. One-shot. The Autobots are called upon to guard Dr Fujiyama's latest invention, but the Decepticons have plans of their own. Warning: not safe for family viewing!
Categories: Generation One
Characters: Blitzwing (G1),
Bluestreak (G1),
Bombshell (G1),
Brawn (G1),
Bumblebee (G1,G2) - aka Goldbug,
Carly Witwicky (G1),
Cliffjumper (G1),
Daniel Witwicky (G1),
Hound (G1,Alt),
Ironhide (G1,G2,Transformers Movie 2007),
Jazz (G1,G2),
Megatron (G1,G2,MW),
Mirage (G1,G2,MW,RM),
Optimus Prime (G1,G2,MW,RM,TFU, Transformers Movie 2007),
Prowl (G1,MW),
Ratchet (G1),
Rumble (G1),
Skywarp (G1,MW),
Soundwave (G1,G2),
Spike Witwicky (G1),
Starscream (G1,G2,BW,MW,RM),
Thundercracker (G1,MW),
Trailbreaker (G1),
Wheeljack (G1, Alt)
Genre: ComedyLocation: Library
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 8319 |
Hits: 362 |
Published: 22/11/18 |
Updated: 24/11/18
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Rated: G •
Summary: While Optimus Prime is away, the mice will play! The remaining Autobots on the Ark hatch a plan that will change everything.
Categories: Generation One
Characters: Cliffjumper (G1)
Genre: DramaLocation: Gallery
Series: The Lost Adventures
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 803 |
Hits: 506 |
Published: 05/08/11 |
Updated: 06/08/11
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Rated: G •
Summary: First in the Full Ark series. A war amoung humans is now raging. Keith brings his sister to the Autobots in hopes that she'll be safe.
Categories: Generation One
Characters: Cliffjumper (G1),
Hound (G1,Alt),
Jazz (G1,G2),
Mirage (G1,G2,MW,RM),
Optimus Prime (G1,G2,MW,RM,TFU, Transformers Movie 2007),
Perceptor (G1),
Prowl (G1,MW),
Ratchet (G1),
Sideswipe (G1,G2,Alt,TFU),
Sunstreaker (G1,TFU),
Wheeljack (G1, Alt)
Genre: OtherLocation: Library
Series: Full Ark
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 7542 |
Hits: 539 |
Published: 04/01/10 |
Updated: 09/01/10
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Rated: G •
Summary: The backstory of Bumblejumper. Be warned: More than a bit dark.
Categories: Generation One
Characters: Bumblebee (G1,G2) - aka Goldbug,
Bumblejumper (G1) – aka Bumper,
Cliffjumper (G1),
Laserbeak (G1),
Optimus Prime (G1,G2,MW,RM,TFU, Transformers Movie 2007),
Rumble (G1),
Soundwave (G1,G2)
Genre: DramaLocation: Library
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 2820 |
Hits: 699 |
Published: 11/01/06 |
Updated: 07/09/06
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Rated: G •
Summary: Continuation of the Prisoner of Destiny series, takes place after Legacy of the Last Headhunter. Some Decepticons and Autobots find trouble in the form of Magic.
Categories: Generation One
Characters: Astrotrain (G1),
Beachcomber (G1,G2),
Blaster (G1),
Blitzwing (G1),
Bonecrusher (G1,G2),
Brawn (G1),
Bumblebee (G1,G2) - aka Goldbug,
Buzzsaw (G1),
Cliffjumper (G1),
Devastator (G1,G2,TFU),
Dirge (G1),
Frenzy (G1,G2),
Gears (G1),
Grapple (G1),
Hoist (G1,MW),
Hook (G1,G2),
Hound (G1,Alt),
Huffer (G1),
Inferno (G1,G2),
Ironhide (G1,G2,Transformers Movie 2007),
Jazz (G1,G2),
Laserbeak (G1),
Long Haul (G1,G2),
Megatron (G1,G2,MW),
Mirage (G1,G2,MW,RM),
Optimus Prime (G1,G2,MW,RM,TFU, Transformers Movie 2007),
Perceptor (G1),
Powerglide (G1),
Prowl (G1,MW),
Ramjet (G1,G2),
Ratchet (G1),
Ravage (G1,BW,BT),
Red Alert (G1),
Reflector (G1),
Rumble (G1),
Scavenger (G1,G2),
Scrapper (G1,G2),
Seaspray (G1,G2),
Sideswipe (G1,G2,Alt,TFU),
Skywarp (G1,MW),
Smokescreen (G1,Alt),
Soundwave (G1,G2),
Sparkplug Witwicky (G1),
Spike Witwicky (G1),
Starscream (G1,G2,BW,MW,RM),
Sunstreaker (G1,TFU),
Thundercracker (G1,MW),
Tracks (G1,Alt),
Trailbreaker (G1),
Warpath (G1),
Wheeljack (G1, Alt),
Windcharger (G1,Alt)
Genre: DramaLocation: Library
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: No |
