Soundwave II by Raksha
Summary: Soundwave's namesake - Raksha's car.
Categories: Generation One Characters: None
Genre: Essay
Location: Library
Series: Tribute to Soundwave
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 153 Read: 1022 Published: 30/04/08 Updated: 30/04/08

1. Soundwave II by Raksha

Soundwave II by Raksha

Here's a picture of my car, Soundwave II. If you look carefully, you can see that he's got a G2 Decepticon symbol on the hood, and his name across the left door. What you can't see is that he's got a small G2 Decepticon symbol on the right door as well, and the bumper stickers "Reunite Gondwanaland" and "I Brake For Snakes" on the back, as well as a Darwin Fish plaque. My navigator, a Pteranodon figure, hangs from the rearview mirror in this picture from last year. Maybe I should hang him back up, so I can find my way out of parking lots again.... :)

I've been asked "Why are you so pissed over the Go-Bot 'Soundwave' when you went and turned Soundwave into a car too?" Except my car isn't meant to be Soundwave, you see, he's simply named in honor of Soundwave. World of difference. :)

The End

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