Transformers Fanfics, Essays, Author Interviews and More...! Established 1996!

2: Family and Friends, Love and War by Phoenixfire90, Dark Primus


This is the sequel to Mind of a Leader. This story takes place between Revenge Of The Fallen and The Dark of the Moon. 6 months after RotF,  Optimus is healing after what happened, the Autobots aren't in hiding anymore and Megatron and Starscream is nowhere to be seen.

I would like to give my thanks to Dark Primus and my dad for many of the ideas in this story.

UPDATED VERSION 2.00: 27th of September 2011: Cleaned the story up a little using Mircosoft Office Word, also some of the original plot has changed.

Rated: G [ - ]
Category: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Movie
Characters: Blackfire, Bumblebee (G1,G2) - aka Goldbug, Draco Prime, Havana, Ironhide (G1,G2,Transformers Movie 2007), Katrina, Megatron (G1,G2,MW), Mikaela, Optimus Prime (G1,G2,MW,RM,TFU, Transformers Movie 2007), Phoenixfire Prime, Rakatan, Sam, Sideswipe (G1,G2,Alt,TFU), Snapdragon, Soundwave (G1,G2), Starscream (G1,G2,BW,MW,RM), Whitefire
Genre: Drama, Romance and Adventure
Location: Library
Series: My Movie Series
Chapters: 23 Completed: Yes
Words: 22660 Hits: 20871
Published: 25/12/09 Updated: 10/06/10

Story Notes:

Author's notes: This story works from the same views as Mind of a Leader.
This story takes place between Revenge Of The Fallen and The Dark of the Moon.
Read Mind of a Leader first.
The charaters in this story are the TFs I'm hoping are going to be in the new movie. Blackfire, Havana, Katrina, Rakatan, Whitefire and Snapdragon are my own TFs.

1. Prologue; Son of the Primes. by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (259 words)

2. Chapter 1, Returning Home by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (577 words)

3. Chapter 2, Training. by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (810 words)

I've been recently reading the book Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. When I read the beginning it said, that it has been used all over the galaxy and had just been published here on Earth. These lines gave me a thought, make a joke on it. Make a Cybertronian Edition (which would make sense). All copyrights is to the publisher, everything belongs to him. Everyone happy, good, back to the story.

4. Chapter 3, Difference by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1520 words)

I put a bit of a G1 reference in this story, if you didn't notice this in the last chapter I'd better tell you. In G1 season 2, episode War Dawn, I used Elita-1's original name, Ariel, as Phoenixfire and Draco's mum.

Note: This has no reference to RotF Elita-1, so she's not a re-built version of Ariel.

5. Chapter 4, Riding the Wind by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (576 words)

6. Chapter 5, Kup by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (611 words)

7. Chapter 6: Love and Loss by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (875 words)

8. Chapter 7, Truth and Friends by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (695 words)

9. Chapter 8, Old War Stories by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (557 words)

10. Chapter 9, First Stop, India by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1985 words)

Note: The Temple of Hanuman in the location I put is fictional, totally fictional and was inspired from real legends I read about on the internet...

Happy? Good, enjoy!!

11. Chapter 10, Trust by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1505 words)

Author's notes: "**" means they're speaking a different language, sorry for any confusion...

Back to the story.

12. Chapter 11, Family Bonds by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1500 words)

13. Chapter 12, Define Snow by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1329 words)

14. Chapter 13, Think Like the Enemy by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1113 words)

15. Chapter 14, Hula girls and Volcanoes by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1758 words)

16. Chapter 15, Family Breakdown by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (995 words)

17. Chapter 16, Battle Royale part 1 of 2, The Truth. by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1290 words)

18. Chapter 17, Battle Royale part 2 of 2, The Autobot Guardian Angel by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1503 words)

19. Chapter 18, Stasis Lock by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (1265 words)

20. Chapter 19, The Miracle by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (848 words)

21. Chapter 20, Slow Dancing by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (532 words)

22. Epilogue part 1, What Awaits Ahead. by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (261 words)

23. Epilogue part 2, A Warning From The Future by Phoenixfire90 [ - ] (296 words)