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My Modnation Racers Transformers Mods & Karts by Phoenixfire90


Recently I got Modnation Racers on the PS3 and have made some TF mods and karts.

I thought that you, the readers, may want to have a look at these and tell me what you think, all of these are mine, no Remixes, no idea stealing.

Some of my best ones can be downloaded in-game, just search, Phoenixfire90.

Note: This will be updated as I make more TF mods and karts, requests will be listened to. Decepticons will now be included along with Autobots!

Other Note: Some of the G1 mods are based on the Dreamwave comics, others the cartoon itself, with Dreamwave ones they were the only pictures I could find to base them on.


Rated: G [ - ] starstarstarstarhalf-star Feature
Category: Armada, Transformers: Dark Of The Moon, Transformers: Prime, Shattered Glass, Generation One, Japanese Generation One, Beast Wars, Robots In Disguise, Transformers 2007 Movie, Transformers Animated, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Movie, War For Cybertron Game, Crossovers > ModNation Racers
Characters: None
Genre: Other
Location: Gallery
Series: None
Chapters: 159 Completed: No
Words: 180 Hits: 673439
Published: 25/05/10 Updated: 25/11/12

Story Notes:

Modnation is (C) and trademark of Sony and United Front Games.

This works in the same way as my tech specs: It says which version of a character it is before the name, e.g.  Movie Bumblebee.

(All gens) means this counts for BOTH G1 and Movie versions (as these are the two I do), this will count for my fan-fic charaters.

1. G1 Optimus Prime by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] starstarstarstarstar (1 words)

2. Movie Bumblebee by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] starstarstarstar (1 words)

3. G1/Movie Draco Prime by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

4. G1 Ironhide *UPDATED* by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] starstarstarstar (1 words)

5. Movie Jazz by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)
This has got to be the most detailed one yet, I based this off my non-transformable 12 inch Jazz figure from the 07 Movie.
6. G1/Movie Snapdragon Tron by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

As everybody knows Snapdragon Tron is a rival for Draco Prime.

As everybody also knows I have not posted any pictures of Katrina or Snapdragon.

So this is what I think he looks like.

Note: I'm sad to say that Snapdragon and Katrina are currently not up for download due creation slots being low, the only way I can increase it is by earning more create XP. But when I get more, I'll upload these two.

7. G1 Ratchet *UPDATED* by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

8. G1 Sideswipe by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

After trials and errors I have finally made the Autobot mark.

Have a look before.

9. G1 Elita-1 by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] starstar (1 words)
I have now uploaded the kart, since I didn't really know what the transformation or the paint job was, I guessed, but it looks good.
10. G1 Jazz by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] starstarstarstar (1 words)
Based off Dreamwave comics.
11. G1 Wheeljack by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] starstarhalf-star (1 words)
Dreamwave G1 version.
12. G1 Arcee by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)
Based off a Dreamwave comic picture.
13. G1/Movie Whitefire by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

As many of you who watch my page know, I haven't released a pictures of the members of The Creed of the Phoenix and the Dragon (which I should get round to)

So I've made a Modnation version, sorry TCotPD members are not downloadable unless requested.

14. G1/Movie Blackfire by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

15. G1/Movie Havana by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

16. G1/Movie Rakatan by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)
I would like to thank my mum for helping me with the design of Rakatan.
17. G1 Blurr by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Sorry about not posting anything for ages on this gallery entry, things have been busy, what with LittleBigPlanet 2, my life, War for Cybertron, etc...

Well, to make up for the no-show of the mods, I will make some of the best G1 and Movie Autobots there is.

Mirage is still coming soon!

18. G1 Tracks *UPDATED* by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

I can say I always liked Tracks, maybe even admire him, but he loves himself too much and this, if Phoenixfire was going to date him (trust me, that isn't going to happen any day soon though she is very good friends with him), would cause nothing but trouble.

And besides, I think he's hidding something about himself.

But he does have very good looks *click click*.

19. G1 Red Alert by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

20. G1 Sunstreaker by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

This took a long time to do due to the helmet, but I finally got round the problem, have a good look at the horns.

I combined the two versions of the horns, from the ear and 'bits & bobs' section, painted them two different colours, increased the height and bingo, two helmet horns.

21. G1 Ultra Magnus by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Yes, I'm one of those firm believers that Ultra Magnus is Optimus Prime's young brother, I mean, really, look at him, it's uncanny.

They look the same!!!

22. G1 Chromia by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Right, first things first; I decided it was time for the Female Autobots to get 'Mod'ernized (sorry about the pun, I use it all the time about my mods).

I know I did Elita-1 and Arcee, but I think the others deserved to made.

So here they are, the first is Chromia, one of my favorite Female Autobots (next to Elita-1) and in my G1 fan-fics, good friend to Phoenixfire.

23. G1 Moonracer by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)
Second is Moonracer, the best sharp-shooter in the galaxy according to Powerglide, but according to her she is the best in universe, as mentioned in Search For Alpha Trion. 
24. G1 Firestar by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

And last but not lest (unless I've missed someone out, please don't say about that spider-robot, can't remember her name, I only do G1 and Movie), Firestar.

The one-bot search and rescuse team (when Inferno isn't around).

25. G1 Hound by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

26. G1 Mirage by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)
I've always felt sorry for Mirage, being not trusted all the time, being called a traitor all the time.
27. G1 Beachcomber by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Ah, Beachcomber. Him and I have a few things in common, we both love nature and hate how much the world (humans or robots) affects it.

In my fan-fics, he and Phoenix are good friends when they meet on Earth, often visiting the nearby lake to enjoy nature and feed animals.

28. G1 Smokescreen *UPDATED* by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

29. Movie Rescue Ratchet by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Right, first thing first, this is not the same Ratchet as you see in the films, a.k.a Green and yellow paint-job.

It's based off a toy I have from the 07 Movie line, introducing, Rescue Ratchet.

The only difference between this and normal Ratchet is the paint-job, RR is white and red (which I say looks better).

Sorry if he looks a bit ugly.

30. Movie Optimus Prime by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Sorry if he looks creepy, ugly or both, I did my best.

31. G1 Kup by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Monday 29th of November: No, it's not a school holiday here in the UK (sadly), just snowing a lot, it's just that I had a little bit of time away from STUPID HOMEWORK, to create these mods.

Since the last time I put the last set of mods up, I've been looking at other mods, and trying to learn how the creators made them.

Some of the tricks of the mod trade I've learned will be shown off with these next set of mods, though some will be normal like Kup here.

32. G1 Hot Rod by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

These are one of the new tricks ones I've made, notice the spoiler (or what looks like wings) behind the mod, still United Front Games, or UFG for short have not included wings on the mods.

So how did I do it, you may ask, I used two ponytails at the bottom of the head to give the look of the spoilers.

Pretty smart!

On the character at hand, I hate him, why?

Well, I'm one of those people who believe that it wasn't Megatron who killed Optimus in the Battle For Autobot City (In the G1 Movie), it was Hot Rod, who, in utter stupidity got in middle of the leader's fight.. You just don't do that, and Optimus had Megatron on his knees too.