Words: 12834 |
Hits: 280 |
Published: 26/02/17 |
Updated: 01/03/17
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Rated: G •
Summary: Heroic Decepticons AU. One-shot. What happens when a puppy is discovered running loose inside the Decepticon Base? A little bit of mayhem, and a lot of puppy love! :D
Categories: Generation One
Characters: Blitzwing (G1),
Bluestreak (G1),
Cliffjumper (G1),
Frenzy (G1,G2),
Hook (G1,G2),
Laserbeak (G1),
Long Haul (G1,G2),
Megatron (G1,G2,MW),
Mixmaster (G1,G2),
Ratchet (G1),
Ravage (G1,BW,BT),
Rumble (G1),
Scavenger (G1,G2),
Scrapper (G1,G2),
Shockwave (G1),
Skywarp (G1,MW),
Soundwave (G1,G2),
Starscream (G1,G2,BW,MW,RM),
Thundercracker (G1,MW)
Genre: None
Location: Library
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 5692 |
Hits: 536 |
Published: 09/12/16 |
Updated: 10/12/16
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Rated: Adult •
Summary: When Optimus Prime faces termination on the battlefield, Phage makes a desperate gamble to turn the table on the Decepticons. Her plans go awry when she's taken hostage by Megatron, who believes she has the Matrix. Despite Decepticon concepts of hospitatiy, Phage rejects to the claim that she has the sacred relic. What she does have and will not say, is Optimus Prime's spark.
Categories: Generation One
Characters: Bluestreak (G1),
Bumblebee (G1,G2) - aka Goldbug,
Cliffjumper (G1),
Elita One (G1),
Frenzy (G1,G2),
Grimlock (G1,G2,Alt),
Hook (G1,G2),
Huffer (G1),
Ironhide (G1,G2,Transformers Movie 2007),
Jazz (G1,G2),
Jetfire (G1,G2),
Megatron (G1,G2,MW),
Optimus Prime (G1,G2,MW,RM,TFU, Transformers Movie 2007),
Prowl (G1,MW),
Ratchet (G1),
Roller (G1,G2),
Rumble (G1),
Shrapnel (G1),
Sideswipe (G1,G2,Alt,TFU),
Skywarp (G1,MW),
Soundwave (G1,G2),
Sparkplug Witwicky (G1),
Spike Witwicky (G1),
Sunstreaker (G1,TFU),
Thundercracker (G1,MW),
Wheeljack (G1, Alt),
Windcharger (G1,Alt)
Genre: DramaLocation: Library
Series: None
Chapters: 21 |
Completed: No |
Words: 218925 |
Hits: 17967 |
Published: 04/02/19 |
Updated: 02/09/22
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Rated: G •
Summary: The Dweller in the Depths is a monstrous energy leech that was once launched from Cybertron by ejecting a power core into space. It landed on a small Quintesson vessel and absorbed its energy, setting it adrift. Now the ship and its deadly occupant have drifted back towards Cybertron, being pulled into its gravity. Now Sheba has to figure out how to defeat the creature before it destroys them all.
based on, and a continuation of, the Transformers G1 Season 3 episode "
The Dweller In The Depths" (which was written by Paul Dini). Takes place in the
Big Capture Of 1999/2006 fanfic series where Sheba is Starscream's Guardian Force and a very capable magic user.
Categories: Generation One
Characters: Arcee (G1,TFU),
Astrotrain (G1),
Blast Off (G1,G2),
Brawl (G1,G2),
Bruticus (G1,G2),
Cliffjumper (G1),
Cyclonus (G1),
Galvatron (G1),
Inferno (G1,G2),
Ironhide (G1,G2,Transformers Movie 2007),
Kup (G1),
Megatron (G1,G2,MW),
Onslaught (G1,G2),
Optimus Prime (G1,G2,MW,RM,TFU, Transformers Movie 2007),
Perceptor (G1),
Quintessons (G1),
Scourge (G1),
Sky Lynx (G1),
Skywarp (G1,MW),
Springer (G1),
Starscream (G1,G2,BW,MW,RM),
Swindle (G1,G2),
Thundercracker (G1,MW),
Vortex (G1,G2)
Genre: DramaLocation: Library
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 3656 |
Hits: 394 |
Published: 19/04/17 |
Updated: 28/04/17
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Rated: G •
Summary: This story is part one of a collaborative effort between myself and Conveyus-Prime. It takes place in my fanfic universe where magic is quite real and Starscream is protected by an Organic Transformer named Sheba. This takes place in the "Prisoner of Destiny" timeline, after the events of "Magic Adventures".
