1. New Acquisitions by Roy
"HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!" Both the voice, and the dozens of projectile weapons pointed at the new arrival, made it clear that the Decepticon barking the order was deadly serious.
Starscream, however, was not about to be cowed down by some authority-drunk minor officer. "LOWER YOUR WEAPONS AND DON'T EVER TAKE THAT TONE WITH ME AGAIN!" Starscream leveled a glare over the forty-plus Decepticons guarding the Cybertronian space bridge, causing most to look away, intimidated. "Where do you get the audacity to address the Decepticon Air Commander in such a way!?!"
The apparent leader of the group, the one that had barked the initial order at Starscream, smiled and stepped forward. "This is the way that we address a traitor and a fiend. We are well aware of your attempt on Lord Megatron's life."
Starscream met the Decepticon's devious grin with one of his own. "What is your name, Decepticon?"
"I am Platoon Commander Rough Shod."
Starscream broadened his crooked smile and took a step toward the Platoon Commander. "Well, Rough Shod, I am a little surprised that a Decepticon Platoon Commander would be simple enough to fall for the Autobot's pathetic attempt at spreading misinformation." Starscream turned his head and looked over the other troops present.
Rough Shod's confidence waned for a moment, but he quickly reassured himself that he was correct in his initial assessment of Starscream. "Nice try Starscream, but I'm not falling for your lies."
Starscream's head snapped back and his optics were once again fixed upon Rough Shod. "Well then, if what I say is a lie, then please inform me of the truth." Starscream's smile faded as the words came out of his mouth.
Rough Shod's optics narrowed, and his face took a more stern expression before he replied to Starscream's request. "The truth is that you allied yourself with the humans, used them to try and kill off Megatron, and then assumed his position as Decepticon Commander."
Starscream's smile returned to his face, and he raised his right hand to stop Rough Shod from continuing. "I think I've heard this one. It's one of the Autobot's more clever stories. Please let us all know what happened next."
A worried look came over Rough Shod, and he hesitated before finishing what he had been told of the events on Earth. "Uh, well, Megatron survived, and, uh-"
"And what!?!"
Rough Shod looked around at the other troops, all of whom were just as confused as he was. "Well, uhm, he destroyed you."
Starscream displayed a mock startled expression, and proceeded to look himself over, seemingly surprised to find himself in one piece. "He destroyed me!?! I have to tell you, I've seem Megatron destroy many other Transformers in my time, and I really don't look anything like those unfortunate souls." Starscream looked up into the face of Rough Shod, still maintaining the mock surprise. "But you're absolutely certain that what you've been told has to be true, that there's no way for it to be Autobot propaganda. So what am I doing here, apparently alive?" The sarcastic surprise dissolved away from Starscream's face as his stare into Rough Shod's optics intensified.
A slender Decepticon that had been standing behind Rough Shod stepped up to the Platoon Commander and addressed him. "Sir, reports have placed the Autobot Blaster on Earth. He has been known to use Decepticon frequencies and impersonate Decepticon officers to spread misinformation." His voice lowered. "It might be possible that Starscream is telling the truth."
It was clear from the defeated look on Rough Shod's face that he no longer had the conviction that was in abundance only moments prior. His optics darted around indiscriminately as he attempted to determine what should be done. "Shockwave must be notified. He will know what to make of this."
Starscream snickered. "Yes. In fact, I'll discuss the matter with Shockwave personally. Please inform him that I will be arriving at Darkmount in a few hours, once I've had a chance to take care of a few personal matters." The arrogant Seeker started walking through the confused troops, all of who stepped out of his way as he approached them.
Rough Shod, however, was not as compliant as his subordinates. He raised his rifle and pointed it at Starscream's back. "You will stay where you are until I contact Shockwave!"
Starscream responded without stopping or turning back. "I have stood around and indulged you long enough, Rough Shod. Discharge that weapon if you feel that you must, but know that if I don't kill you for it, Shockwave, or Megatron himself will." Starscream walked confidently through the last of the Decepticon platoon, and once clear of the soldiers, transformed and took to the dark, Cybertronian sky. Rough Shod could only impotently watch as the gray Earth jet darted out of sight.