And yes I was one of those who cried when Optimus died and it got worse when Hot Rod became leader..

This whole thing is reflected in my G1 series with Phoenixfire and the Creed.

33. G1 Drift by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Drift.... Unless you have read the IDW comics then you won't know who this is, here the link to Transformers Wiki saying about the character: http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Drift_%28G1%29

I had heard he was a swordsmen, like Phoenixfire, but has a shocking story behind him.

He will appear in my series as a bit of a one offish.

34. G1 Blue/Sliverstreak by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)
Note: In my G1 series he goes by his original name, Bluestreak.
35. G1 Prowl by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

36. G1 Star Saber by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Ah, Star Saber..... What a handsome mech.

If you've watched the japanese TF G1 series and have got upto Victory, then you'll know who this is, if not, then look here: http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Star_Saber_%28Victory%29

This (I think) will be the one and only japanese one I'll do.

P.s. I really, really, really like him.

37. G1 Bumblebee *UPDATED* by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

When I first did this entry I posted G1 Bumblebee as my second G1 creation, now ever since that day I've been getting better and better at this job.

And when I looked at my original G1 Bee not long after Christmas I thought to myself, "I could do a lot better now.".

It took me a while, but the end result was worth it, I even did the matching kart. The robot in question, what a lovely Autobot.

I just think he's the most lovely, kindest person/Autobot you could ever meet.

38. G1 Cliffjumper by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

I once read somewhere that this Autobot has issues, that he hates Decepticons and traitors, in his optics anyone could be a traitor so he hates everybody.

When I first saw G1 Cliffjumper and Bumblebee togather I thought they were brothers, but later I found out they wern't.

39. G1 Trailbreaker by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

40. G1 Alpha Trion by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

41. War For Cybertron Bumblebee by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

From this post onwards the TFs shown will not be downloadable on PSN/Modnation Racers, these are for Lexicon only!

Based off my lovely WfC Bumblebee toy I got a month after the release of the game.

42. War For Cybertron Optimus Prime by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

43. G1 Starscream by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Ah, many fan-girls I know love Starscream, love him to bits (though why, I don't know), But I can't help but like him, I don't why, but I have a guess that it's because we share 1 quality, we're both sneaky and like to sneak around the battlefield.

But my eyes he will aways be a Son of a Cyberweasel!

Though I think I made the mod of him a bit too cute....

44. G1 Megatron *UPDATED* by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

I remember doing Megatron as my first Decepticon mod, last weekend (at the time of writing this) I saw it again on MNR and thought; "WHAT IN PRIMUS'S NAME WAS I THINKING WHEN I DESIGNED HIM!!!"

To me it seemed like an insult to myself and the good creating powers I have, so I deleted him and redone him, sorry girls, cute is out of the building, I went with mencing and E.V.I.L! I even done I matching kart, gun, thing.......

45. Lexicon!! by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] starstarstarstarstar (1 words)

This is Charl's request (yes as in the admin of this place), she e-mailed me about these mods in question, and I asked, "What TF would you like to see on this post?" and this is the result.

I made sure the designs were very close to the real picture which can be found here: http://www.transformersfanfic.com/viewstory.php?sid=3905

The only difference is that I had to change the transformation from a UFO to a Rocket.

I give thanks for Charl for okaying everything!!

46. Animated Jazz by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

The Animated collection, something I've wanted to get around to for a very long time, the first TF in this collection will be Jazz. The best Cyber-ninja that Cybertron has to offer.

47. G1/Movie Phoenixfire Prime *UPDATED* by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Ah, since it's half-term I've been going through my Modnation Collection and updating some of them.

Recently UFG released a Love Bug Mod and Swan Kart for free, the swan kart was just what I was waiting for.

Thus I've redone Phoenixfire and Katrina (next post).

48. G1/Movie Katrina Tron *UPDATED* by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

49. Animated Blurr by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

50. Animated Bulkhead by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

51. G1 Victory Leo by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

If I recall rightly I said back in 2010 that Star saber may be my only Japanese G1 transformer I'd do for Lexicon.

Well, it's not going to be any longer, ladies and gentlemechs, let me introduce (drum roll please)..... VICTORY LEO!!!

Who is he you may ask, well; http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Victory_Leo

He's a bit like Phoenixfire really.

52. G1 Dai Atlas by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Again another Japanese TF, but not a very well known one (sadly).

Dai Atlas from the ill-fated OVA Zone series, if I can call one episode a series.

Ashame really, though many take a pop at him for being cold and uncaring towards his foes, I like that about him. Optimus was a bit too soft about his prisoner's, Dai? He takes NO prisoners!

Here's his profile on TFwiki; http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Dai_Atlas_%28Zone%29

I should confirm here and now that in my G1 series, it will continue past the first (and last) episode and I will give a proper end to the series.

P.s. Sorry, couldn't make the matching kart.

53. BW Optimus Primal by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Primal, Optimus Primal.

What a handsome mech, I remember seeing him in Transformers UK comics on a poster and I wondered who this mech was.

At first I thought that he was Optimus Prime's son (well look at the head and face), but I looked him up and found out this was not the case, though, honestly look at him!

He appears in 3 and 1/2; The Creed Chronicles looking for help from Phoenixfire, later falling for the young 'Swan Song Heartbreaker', but he's not the only one.....

54. BW Lio Convoy by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Another one that looks like Optimus Prime.

This time it's a mech called Lio Convoy, for those who don't know, here's the link to his profile on TFWiki; http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Lio_Convoy

About the mod himself, it was hard to do the tail and lion head which is on either side of the shoulders, but I found a way.

55. G1 God Ginrai by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

For those who follow the Japanese series and have got up to Super-God-Masterforce, then no introduction is needed, for those noobies and others, READ UP HERE: http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Ginrai

The thing that shocked me about this one TF, is..... well, does the robot body look like someone to you?

It's a very long story that you can read in the link above.

56. G1 Skywarp by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

57. G1 Thundercracker by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

58. G1 Soundwave and The Decepticon Mini-Cassettes by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

First off, there was no point in putting them in different entries.

Second, I heard that Decepticon Fan-girls love Soundwave, though, honestly I can't see why, he's more-or-less a talking computer, he's not like the others at all.

Thirdly, Decepticon Mini-Cassettes, what are they to him? Children, friends or what?

I couldn't do Laserbeak or Ravage because of they're forms.

59. G1 Blaster and The Autobot Mini-Cassettes by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

60. G1 Grimlock by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

The Dino-bot collection, I've wanted to get around to this since I got the game last year, but until now I didn't know how to do it.

First off is..... ME GRIMLOCK!! The Leader of the Dino-bots.

A bit thick, but not as bad as most think...

61. G1 Slag by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Sorry Charl, I wanted to use his original name even though it's a swear word here in the UK and EU.

