Deathsaurus by Raksha
Summary: Motto: "Conquest is my heritage, dominion is my destiny."
Categories: Generation One Characters: None
Genre: Tech Spec
Location: Library
Series: Decepticon Leaders
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 251 Read: 1279 Published: 04/07/00 Updated: 04/07/00

1. Deathsaurus by Raksha

Deathsaurus by Raksha

Name: Deathsaurus

Motto: "Conquest is my heritage, dominion is my destiny."

Half Transformer, half offworlder, and all Decepticon, Deathsaurus' uncertain origin has made him only that much more determined to triumph. Though at first glance indistinguishable from a pure Cybertronian, his alien heritage is apparent in his fluid movements and sharper senses. He is a charismatic, often imperious Decepticon who can be arrogant sometimes to the point of overconfidence, and knows no mercy or forgiveness in battle. He is also an efficient and effective ruler, with an unmistakable command presence and a natural instinct for making the right choices. A long-time admirer of Megatron's success, he has tried to consciously model himself after the Decepticon leader, though in fact he is more stand-offish than Megatron towards his underlings, and puts greater value on ostentation and formality. He is also less likely to let anyone know what he's thinking or feeling, less likely to base his personal and command decisions on emotional reactions, and less likely to lose control of his considerabe temper. While he trusts none of his underlings completely, he will yet go to any lengths to achieve unity and victory for his Decepticons. Like Megatron, his life has been shaped by the drive of burning ambitions, and he has stopped at nothing to achieve his goals.

Strength 9, Intelligence 8, Speed 9, Endurance 10, Rank 8, Courage 9, Firepower 10, Skill 9

The End

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