BTW, Conveyus-Prime is NOT the same person as the Conveyus Prime here.
Categories: Generation One
Characters: Air Raid (G1,G2,TFU),
Air Strike Patrol (G1),
Astrotrain (G1),
Beachcomber (G1,G2),
Blades (G1),
Blast Off (G1,G2),
Blaster (G1),
Blitzwing (G1),
Bluestreak (G1),
Bonecrusher (G1,G2),
Brawl (G1,G2),
Brawn (G1),
Bruticus (G1,G2),
Bumblebee (G1,G2) - aka Goldbug,
Buzzsaw (G1),
Cliffjumper (G1),
Cosmos (G1),
Devastator (G1,G2,TFU),
Dirge (G1),
Fireflight (G1,G2),
First Aid (G1),
Frenzy (G1,G2),
Gears (G1),
Gnaw (G1) - aka Sharkticon,
Grapple (G1),
Grimlock (G1,G2,Alt),
Groove (G1),
Hoist (G1,MW),
Hook (G1,G2),
Hot Spot (G1),
Hound (G1,Alt),
Huffer (G1),
Inferno (G1,G2),
Ironhide (G1,G2,Transformers Movie 2007),
Jazz (G1,G2),
Laserbeak (G1),
Long Haul (G1,G2),
Megatron (G1,G2,MW),
Mirage (G1,G2,MW,RM),
Mixmaster (G1,G2),
Onslaught (G1,G2),
Optimus Prime (G1,G2,MW,RM,TFU, Transformers Movie 2007),
Perceptor (G1),
Powerglide (G1),
Quintessons (G1),
Ramjet (G1,G2),
Ratchet (G1),
Ravage (G1,BW,BT),
Red Alert (G1),
Rumble (G1),
Scavenger (G1,G2),
Scrapper (G1,G2),
Seaspray (G1,G2),
Sideswipe (G1,G2,Alt,TFU),
Silverbolt (G1,G2),
Skydive (G1,G2),
Skyfire (G1),
Skywarp (G1,MW),
Slingshot (G1,G2),
Sludge (G1),
Smokescreen (G1,Alt),
Snarl (G1,G2),
Soundwave (G1,G2),
Sparkplug Witwicky (G1),
Spike Witwicky (G1),
Starscream (G1,G2,BW,MW,RM),
Streetwise (G1),
Sunstreaker (G1,TFU)
Genre: DramaLocation: Library
Series: None
Chapters: 8 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 63880 |
Hits: 3237 |
Published: 15/06/17 |
Updated: 29/07/17
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Rated: G •
Summary: A tech spec for Switchblade, AKA yellow Cliffjumper.
Categories: Generation One
Characters: Cliffjumper (G1)
Genre: Tech SpecLocation: Library
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 228 |
Hits: 595 |
Published: 06/10/03 |
Updated: 06/10/03
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Rated: G •
Summary: Upon learning about the imminent completion of the Ark and his assignment to it, Prowl approaches Optimus Prime with a slightly different suggestion...
This suggestion proves to have quite far-reaching consequences. Consequences which change the course of the war forever.
Categories: Generation One
Characters: Brawn (G1),
Cliffjumper (G1),
Ironhide (G1,G2,Transformers Movie 2007),
Jazz (G1,G2),
Optimus Prime (G1,G2,MW,RM,TFU, Transformers Movie 2007),
Prowl (G1,MW),
Red Alert (G1),
Skyfire (G1),
Starscream (G1,G2,BW,MW,RM)
Genre: OtherLocation: Library
Series: None
Chapters: 3 |
Completed: No |
Words: 5188 |
Hits: 1390 |
Published: 09/04/17 |
Updated: 26/01/19
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Rated: G •
Summary: Cybertron is attacked by the Borg. Much silliness ensues as the Autobots try to fend them off and are forced to use their ultimate weapon. Strongly inspired by Babylon 5 vs. The Borg by Kahless.