On the character, he is one Dino-bot that has trouble. He is so bad-ass and his transformation....... IT'S MY FAVORITE DINO!!!

On the mod itself, I've used some tricks to make it look like creature head behind him.

62. G1 Sludge by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

This is what it says on his profile on TFwiki:

"Sludge dumb," is how Grimlock, the Dinobot commander himself, describes the plodding Autobot. The Dinobots have a perhaps undeserved reputation for being dimwitted, but Sludge is the genuine article. He makes the other four look like scholars in comparison.

Harsh, but very true, I bet that in an IQ test a mop and a broom could do better than Sludge.........

63. G1 Snarl by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Poor poor Snarl, a loner well and truly, he doesn't even like his Transformation for Primus's sake...

This is the only Dino-bot I've felt sorry for really.

64. G1 Swoop by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)
He's the nicest out of the Dino-bots, he's got a kind Spark inside his chest, it's just he doesn't really show it offen...
65. (All Gens) Princess Wildfire Prime by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

If you've read my New Generations fan-fic then you'll know who this is, if not, then I'll give you the low down.

She is the daughter of Phoenixfire Prime and Autobot Bumblebee in both G1 and Movie series, she has a twin brother (in the Movie series) called Hornet Prime but in the G1 series he is younger by a year and a 1/2.

I have yet to introduce both children to the G1 series, but they have already been introduced in the Movie series.

66. (All Gens) Prince Hornet Prime by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (3 words)

If you've read my New Generations fan-fic then you'll know who this is, if not, then I'll give you the low down.

He is the son of Phoenixfire Prime and Autobot Bumblebee in both G1 and Movie series, he has a twin sister (in the Movie series) called Wildfire Prime but in the G1 series she is older by a year and a 1/2.

I have yet to introduce both children to the G1 series, but they have already been introduced in the Movie series.

Due to the differences of the father's looks (and personalities) in the two diffirent gens, I've made two different Hornets to match.

67. (All Gens) Eragon Prime by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Eragon Prime, I know you won't know who this is so let me shead light on this.

Eragon is one of my new fan-fic characters, a young male, quite bright for his young age and he was named after the human boy character from the book; Eragon.

He is the son of Havana and....... Draco! Has a twin sister (in the Movie series) called Saphira, but in the my G1 series, he is the older of the two by 2 years.

They have yet to be introduced in both series.

Currently I can't do the Transformations due to the matching kart not YET being on the PSN store, it is due soon though as UFG have comfirmed they are doing a proper Dragon Kart.

68. (All Gens) Saphira Prime by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Saphira Prime, I know you won't know who this is so let me shead light on this.

Saphira is one of my new fan-fic characters, a very young female, quite joyful and cute and she was named after the main Dragon character from the book; Eragon.

She is the daughter of Havana and....... Draco! Has a twin brother (in the Movie series) called Eragon, but in the my G1 series, she is the younger of the two by 2 years.

They have yet to be introduced in both series.

Currently I can't do the Transformations due to the matching kart not YET being on the PSN store, it is due soon though as UFG have comfirmed they are doing a proper Dragon Kart.

69. Animated Optimus Prime by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)
Sorry I couldn't do the transformation, it was way too odd to be matched up with a kart.
70. Animated Ratchet by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

71. Animated Bumblebee by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

For me, this is not the same story for this Bumblebee as of others like Movie and G1.

I'm not in love with this version, though he and I share a love for video games, pizzas, racing, etc., I'm not that keen on him, he's a bit young for my liking and he's not as nice as either Movie or G1.

72. (All Gens) Griffin Prime by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

This is one of the new characters in my books, but the rights to him doesn't belong to me, he belongs to my fan-fic partner, Dark Primus.

He appears in my G1 series as a baby mechling at first and then grows up fast, though Phoenixfire hates him at first she ends up liking him.

(C) Dark Primus.

73. (Prime) Bumblebee by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

74. (Prime) Optimus Prime by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

There seems to be a bit of a mix-up on Hasbro's side about War For Cybertron and Transformers: Prime. Hasbro says that War For Cybertron and Prime are in the same kind of series family?????????

When I first started writing 1: A Bond That Can Never Be Broken (The first book in my G1 series), it was when Hasbro said announced WFC was part of the G1 series, then ages later they changed it by saying it was part of TF: Prime!?!

Take Bumblebee for example in both WFC and Prime, they don't even look or act the same, nor does Optimus (which WFC, Prime and the WFC prequel book all seem to argue with each other how Optimus became a Prime) and Arcee (Pink car or blue motorbike? Make up your mind Hasbro!). The only main G1 character that's stayed the same is Ratchet, and lets admit it Ratchet's Ratchet right? He's been a moaning mech since G1 you can't really change that.

So in my Fan-fic univirse WFC is part of my G1 series, I know others will argue differently but I think I made a good point. But so far so good... Sorry about the rant lets move on..

75. BW Cheetor by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

76. SG Optimus Prime by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

SG stands for Shattered Glass, for those who don't know what Shattered Glass is let me do the explaining.

Shattered Glass is the mirrorverse of the G1 series, where good are evil and evil are good, more or less Autobots are evil and the Decepticons are the good guys.

And Optimus....... In the G1 series he's a really really nice guy, mirrorverse version lets just say it makes G1 Megatron look a hero compared to the insane, the violent, the cheating and the cunning dictator of the Autobots.

This goes for most of the evil Autobots, the Decepticons on the other hand I'll get round to that in SG Megatron entry.

77. SG Bumblebee/Goldbug by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

78. SG Megatron by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Think about this for a sec. In the G1 series Megatron is E.V.I.L, so switch this around in the Shattered Glass verse and you get a good Megatron, a true hero!

Sorry MNR doesn't have tanks for karts (for a good reason)!

79. SG Ironhide by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

80. SG Ricochet by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

According to SG Ricochet's profile he's the twin brother of SG Autobot Jazz.

And this robot is just plain crazy, I mean there's crazy then there's crazy madness, which this guy loves.

81. (All Gens) Sincerity White by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Sincerity White, she's one of my new fan-fic characters, she'll appear in both my G1 series and Dark Primus's Movie series. In both series her mother is Whitefire and her father is Autobot Ratchet

The name Sincerity came from Dark Primus, and he said it came from the word sincerity which mean, 'Honesty in thought and action." boy isn't that true.
Infact she's not just honest, she's painfully honest, she can't lie unlike her mother who can lie but chooses too. I would like to give thanks to Dark Primus for coming up for the name.

Note: Sincerity White is blind in one optic and colour-blind in the other optic.

82. G1 Cosmos by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

I'm heading back to G1 for a while as I still have so much to do on that side.

First off is the Mini-bot team, I've already done Bumblebee, Cliffjumper and Beachcomber, so the rest of the team will follow.

Poor Cosmos, all alone up there in Space. It must be horrible being like that.

I couldn't do the Transformation do to no UFO kart being around.

83. G1 Brawn by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)
A mini-Ironhide and Kup, that's the best thing I can say about Brawn.
84. G1 Powerglide by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Transformation could maybe possible if I put my mind to it.

