Transformers Fanfics, Essays, Author Interviews and More...! Established 1996!

Masters of Disaster by Stelartron

Summary: Megatron is up to his old cloning tricks again, only this time, the Protectobots are the subjects! A new gestalt is created, for  the Autobots will he be friend... or foe?
Rated: G [ - ]
Category: Generation One
Characters: None
Genre: Drama
Location: Library
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: No
Words: 7685 Hits: 4272
Published: 25/06/09 Updated: 25/06/09

Story Notes: (Inspired by the set of knock-off Protectobot toys.)

1. Breaking the Rules of Anime by Stelartron [ - ] (1313 words)
(Anyone who can guess what the title of this chapter is referring to gets a virtual cookie. ;) )
2. Setting Up The Plan by Stelartron [ - ] (1439 words)

3. The Experiment Begins by Stelartron [ - ] (1189 words)

4. The Autobots Investigate by Stelartron [ - ] (892 words)

5. Progress and Suspicions by Stelartron [ - ] (1375 words)

6. Call to Arms by Stelartron [ - ] (1477 words)