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Transformers: Only A Dream Wave Away by Steven_Acevedo

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Oh what a time we had, In the Good Old Days. When we knew what was right, And we never saw wrong.

The seasons in time how they've changed us, Some of us we're not content with simple answers. Reaching into our psyches, To reach mature ground.

In our quest to find the answer, We have forgotten who we are. Is our thirst for knowledge, Overwhelming our need to to dream?

This is not a perfect world, How I wish it were so. But perfection comes with a price, For we have forgotten our individuality.

I praise those who can brave unknown territory, Who can look past the negative to find the positive. In time they will learn all the answers have always lied not in the past or the future, But in the middle ground where level heads can see all sides.

If we learn this valuable lesson, And we see that change is neither inherently good or bad. It's just what it is, Only a dream wave away from the truth.

(c) Steven Acevedo 11:49 AM 1/2/02