On the character himself, I love Powerglide, he's so charming and cool. I love his aerobactic plane moves and the way he talks is odd but cool. In my G1 series he's very close friends with Phoenixfire and offen go flying together.

85. G1 Seaspray by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Seaspray, is it just me or does this Autobot sound like he's got mouthwash in his voice-box all the time?

Anyway, I think Seaspray is very cool and his love for the sea is, saddly not one I share but for sea life, that's different.

In my G1 series he's good friends with Draco Prime.

Again transformation was a bit too odd to do.

86. G1 Warpath by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] starstarstarstarstar (1 words)

Warpath, one of the most oddest Autobots I've ever met.

I mean what's with all the POW, BLAM and KAZOWY! I like it, it's just odd it gives him a unique personality and that's good right?

The tank (ZOW!) transformation again was out of the (BANG!) question.

The mod's gun on his (KABOOM!) chest was hard to do but I got round it eventrully. But this (POW!) time I ain't sharing my method.

87. G1 Gears by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

And I thought I moaned a lot, it's nothing compared to Gears.

I can't even say he's nice (except in one episode, Changing Gears, where he WAS NICE!!), so I can't say anything nice about this one.

88. G1 Huffer by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

There is a clear difference between Gears and Huffer.

The fact Gears moans because it's in his proggraming and the other Autobots laugh at this moaning.

Huffer on the other hand is the type you meet in life that ALWAYS looks at the bad things or options in life, which can get on your nerves.

89. G1 Windcharger by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

90. G1 Grapple by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

I read somewhere that Grapple is an artist in everything he does, ashame half of the stuff he builds get leveled in the ended.

His best friend is Autobot Hoist.

91. G1 Hoist by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Phoenixfire and Hoist same one thing in common, they both have British like accents.

Hoist is nice, he's really nice and offen is a great support to his best friend Grapple.

92. G1 Inferno *UPDATED* by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Update 29th of August 2011.

Transformation now included!!

93. G1 Skyfire/Jetfire by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Skyfire or Jetfire, whichever name you go with it's still the same robot.

Though recently (e.g. TF: Animated, RotF) he's been called Jetfire his G1 series name was Skyfire, though why this was the case I'm not sure.

I've always felt slightly sorry for Skyfire/Jetfire because of his past, he was best friends with Starscream and he ended up betraying poor Skyfire. Thus he's always been a bit two sided.

94. G1 Omega Supreme by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Omega's a big mech isn't he? He's sooo big he makes Optimus Prime look like a toy.

But this guy's past is dreadful, much like Skyfire/Jetfire's past, once knew some Decepticons, they were close friends and one day Megatron mircochip-washes* them (*Brainwash) and Omega's home, The Crystal City was destoryed.

95. G1 Aerialbot Team by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (8 words)

I thought I'd do the Aerialbot team all in one entry instead of different entries.

I've done the whole team including them all combined to form Superion and they're transformation, and it took me HOURS!!!!

All the plane transformation are made out of F1 karts, names will be above the picture of the Autobot and will follow in order of Rank.

Note: Isn't it a bit stupid for Silverbolt to be scared of heights, I mean any other person or bot I would understand, but Silverbolt transforms into A PLANE, that FLIES!! You're dealing with heights everyday; not Optimus's best idea to Silverbolt in charge IMO.

96. G1 Springer by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

I've always thought Springer was very cool, he the Autobot's version of a knight-in-shining-armor. I would have liked him to take over as Autobot Leader but alas it didn't happen but on the plus side he does lead the infamous Wreckers and was one of the first Autobot Triple-Changers.

His girlfriend is the lovely Arcee and his best friend is Hod Rod/Rodimus Prime.

I couldn't do either transformations due it no images being on TF Wiki.

97. G1 Wheelie by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Quite a few TF fans I know don't like Wheelie much. I know he rhymes all time in speech but if anything I feel really sorry for him.

At first I thought he was odd but then I looked up Wheelie's story on TF Wiki and found this: http://tfwiki.net/wiki/The_Story_of_Wheelie%2C_the_Wild_Boy_of_Quintesson

Though the story is slightly different (because it's G1 Marvel) but it does explain slightly how he may have ended up on Quintessa where he ran into the Dinobots thus joining the Autobots in the G1 series.

98. G1 Wreck-Gar and Nancy by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (3 words)

Wreck-Gar and Nancy, what an odd couple.

As every TF fan knows Wreck-Gar is the Leader of the Junkions who in turn live on the Planet of Junk (I bet it smells).

This is what it says about him on TF Wiki:

Wreck-Gar is a product of his environment. Unfortunately, this environment is the Planet of Junkion, a distant world of trash which is bombarded by old Earth television broadcasts. Not only is Wreck-Gar's mismatched body collected from the detritus around him, but his mind is an equally mismatched hodgepodge of Earthling pop culture. These humans' cheesy slogans and sales pitches from decades past form the patchwork of Wreck-Gar's scatterbrained personality.

Nancy is the female Junkion seen in the series 3 episode; The Big Broadcast of 2006, though for ages she was just called Junkion Lady until multiple Japanese guidebooks said otherwise and thus Nancy.

Note: Nancy is a human name not a robot's name, that's what you get for listening to Earth broadcasts.

No transformations due to no motorbikes being allowed on MNR (no fair).

99. G1 Sky-Lynx (All 3 modes) by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (4 words)

I should say that all the pictures in this entry you're about to see are all karts of different types, I did try my best to match mode to kart but I don't know if I did it well.

Anyway, Sky-Lynx is a different Autobot compared to the others, he hasn't really got a robot mode (unless you count the bird, dino thing).

He's kinda humble too.

100. G1 Unicron!!!! by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] starstarstarstarstar (1 words)

Did you expect any less? Yes people of Lexicon, Unicron is my 100th mod in the entry.

I don't think this guy really needs an intro, every fan knows who this planet sized dude is. The chaos bringer himself, the intergalactic planet eater and twin brother to Primus, God of all transformers.

Did that sum it up?

Oh and he's scared of the Matrix Of Leadership.

101. Movie Ironhide by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

From now until the release of Transformers: Dark Of The Moon on June 29th I'm doing the Movie mods, first off is Ironhide.

The son of a petro rat himself, a horrible old mech, a lot older than Optimus I once heard. He's the mech that's seen and heard it alllll before. With more guns on his arms than a bounty hunter and a known ladies-mech. What Chromia sees in him is beyond both Phoenixfire and I.

I honestly tried my best with this mod, 4 redesigns it took to get to the final design, I was going to do it more 3D like but it didn't work out. But I do like how I did the cannons on his arms.

102. Movie Sideswipe *UPDATED* by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

If I remember rightly I did Movie Sideswipe, and how wrong I did it, I should have never published him in the first place.

But now I've remade him with better design in both head (where it shows most) and body, this time I've done the swords, door wings and the helmet features in 3D. I have tried my best....