"To date, two hundred four people have died from the Decepticon attack on Washington D.C., of which seventy one were civilians." Prime paused from reading and looked over to Hot Spot, Blades, Groove, Streetwise and First Aid. The Autobot Commander then turned back to the screen displaying the magnified newspaper article and continued reading. "All but a handful of the casualties were caused prior to the arrival of the Autobots, who not only were dedicated to combating the Decepticons, but also in protecting the humans present. Most notable of these Autobot protectors were five robots that transformed into a fire engine, a police car, an ambulance, a motorcycle and a helicopter. Initial estimates indicate that these five Autobots were personally responsible for saving over ninety four lives." Optimus Prime stopped reading and looked once again to the five Autobots that had been described in the article. "It continues on with a description of the damage caused by the battle, but I just wanted to read that part of the article to you to illustrate a point."
Groove, who had already started to fidget, stopped moving long enough to ask a question. "What point is that, Prime?"
"A point that you are all fully aware of already. That the five of you make a remarkable team." Prime walked over to them and stood just a few feet in front of them. "In fact, I would like for you to resume your role as our premier search and rescue team, but I would like you to direct your efforts primarily toward the protection of human lives and property." Prime held his hand up to stop Blade's imminent protest. "You will still be needed for combat roles, but in populated areas I will need for your primary concern to be the ensuring of public safety."
Though uneasy, Blades seemed to be accepting of Prime's proposal. The other four Autobots were nothing short of eager. Hot Spot stepped forward and grasped Prime's right hand with his own, shaking it in the same fashion as the humans. "We whole-heartedly accept your proposal of forming a unit of protection. We won't let you down Prime!"
Prime nodded at the excited Autobot. "That's great, Hot Spot. I would like you to lead the team, which for convenience sake I've dubbed the Protectobots."
Blades chimed in. "That's got to be the lamest-" He was silenced by a glare from Streetwise. "-Fine, Protectobots it is."
The six Autobots stopped their discussion as Lt. Ambrose strolled into the Command Center. "Hello Optimus Prime, I hope that I'm not interrupting anything."
Prime released Hot Spot's hand and turned toward the human. "Of course not Lieutenant. I assume that you are here to discuss the situation at Diablo Canyon."
Prime cocked his head to the side. "I was expecting General Peterson to be here as well."
Lt. Ambrose nodded. "Unfortunately, the General has other business to attend too."
The seven acres of clearing to the north of Mount St. Hillary had been fenced in and was currently being utilized as a hunting pasture for the Dinobots. Having agreed not to raid any more ranches, the five biomechanical Autobots still insisted upon live prey. The truck backing up to the fence gate was the first of four trucks that delivered livestock to the pen each day. The driver, who had exited the cab and was opening the gate, was still was terrified of this place, even though he had been making these deliveries for over a week. His companion for the trip, however, was the very definition of calm.
General Allen Peterson watched as the driver herded sixteen head of cattle into the enclosure and shut the gate behind them. The cows started fleeing as loud, Earth shuddering footsteps and deep, guttural growling could be heard. The nervous driver looked to Peterson, hoping that the General had changed his mind and would be willing to leave. Peterson sternly nodded to the driver. "Wait in the cab. I'll only be a few minutes." The driver sprinted into the truck and locked his door.
Peterson walked over to the gate, opened it, entered the pen and shut the gate behind him, just as four dinosaurs came walking into view. A Pterodactyl swooped overhead and snatched a bull in its talons, the doomed mammal crying out in pain and fear. The other four pre-historic beasts started toward their prey, but the most fearsome, the Tyrannosaurus Rex, turned toward the human and stopped. "Prime must not be as soft as me, Grimlock thought, if he let us hunt human." The bipedal dinosaur ominously stepped toward the General.
"Optimus Prime is not aware that I am here." Peterson continued to casually approach the leader of the Dinobots. "I was hoping to speak with you."
The T-Rex lowered its head so that it's deadly jaws were only a couple of feet in front of the human, forcing General Peterson to stop walking. "Me, Grimlock have no interest in speaking with pathetic human." For added emphasis, Grimlock exhaled sharply, his breath rustling Peterson's hair and uniform and knocking him back a step.
