Most certainly if you are a Transformers fan you'll get the knee-jerk reaction of "Get a life" and that you should be doing more "adult" activities such as dating, especially from someone who has to a God complex and believes they are a gift to the opposite sex.
It seems to me that they are the kind of people who spend more time trying to figure out what a relationship should be than what it really is. I've been put in such situations against my will because I knew some "friends" in the past who tried to set me up with someone. She really liked me at the time and thought I was in her words "Cute." But I wasn't very comfortable with it and felt I was being made a fool of for trying to be nice. I broke it off rather harshly with her and then felt guilty afterwards because she didn't know what we were being put through at both our expense.
That experience taught me that I shouldn't be someone I wasn't. I could not live my life for someone else if it meant I had to give up things that were important to me. Of course I had at times subconsciously done the same thing to others without realizing it and still wound up alone in the process. A relationship requires more than "getting in the sack" with the significant other. You have to listen to each other and give and not take from one other. It's not about giving each other lavish gifts either. It's a full time responsibility trying to make a relationship work and if you spend your time trying to impress other people with what you have than I'd say you have no life at all.
What I will say is this: Enjoy the toys, toons and comics for what they are worth. But like any addiction and we have many. Some far worse than others , there has to be some balance to accommodate both without sacrificing either one.
Get a life? Only if you can afford to balance it out with common sense.