On the character himself, I really think he's cool, the swords are just... wow... his style... wow... If Draco wasn't around for Havana I would have paired Sides with her.

103. RotF Megatron by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Megatron from Revenge Of The Fallen.

You know, he wasn't always evil, mean but not evil. The Fallen turned Megatron evil and greedy. Optimus and Megatron were once brother-in-arms. Megatron was even Lord High Protect of Cybertron, and he still wasn't happy!

No tank, no matching kart.

104. Movie, The Fallen by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

One of the Original 13 (or 7) Primes and once known as Megatronus Prime (100% true!), he betrayed his brothers, built the Star Harvester and tried to take the Matrix Of Leadership which the Primes hid by killing themselves and protecting it.

Then he went after the descendants of the Primes and killed them, but he missed one, an orphan Sparkling called..... Optimus.

I can't say The Fallen didn't have his face ripped off coming. Cause he did and by the orphan he missed aswell...

105. Movie Female Autobots by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (4 words)

I've put all three Female Autobots in this one post. Arcee, Elita-1 and Chromia.

I personally only own one of the three as toys, Chromia, who is also my only female Autobot in my TF collection.

Anyway, Arcee and Elita-1 are repaints of my Chromia mod and toy (What? Hasbro does it, so why can't I).

On the girls themselves, I think they're very cool, motorbikes and girl power perfect Transformer combo for me. But they all once walked on two legs instead of the single wheel they use now.

Here's they're different profiles on TF wiki:

Arcee: http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Arcee_%28Movie%29

Chromia: http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Chromia_%28ROTF%29 (my favorite of the 3)

Elita-1: http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Elita-1_%28ROTF%29

106. Movie Skids by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

I tried my 100% best that this, but Skids wasn't exactly a good looking mech in the first place, his twin brother on the other hand, was IMPOSSIBLE TO TURN INTO A MOD!!!!!!!

107. Movie Starscream by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

108. RotF Devastator by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Not to be confused with Movie 07 Devastator a.k.a. Brawl.

Sorry if he looks very ugly....

109. RotF Jet-Optimus Prime by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

If everyone rightly remembers Jetfire gave Optimus his wings to defeat The Fallen in RotF.

Thus this Mod is a redo of my original Movie Optimus Mod.

UPDATE 30th of June: About these same wings making a reappearence in DotM, sorry dudes, they don't come back in Dark Of The Moon, I was working on false infomation that at the time I thought it was true at the time on this Mod's creation.

110. DotM Sentinel Prime *UPDATED* by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

This now the official start of the run-up to Dark Of The Moon. And I'll do it with style.

After a lot of hard thinking I choose Sentinel Prime to start our list.

This profile was taken from TF Wiki which in turn cam from IDW Prequel comics.

'Sentinel Prime was a direct descendant of the first Cybertronian, Primus, and was believed to be the last of the Primes. He told tales to his much younger Cybertronian brethren of how the Dynasty of Primes had called upon a legendary artifact, the star-powered AllSpark, to give life to their world.'

He's also Optimus's old mentor and friend.

Update 29th of August 2011.

Transformation now included.

111. DotM Shockwave by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Here he is, the big, bad, cold, sparkless mech himself and the one with the driller-worm pet thing.... Shockwave!!!!!

I couldn't decide either to colour him purple or grey so I went with a purple-grayish colour.

You know, he didn't use to look like that, he used to look just like his G1 version, until......... Well let's just say Shockwave got Optimus Prime very, very, VERY angry!!! And an angry Optimus Prime is a dangerous creature indeed.

For more info read Transformers: Rising Storm 4# or look it up on TF Wiki.

112. DotM Topspin by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Topspin. I think he's the leader of the Wreckers (sorry, there's not much info on him yet).

His profile is below (taken from TF wiki).

'If it doesn't result in at least a few dings and scraped paint, Topspin isn't interested. To him, buckled and burnt armor are signs of a life well-led. He's proud of being one tough bot, and is more than happy to wear the scars to prove it.'

I wonder if he's friends with Ironhide...

I based his robot mode off both his DotM toy and the film version, his transformation I based off the Stealth Force toy.

113. DotM Leadfoot by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

In the last one I said that Topspin could be a friend of Ironhide.

Well Leadfoot is a friend of Ironhide and this isn't the best thing in the world.....

Profile below (taken again from TF Wiki).

'Leadfoot is one of the Wreckers, a group of former engineers turned fighters who have turned their talents to kicking Decepticon tail across the galaxy. His specialty is building bigger and better weapons, WITH SCIENCE! Not terribly surprisingly this vocation has led him to strike up a friendship with the Autobots resident weapons-hound Ironhide. The way the two egg each other on towards bigger and better "boom-sticks" the other Autobots fear one day waking up to find a smoking crater where their workshop once stood.'

.................... Oh dear... And I thought DotM Wheeljack was crazy...

114. DotM Roadbuster by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Again sorry for the delay.

I based this Mod of the toy version of DotM Roadbuster, same with the kart.

115. DotM Mirage/Dino by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Sorry for the delay but I had to sharpen up the detail on this mod.

I based the Mod's body and Kart off the DotM prequel video game version of him, but the face is based off a piece of concept art that I found on Mirage's TF Wiki page.

I honestly tried my best with this Mod but it was far from easy...

Strange, in the prequel game and comic book he's known as Mirage, in the film he's known as Dino. He also speaks with an Italian accent, which I quite like.

And Mirage wouldn't be Mirage without being able to turn invisible (a nice reference back to old G1 Mirage), he is also best friends with DotM Wheeljack/Que

More info can be found here: http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Mirage_%28Movie%29

116. DotM Soundwave by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Sorry about not posting anything in a while but I've been very busy.

I based this mod off of the DotM Soundwave that appeared in the prequel video game. The kart I based off the car that appeared in the film.

117. RotF/DotM Breakaway by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Breakaway was a hard Mod to create, because I based this on the Revenge Of The Fallen toy, the head and face are in the cockpit area of the plane...

I tried many ways to recreate this on the Mod, thus this is the result..

Note: Although Breakaway didn't appear in both Revenge Of The Fallen and Dark Of The Moon films he did appear in the matching games, but he was meant to appear RotF as Autobot Firestorm but he was later dropped.

118. Movie Barricade by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

I should mention that although Barricade wasn't in RotF, he did appear in DotM, strange when you think about it.

119. G1 Orion Pax by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

As I said in the last entry I'll be doing three special G1 mods, this is the first one.

If you don't know who this is then let me explain.

Long story short Orion Pax is Optimus Prime himself, as a young adult and just a humble dockworker. Before everything went wrong and Megatron ruined his life as Orion knew it.

Poor dude, if it wasn't for the Aerialbot team, I don't think (in the G1 story) Optimus would have existed.

Orion only appeared in one episode in the G1 series and that was War Dawn (which is one of my favorite G1 episodes). For more information please look here: http://tfwiki.net/wiki/War_Dawn

Note: I guessed what his transformation would be based on his job and his friend, Dion's transformation.

