Transformers Fanfics, Essays, Author Interviews and More...! Established 1996!
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Stories by NefertariHime

Comes the Dawn by NefertariHime

Rated: G • starstarstarstar
Summary: The origin of one paticular character...

Going Under by NefertariHime

Rated: G • starstarstarhalf-star
Summary: "Code of Hero" angst. Two characters, seemingly polar opposites, at the mental chess board of life.

Haze by NefertariHime

Rated: G •
Summary: SD-24601 walks the halls of Unicron. He has purpose and he has thoughts. Neither is allowed.

Hero by NefertariHime

Rated: G • starstarstarstar
Summary: Dinobot was a hero in death, but was he ever one in life?

Holy Fire by NefertariHime

Rated: G • starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: BW Inferno angst - and I mean, angst! - fic. More to the point, vaguely slashy BW Inferno angst fic. Consider yourself warned.

Joker by NefertariHime

Rated: G • starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: In the darkness of the Ark's lower levels haunts something twisted...

They Know Not What They Do by NefertariHime

Rated: G • starstarstarstarstar
Summary: On the lives of the Predacons and the betrayal of Cryotek.

Void by NefertariHime

Rated: G • starstarstarstar
Summary: Attempts to reason with a dark god most often go awry. This is no exception.