Categories: Generation One,
Crossovers >
Star Trek
Characters: Arcee (G1,TFU),
Blaster (G1),
Blurr (G1),
Bumblebee (G1,G2) - aka Goldbug,
Cliffjumper (G1),
Daniel Witwicky (G1),
Galvatron (G1),
Grimlock (G1,G2,Alt),
Hot Rod (G1),
Ironhide (G1,G2,Transformers Movie 2007),
Jazz (G1,G2),
Kup (G1),
Optimus Prime (G1,G2,MW,RM,TFU, Transformers Movie 2007),
Perceptor (G1),
Sideswipe (G1,G2,Alt,TFU),
Silverbolt (G1,G2),
Springer (G1),
Sunstreaker (G1,TFU),
Ultra Magnus (G1,TFU)
Genre: DramaLocation: Library
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 869 |
Hits: 1357 |
Published: 02/07/06 |
Updated: 02/07/06
Report This]
Rated: Adult •
Summary: Heroic Decepticons AU. A century ago, the eons-old war between the Autobots and the Decepticons suddenly and inexplicably came to an end. Since then, many have gone their separate ways, whilst others still hold onto the bitter memories of war. Now, as Autobots and Neutrals join forces in a new directive to capture every Decepticon still left alive, it appears that the Autobots will finally get their chance to even the score, and defeat their enemies once and for all. But when they become the target of seemingly random, yet terrifying attacks, some begin to realize that the enemy may be much closer to home than anyone could have ever imagined.
*REVISED 25 June 2020!*
Categories: Generation One
Characters: Arcee (G1,TFU),
Astrotrain (G1),
Blades (G1),
Bludgeon (G1),
Bluestreak (G1),
Bonecrusher (G1,G2),
Brawn (G1),
Bumblebee (G1,G2) - aka Goldbug,
Chromia (G1),
Cliffjumper (G1),
Devastator (G1,G2,TFU),
Devcon (G1),
Dirge (G1),
Doubledealer (G1),
Drift (G1),
Elita One (G1),
Fireflight (G1,G2),
Firestar (G1),
First Aid (G1),
Gears (G1),
Groove (G1),
Hook (G1,G2),
Hot Rod (G1),
Hot Spot (G1),
Hound (G1,Alt),
Ironhide (G1,G2,Transformers Movie 2007),
Jazz (G1,G2),
Jhiaxus (G2,RiD),
Laserbeak (G1),
Long Haul (G1,G2),
Megatron (G1,G2,MW),
Mixmaster (G1,G2),
Moonracer (G1),
Optimus Prime (G1,G2,MW,RM,TFU, Transformers Movie 2007),
Prowl (G1,MW),
Ramjet (G1,G2),
Ratchet (G1),
Red Alert (G1),
Rumble (G1),
Scavenger (G1,G2),
Scorponok (G1),
Scrapper (G1,G2),
Shockwave (G1),
Sideswipe (G1,G2,Alt,TFU),
Silverbolt (G1,G2),
Sixshot (G1),
Skydive (G1,G2),
Smokescreen (G1,Alt),
Soundwave (G1,G2),
Starscream (G1,G2,BW,MW,RM),
Streetwise (G1),
Sunstreaker (G1,TFU),
Tailgate (G1),
Thrust (G1),
Trailbreaker (G1),
Wheeljack (G1, Alt),
Windcharger (G1,Alt)
Genre: DramaLocation: Library
Series: None
Chapters: 19 |
Completed: No |
Words: 196907 |
Hits: 114565 |
Published: 03/01/15 |
Updated: 03/12/20
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Rated: G •
Summary: Heroic Decepticons AU. Swindle attempts to solve a mystery, and help the Decepticons earn a place in Paradise.
Categories: Generation One
Characters: Alpha Trion aka A3 (G1/TFU),
Astrotrain (G1),
Beachcomber (G1,G2),
Bluestreak (G1),
Brawn (G1),
Cliffjumper (G1),
Hook (G1,G2),
Jazz (G1,G2),
Optimus Prime (G1,G2,MW,RM,TFU, Transformers Movie 2007),
Prowl (G1,MW),
Ratchet (G1),
Rumble (G1),
Scavenger (G1,G2),
Skywarp (G1,MW),
Soundwave (G1,G2),
Starscream (G1,G2,BW,MW,RM),
Swindle (G1,G2),
Thundercracker (G1,MW),
Vortex (G1,G2),
Wheeljack (G1, Alt)
Genre: OtherLocation: Library
Series: None
Chapters: 11 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 21323 |
Hits: 12198 |
Published: 07/03/17 |
Updated: 11/03/17
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