Other Note: This is the same Orion Pax that appears in my CyberNation fan-fic.

120. G1 Ariel by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

This is the second of my special G1 Mods.

If you don't know who this is then let me explain.

Long story short Ariel is Elita-1 herself, as a young adult and the girlfriend of Orion Pax (and when both got rebuilt, Optimus Prime). That was before Orion made the worse mistake ever, trusted Megatron and well the rest they say is history.

Although this does raise the question, since both Optimus Prime and Elita-1 were rebuilt by Alpha Trion even though they still a couple in later years, aren't they technically brother and sister??? Some say yes, some say no. I'm not too sure myself nor do I really want to think about it too much...

Ariel only appeared in one episode in the G1 series and that was War Dawn (which is one of my favorite G1 episodes). For more information please look here: http://tfwiki.net/wiki/War_Dawn

Note: With this Mod I couldn't really guess what Transformation she took, so no kart with this one.

Other Note: This is the same Ariel that appears in my CyberNation fan-fic.

121. G1 Dion by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

This is the third and last of my special G1 Mods.

If you don't know who this is then let me explain.

Long story short Dion is a young adult, dockworker and the best friend of Orion Pax. That was before Orion made the worse mistake ever, trusted Megatron and well the rest they say is history.

Now what happened to Dion has, for years, been debated by fans, some say he died and couldn't be rebuilt, others say he did get rebuilt and whoever it is has got to be a close friend of Optimus. The most popular suggestion is Ironhide or Ultra Magnus.

Now if you want my opinion on this matter, I believe it's Ultra Magnus for 3 reasons.

1: Ironhide seems too old to match Dion. 2: Have you seen Ultra Magnus, I mean a spitting image of Optimus only without the face guard and longer antennas. 3: They do seem to act like brothers in my opinion.

Thus in my fan-fic 3 & 1/2: The Creed Chronicles, Phoenixfire once called Ultra Magnus 'Uncle Magnus'.

Dion only appeared in one episode in the G1 series and that was War Dawn (which is one of my favorite G1 episodes). For more information please look here: http://tfwiki.net/wiki/War_Dawn

Other Note: This is the same Dion that appears in my CyberNation fan-fic.

122. (Prime) Arcee by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

I should say after the three G1 mods I did I was meant to move on to Robots In Disguise as my next Mod project (I already created the Mods). But that changed due to Transformers Prime finally showing on Cartoon Network over here in the UK.

So to celebrate I'm doing a few of the TFs from the series. I've already done Optimus Prime and Bumblebee (that was sometime ago) so lets start with Arcee.

She's a tough female, as tough as nails. Losing two partners then getting saddled with the job of protecting Jack Darby, lets just say she wasn't too happy about that.

For more info please go here: http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Arcee_%28Prime%29

Note: Since she takes the transformation of a motorbike there is no kart for her.

123. (Prime) Ratchet by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Second up is old Ratchet. He often gives his wounded Autobots friends a hard time for getting injured in the first place and he has a dry wit.

Nothing new there for Ratchet....

This mod was a pain because of the face, I just couldn't get the optics, lines or smile right on the face but I think I did it ok in the end.

124. (Prime) Bulkhead by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Next on the TF:Prime list is Bulkhead. Although he's big and looks menacing, he's actually a really nice dude and he's best friends with human Miko Nakadai and old Wheeljack (who Bulkhead nicknames 'Jackie').

He also hasn't got much tolerance for bullies or jerks.

125. (Prime) Cliffjumper by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Cliffjumper, poor poor dude.

I feel sorry for him although (if you've seen Darkness Rising part 1) he should have called for backup, but nooooo and he paid the price big time. But to add insult to injury, Megatron in his madness used Dark Energon and turned old Cliff into a Zombie.

Dark Energon + Cliffjumper = Zombie (which is bad thing if you're an Autobot or Arcee)!

126. RID Optimus Prime by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Now lets move on to the Robots In Disguise era.

And to start off here's Optimus Prime, one of only three Optimus Primes that hasn't been killed off (the other two being Shattered Glass Optimus and TF: Prime Optimus... So far.).

127. RID Megatron by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Next up is Megatron. Now this Megatron is different from most of others, he's mainly a Predacon Leader and he's a very rare type of Transformers species, Six Changer. A Six Changer (for those who don't know) is a Transformer who can transform into six different modes, hence the name Six Changer.

Now about the Mod itself, it was a challenge and I ended up reaching my sticker limit (and yes there is a sticker limit on ModNation) for this Mod.

But since RID Megatron has six transformation, I couldn't do the karts to match.

128. RID Autobot Brothers by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (5 words)

I thought about putting these brothers in separate entries but I decided against it and put them together. The brothers are X-Brawn (the eldest), Prowl and Side Burn (the youngest). Thus I've put them in order of eldest to youngest.

129. RID T-AI (Tactical Artificial Intelligence) by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Before anyone says, I know T-AI is not a robot (but she's not human either) and thus shouldn't be included in this list of TF Mods. But she is the RID Autobot's main computer system, she is a major character in the series and I think she does deserve to included on the list.

The name T-AI is pronouced 'tie' and stands for Tactical Artificial Intelligence (as said in the chapter title). She's an advanced computer that displays emotions, self-awareness and a sense of humor, she appears as hologram of a human girl.

The Mod itself wasn't hard to create, in fact it was the easiest Mod I've done in a while.

130. RID Sky-Byte by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Sorry about the delay, but I've been really busy recently and I've had no time to create Mods.

Anyway, here's Sky-Byte, according to him he's the smarted and coolest shark around. And he's also a haiku poet and quite cultured for a Predacon commander.

I would have loved to have done the matching kart but, it's a shark and I know I'm good at making the karts, but I'm not that good!!

131. RID Dark Scream by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

132. RID Slapper by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)
Before anyone says, I know the name is a very rude word. But since it's the name of Transformer I can't do anything about it. Sorry everyone.
133. Armada Optimus Prime by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

I should say now that I was meant to do Robots In Disguise Gas Skunk but I couldn't due to not having the Mod accesssories necessary for it.

So instead I decided to move on to the first part of the Unicron Trilogy, Armada.

Who better to start with than Optimus Prime.

Both the Mod and the Kart were a bit of a pain to do for different reasons.

The Mod I ended up using all of the sticker slots thus I had to choose which stickers to keep and those that I thought were unnecessary. And the face, I just couldn't get the optics right.

The Kart was different, I couldn't find any good pictures of the Transformation in the cartoon to base it on so I used instead a picture of the Dreamwave Armada comic and based the Kart on that.

134. Armada Hot Shot by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

135. G1 Shockwave by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

First off, I'm sorry that I haven't updated this in a while but I haven't been on ModNation Racers for a while now and I've been very busy since the last post on this entry.

Secondly, I've been working on a new fan-fic project that at this time I'm not ready to fully reveal (not even my friend Dark Primus knows about it) , but I will say that it's something to do with the second series/season of Transformers Prime.