General Peterson composed himself, straightening his hair and uniform. "Believe it or not, I think that you will be very interested in what I have to say." Deep laughter emanated from behind the now exposed, six-inch teeth that were directly in front of the General. Peterson continued, despite the blatant disdain that was being shown to him. "I like, and respect Optimus Prime. I really do." Grimlock's laughter turned into a low growl. "But despite this, I've become convinced that perhaps Prime isn't the best man-er-robot to beat the Decepticons." The growling stopped.
Grimlock decided to humor the tiny creature. "Why puny fleshling think Prime not beat Decepticons?"
Peterson nodded at the huge head before him. "Though he has the tools, brains, charisma, courage, and the devotion of his troops to win, he's essentially an idealist. And idealists can't make the really tough, gut-wrenching decisions." The General smiled at the enormous predator. "Now, from what I've seen of you, you're most definitely not an idealist. And I have little doubt that you would have no difficulty making some pretty tough decisions."
The dinosaur's body jerked in several different directions, and a couple of seconds later a giant robot was standing where the dinosaur had just been. "What human have in mind?"
"Hey Megatron, Soundwave's receiving a message from Shockwave. The purple guy wants to have a word with you."
While Megatron normally insisted, upon pain of extermination, that he be addressed most respectfully, he sometimes enjoyed Rumble's informal tone. He looked over the latest pallet of energon being withdrawn from the power plant, and watched as Bonecrusher hauled to over to the two dozen other pallets that were sitting in front of the newly delivered space bridge. The Decepticon leader smiled at the growing mountain of energon, energon which had only been created in the last few hours, and that would soon be bringing life back to his dormant legions of troops. With that pleasant thought in mind he turned away from his energon supply and headed back into the facility to see what his Sub-Commander wanted of him.
Megatron marched into the facility that had yielded so much energy in such a short time. Commandeering it had been perhaps his best move since reawakening on this planet. Victory was within his grasp, all he had to do was to make sure that Shockwave would be ready to deliver the much needed energon to "The Cooler', the facility which housed hundreds of thousands of Decepticons put into stasis lock to alleviate the effects of the famine.
In less than a minute, Megatron was standing before a gigantic blue sound system. "Open the frequency to Shockwave."
Soundwave's monotone voice replied. "It is done."
Shockwave's voice came through. "Lord Megatron, are you there?"
"Yes, what is it Shockwave?"
"I thought that Starscream had been slain." Shockwave calmly stated as he held the severed head of Rough Shod in his hand.
The statement shocked and irritated Megatron. "He has been slain! I obliterated him myself."
There was a long pause before Shockwave replied. "Something is not logical in this scenario. Starscream, or an exceptional facsimile, arrived on Cybertron through the space bridge a couple of hours ago."
"IT WAS NOT STARSCREAM!!! I blasted him to pieces! I stood over his mangled components! I watched the life fade from his optics! STARSCREAM IS DEAD!!!"
The grounds of the Decepticon Air Academy were run-down and deserted. Starscream was enraged that Shockwave would let the pinnacle of Decepticon military training fall into such a state of disrepair. He understood that the very purpose of the Academy ran contrary to the policy of downsizing that the famine had necessitated, but a facility of such nobility and Decepticon pride deserved some maintaining.
It was here at the Academy that Starscream had first made a name for himself. The greatest aerial combatant that the school, or the planet had ever seen, Starscream had received the wisdom and training to match his physical gifts, making him a legend within his first vorn of life. He had been offered the position of Commandant upon his graduation, but his aspirations were that of even more powerful positions. He was determined to return to his city-state of Tarn and rule, which he did until being coerced into Megatron's unified Decepticon army. Not that Starscream had anything against the unification of the Decepticons, as long as he was at its head.
The F-22 descended and transformed in front of the College of Sciences, and Starscream entered the building where he had spent countless hours as a young Decepticon. Countless hours that had led to the immortality that had only recently been confirmed for him. The Air Commander marched down the hallway, hearing voices up ahead in one of the labs. Starscream strained his audio receivers to pick up on the conversation.
