Transformers Fanfics, Essays, Author Interviews and More...! Established 1996!
Blurr (G1)


3 & 1/2; The Creed Chronicles by Phoenixfire90

Rated: G •

Takes place in-between '3; Separating of Paths' and '4; Plague of The Wild'.

During the 4 million years the Ark Crew went missing for, The Creed of the Phoenix and the Dragon and the Female Autobots have to team up for they're survival, but with growing tensions between Elita-1 (who is expecting a child) and Phoenixfire (who wants nothing to do with him or her), things start to look uncertain for both groups.

A Life of My Own Choosing by Velvet_Glove

Rated: G •
Summary: 2002: Jazz, Tracks, Springer and Hot Rod follow the Combaticons to a distant planet, where they get entangled in slave-trafficking.

Blurr by Dirge

Rated: G •
Summary: Conceptually the idea is quite solid but the car mode came out a little bland and has some engineering problems. The robot mode works very well and displays well, making Blurr worthwhile.

Ground Zero by Ivy_Bohnlein

Rated: G • starstarstarstar Feature
Summary: The final showdown between Shockwave and the Femme Fatales.

Higher Ground by Ivy_Bohnlein

Rated: G • starstarstarstarhalf-star Feature
Summary: Elita One is less than thrilled to find out where Whiz has gone.

Into the Labyrinth by Velvet_Glove

Rated: G • starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: While exploring what appears to be a ghost-ship drifting through space, five Autobots get more than they bargained for.

Petty Dealings by Velvet_Glove

Rated: G •
Summary: 2002: Shortly after joining the Autobot cause, Blurr is struggling to find his place in it.

Transformers vs. The Borg by Daylight

Rated: G • starstarstar
Summary: Cybertron is attacked by the Borg. Much silliness ensues as the Autobots try to fend them off and are forced to use their ultimate weapon. Strongly inspired by Babylon 5 vs. The Borg by Kahless.