Thirdly, I'm cutting short my Armada Mod collection to fill in some requests from my friends. You see they've criticized me for not creating enough G1 Decepticon Mods, and I guess they're right.

So to start off I thought I'd do Shockwave. I'll admit it, Shockwave is quite cool. I think he'd make a better (or worse depending on whose side you're on) Decepticon leader than Megatron who lets face it, his own anger and his hatred of Optimus Prime causes him to nearly lose and retreat everytime.

136. G1 Galvatron by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

I don't think an introduction is really needed for this Mod if you're a G1 fan. Otherwise let me give you the details.

Galvatron is the upgraded/rebuilt/reborn/mad version of Megatron who after The Battle For Autobot City floated into Unicron in deep space and made a deal with him.

In comparison to Galvatron, Megatron was actrually quite sane. Galvatron's a true mad man, even his own troops will admit it although not to his face. Strangely, although at the time Hot Rod (or Rodimus Prime as he was called) was the leader, Ultra Magnus was Galvatron's arch-rival.

137. G1 Nightbird by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] starstarstarstarstar (1 words)

Although some of you might not count Nightbird as a Decepticon or a Transformer for that matter, I do thus she's here on this list.

Shame she only appeared in one episode in the G1 series as I quite liked her, I mean you don't really get many non fan-fic female Decepticons do you? The only two non fan-fic ones I can recall is that one from TF: Cybertron (I can never remember her name) and Slipstream from Animated and War For Cybertron (she's also in my G1 fan-fics).

138. G1 Kickback by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)
One of the three Insecticons of the G1 series. Kickback takes the form of robotic grasshopper. I couldn't create the kart to this one or the other Insecticons to come because of their strange transformations.
139. G1 Shrapnel by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)
I think this one is the leader of the Insecticons, but I'm not too sure (I don't think many are sure either). This is my favourite of the three Insecticons.
140. (Prime) Phoenixfire *UPDATED* by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Ok as I explained in my last post I'm putting on hold the G1 Decepticons till these reveals are out of the way.

So here she is, my new Phoenixfire. Looks different compared to my other Phoenixfire's (being Movie and G1 of course), doesn't she? Yeah when I decided to introduce Phoenix and her friends into my new fan-fic 'The Lost Memories', I decided to give her a makeover.

The first thing I think you'll notice is she has the same ears/anntennas as Optimus Prime, this rings back to my original concept designs for my G1/Movie Phoenixfire (boy was that a long time ago). But this was also because just like all my other Phoenixfires she was meant to be Optimus's daughter, but I dumped that idea deciding to make her a new person. But the design just stayed because I liked it so much.

This also meant I had to give her a new personality (well I didn't have to but why not IMHO), she is a much kinder and compassionate person... On Earth. Back on Cybertron she's just like the other Phoenixes.

Oh and I need to mention that in 'The Lost Memories' (or in any Prime fan-fic to follow) she ISN'T in love with Bumblebee, let me repeat that, she ISN'T in love with Bee. I think it's a better idea that this Phoenix stays solo, lone wolf, single, whatever you want to call it.

The other thing I'm sure you'll notice is that one of her arms is a light purple with dark purple in places, I really can't say here but I do explain it in her Tech Spec I wrote out to accompany my new fan-fic. But I do need to say that her Tech Spec does contain Spoilers!

If you're still interested please look here: http://www.transformersfanfic.com/viewstory.php?sid=4999&chapter=17

*UPDATE* 24/11/2012: I have decided to create both Phoenixfire & Draco's human modes after designing the Creed of the Phoenix & the Dragon's human modes, so here they are.

141. (Prime) Draco *UPDATED* by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Here he is, my new Draco. Looks different compared to my other Draco's (being Movie and G1 of course), doesn't he? Yeah when I decided to introduce Phoenix, Draco and their friends into my new fan-fic 'The Lost Memories', I decided to give him a makeover.

The first thing I think you'll notice is of course he has proper Dragon wings unlike his G1/Movie counterpart. It was a suggestion from Dark Primus that I put wings on him after he told me that Draco would look better with wings instead of without them. And I guess he was right, but for G1/Movie/Shattered Glass it's too late to change the design.

The second thing you must have noticed is the the fact he has the same ears/anntennas as Optimus Prime, this rings back to my original concept designs for my G1/Movie Draco (boy was that a long time ago). But this was also because just like all my other Dracos he was meant to be Optimus's son, but I dumped that idea deciding to make him a new person. But the design just stayed because I liked it so much.

But unlike (Prime) Phoenixfire who has got a new personality, I decided NOT to change Draco's as I like his personality as it is and I'm sure you must agree.

Oh and I need to mention that in 'The Lost Memories' (or in any Prime fan-fic to follow) he ISN'T in love with Havana (and yes there is a Prime Havana in the making but when she'll appear with her friends, I'm not too sure), instead I decided that he fancies Arcee, even though her boyfriends or partners have ended up dead.

*UPDATE* 24/11/2012: I have decided to create both Phoenixfire & Draco's human modes after designing the Creed of the Phoenix & the Dragon's human modes, so here they are.

142. (Prime) Katrina by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

So here she is, my new Katrina. Looks different compared to my other Katrina's (being Movie and G1 of course), doesn't she? Yeah when I decided to introduce Katrina and Snapdragon into my new fan-fic 'The Lost Memories', I decided to give her a makeover.

I need to mention here and now that Katrina and Snapdragon ARE the SIBLINGS of Phoenixfire and Draco, yep, instead of twins I went with quadruplets. Meaning also that Megatron (unlike G1 and Movie) is NOT the father of them. I guess I decided to go back into the origins of both Phoenixfire and Katrina. In the G1 and Movie series they were originally sisters (Draco and Snapdragon at the time hadn't even been created) that chose sides and ened up hating each other. But as time went on I split them apart and made out the Katrina was a clone of Phoenixfire.

Why did you think they looked soooo similar in the first place?

Anyway, the first thing I think you'll notice is she has the same ears/anntennas as Optimus Prime, much like her sister Phoenixfire. And as the same as her sister she is not related to Optimus. But the design just stayed because I liked it so much.

143. (Prime) Snapdragon by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

So here he is, my new Snapdragon. Looks different compared to my other Snapdragon's (being Movie and G1 of course), doesn't he? Yeah when I decided to introduce Katrina and Snapdragon into my new fan-fic 'The Lost Memories', I decided to give him a makeover.

I need to mention here and now that Katrina and Snapdragon ARE the SIBLINGS of Phoenixfire and Draco, yep, instead of twins I went with quadruplets. Meaning also that Megatron (unlike G1 and Movie) is NOT the father of them.

The first thing I think you'll notice is of course he has proper Dragon wings unlike his G1/Movie counterpart. It was a suggestion from Dark Primus that I put wings on him after he told me that Draco would look better with wings instead of without them. And I guess he was right, but for G1/Movie/Shattered Glass it's too late to change the design. So I decided to do the same for (Prime) Snapdragon as well.

The second thing you must have noticed is the the fact he has the same ears/anntennas as Optimus Prime, but like his siblings he is not related to Optimus.

144. G1 Deathsaurus by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] starstarstarstarstar (1 words)

First off, I've been very busy so I haven't found time to do any of my Mods. Secondly, please tell me I've spelt this Mod's name right as I know this robot's name has got a lot of spellings depending on who you ask. So I went with the name of his TF wiki page.

Moving on, to say that designing this Mod was easy would be a lie. This Mod's took three different redesigns before I was happy with it and even then I'm not too sure if I got it right.

145. G1 Cyclonus by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

146. G1 Octane by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)
I'm not too sure if I got the design of this Mod right, on the TF Wiki there wasn't many pictures of him in the cartoon series.
147. G1 Astrotrain by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)
With this Astrotrain mod I decided to do to do one of the triple changer's transformations, the train transformation. The jet I couldn't do because I haven't got the plane kart.
148. G1 Blitzwing by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

149. G1 Scourge by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] starstarstarstarstar (1 words)

150. War For Cybertron Arcee by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

If, like me, you play videogames and keep up with the latest videogame news then you might have heard of the Electronic Enterainment Expo or E3 for short. One of the biggest videogame conventions or videogame trade fairs around, where upcoming games are shown off and where new games are often annouced.

Anyway since Transformers: Fall Of Cybertron was shown off at E3 and a new trailer was released I decided to do a handful of TFs from both War For Cybertron and the upcoming Fall Of Cybertron.

And the first one to start this list is Arcee. She was an interesting Mod to make because of her paint job. It took me a while to mix the different shades of pink using the colour wheel to get the final result, I've had recolour her more than 4 times because it just didn't look right, and in the end I was happy with this shade of pink.

151. War For Cybertron Zeta Prime by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

152. Fall Of Cybertron Cliffjumper by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)
I just need to say but is it just me or has Hasbro just put TF: Prime Cliffjumper's head on WFC Bumblebee and gave the body a red repaint to match? Cause that's what both my friends and I think from looking the Promo art for the character.
153. Fall Of Cybertron Jazz by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Sorry I haven't been updating my fanfics for a while but I haven't been feeling well over the summer (which is usually my busiest time on here) and I didn't feel good enough write anything.

Also my PS3 got the Yellow Light of Death and I had to replace it, and although I always back-up my old PS3 to my external Hard-drive when the time came to restore my data to my new PS3, well, it didn't transfer everything that I was expecting. Overall I lost nearly 150gb of games (most of which were from Playstation Plus), install and update data and nearly everything inbetween.

Unfortunatly that included all my Mods from ModNation Racers, which I found out a week later were not stored in the save data but were stored in the Game Data Utilty. So long story short I've lost everything I've ever created on ModNation Racers and after that I didn't feel like creating anything again until recently.

And to be truthful I almost decided to call this gallery post a day and stop posting, but my friends convinced me that while the MNR community was alive I should still create Mods. And I'm thankful for their support. And that's why I haven't posted anything in the ModNation post for a while.

Anyway back to the Mod below, I know in the chapter title I've put 'Fall of Cybertron' and although in FoC it's the first time you've been able to play as him in campain mode it's not the first time you see him.

For those who have played the game if you looked carefully in the prison cells on the Kaon Prison level in the Autobot campaign you might have noticed an Autobot doing push-ups in his cell. That was Jazz. He appears again later on in the same level helping the other Autobots escape the prison on shuttles. He's also a multiplayer character via DLC.

154. (Prime) Wheeljack by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

155. (Prime) Breakdown by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

156. (Prime) Whitefire by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Okay, got some fanfic character designs to unveil.

Before we go any further I apologise for not updating this for well over a month. I haven't been on ModNation Racers, also I've been playing Dragon Age II and Borderlands 2 and enjoying both fully.

Now the first character I wanted to unveil is Whitefire and her redesign for the TF Prime universe and my fanfics.

The first thing you'll notice about Whitefire (and the rest of the Creed to follow) is that she has wings, unlike her previous versions. I thought the wings would be a welcome add-on with the readers who like her.

Also I've made her hair longer, so long that it nearly touches the ground. There is a reason for this but right now I'm not going to reveal it yet.

Her personality has been changed slightly though, she's still the kindest and most caring member of the Creed but made her older, way older than previous versions and I've given her more of a mother hen personality to match her role as Creed doctor.

She is mentioned a few times in 'The Lost Memories' but she won't fully appear until 'The Sēmideus Complexus'. 

157. (Prime) Blackfire by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Now the second character I wanted to unveil is Blackfire and her redesign for the TF Prime universe and my fanfics.

The first thing you'll notice about Blackfire is that she has wings, unlike her previous versions. I thought the wings would be a welcome add-on with the readers who like her.

Also I've made her hair longer, so long that it nearly touches the ground. There is a reason for this but right now I'm not going to reveal it yet.

Her personality hasn't been changed much, if anything she's more like the version of her that appears in my Movie series and that includes her job as a blacksmith. Which is why her face looks a bit of a mess, she's got centuries of soot all over her face that she once cleaned off but due to her job, she decided one day that there was just no point in cleaning it off anymore.

Also I gave her gloves, blacksmith gloves to be exact, and as you can see they're as dirty, scratched and burned to hell, but what do expect for her?

She is mentioned a few times in 'The Lost Memories' but she won't fully appear until 'The Sēmideus Complexus'. 

158. (Prime) Havana by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Now the third character I wanted to unveil is Havana and her redesign for the TF Prime universe and my fanfics.

The first thing you'll notice about Havana is that she has wings, unlike her previous versions. I thought the wings would be a welcome add-on with the readers who like her.

Her personality has been overhauled completely, her previous versions have been more like her sister Rakatan only difference is Havana was a bit more strict. But this version of Havana is a silent and deadly, rarely does she speak and when she does she sounds uncaring and almost sparkless.

That's because she's an assassin, and a damn fine one at that. And she's been trained to be like that.

She is mentioned a few times in 'The Lost Memories' but she won't fully appear until 'The Sēmideus Complexus'. 

159. (Prime) Rakatan by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1 words)

Now the forth and final character of this showcase of my new redesigns is Rakatan and her redesign for the TF Prime universe and my fanfics.

The first thing you'll notice about Rakatan is that she has wings, unlike her previous versions. I thought the wings would be a welcome add-on with the readers who like her.

The thing you'll notice is that she has a ponytail like her sister, this a departure from the previous versions of her.

Now I haven't changed Rakatan's personality one bit, besides making her more teenage like. My inspiration for her human mode came from an old video game which was recently rereleased in HD, the game is Jet Set Radio. I thought that since Rakatan takes the form of a Japanese girl (much like her sister) I thought to make a tribute to the game by designing her in this fashion.

She's so going to get along with Miko since they both play the guitar and come from the land of the rising sun.

She is mentioned a few times in 'The Lost Memories' but she won't fully appear until 'The Sēmideus Complexus'.