"So it's decided. We are going to dump these things into the smelting pool to the south of Deviplex."
"I still can't believe he's gone."
"Quit your whining already! The Commander took on more than he could handle. He just got what he was asking for."
Starscream reached the open doorway and looked into the laboratory. The participants of the conversation, three Seekers that he knew that he could trust, stood in the center of the room over five inert vehicles based on human military design. "The humans have an expression about speaking of the Devil." Starscream entered the lab and was met by the awestruck stares of the other Seekers. "Something about him appearing when you do so." Starscream looked over the vehicles. "I assume that these were made exactly to my specifications?"
The Seeker that had lamented the perceived loss of Starscream snapped to attention. He was a teal colored Seeker with a somewhat high-pitched voice. "Yeh-yehhh-Yes sir. Exactly as your designs specified, including the lack of a memory database in the cranium."
Starscream smiled at the nervous Decepticon. "Well done Descent." Starscream looked to the other two. "Well done all of you."
The most assertive of the group, a yellow/brown flyer stepped forward and took a close look at the Decepticon renegade. "Can it really be?"
"Trust me Fogbank, it's really me."
The third Seeker, a black and silver one, stepped next to Fogbank and examined Starscream as well. "How? We'd heard that you'd been blasted to pieces."
Starscream stepped away from the two Seekers, regaining some personal space. "It takes much more-" Starscream chuckled. "Much, much more than that to finish me off, Silverline."
Silverline couldn't just set aside his curiosity, though. "But how? How did you survive?"
As much as Starscream enjoyed being the center of attention, he had grown annoyed by the inquisitiveness of his lackeys. "We'll discuss that later. Right now we need to breath some life into these magnificent frames."
Fogbank shook his head. "Impossible sir. Ever since the Autobot attack on Vector Sigma, Shockwave has kept an entire brigade of troops there to guard it. There's no way for us to gain entrance."
Starscream shot an annoyed look at Fogbank. "If I had wanted any exhaust out of you, I would have squeezed your cranial shell. Now shut up and listen to your superior." Fogbank glared back at Starscream, but eventually turned away and let Starscream continue. "I have no intention of going to Vector Sigma so that that blasted computer can just put some random sparks into these frames. I already have the sparks, and the memory databases that are to go into these frames, in mind."
The three Seekers looked confusedly at one another. Descent asked the question that they were all pondering. "Where are you going to get these sparks and memories?"
Starscream smiled. "The Brig."
By nature, Decepticons were aggressive, ambitious and brutal. But sometimes certain Decepticons became too ambitious, or brutal, or displayed other traits that made them no longer welcome by other Decepticons. Typically, these Decepticons were simply destroyed. But periodically a dangerous Decepticon possessed skills, abilities or other traits that were considered to be advantageous to the Decepticon cause, and these Decepticons were deemed too valuable to be brought permanently off-line. In these rare cases, the sparks and memory databases were removed from the frames and sent to the Brig.
The Brig was a prison of sorts, where the sparks of Decepticon criminals were kept in stasis fields and their memory databases were kept in a vault collecting dust. And like with the Air Academy, the Brig had not been looked after for tens of thousands of vorns. Starscream and his colleagues encountered no resistance as they, and two of the non-living frames landed. The Seekers transformed to robot mode, while the two flying frames remained in vehicle mode.
Several minutes later, the other three lifeless, and ground-bound frames arrived. Starscream looked to Silverline. "Your remote control devices worked quite well."
Silverline bowed. "I'm glad that they served you well, Commander."
Starscream looked at the other two Seekers, each on either side of Silverline and both looking nervously at the Brig. Starscream had decided that they had served their purpose. Descent was too mentally weak to serve any long-term good, Fogbank would probably turn on Starscream at some point, and Silverline, well even Starscream wouldn't be able to handle Silverline's bumper polishing for very long. The Air Commander raised his shoulder rifles up to either side of the still bowed Silverline and fired a null ray into the optic of each of the Seekers behind him. Silverline jerked his head up, and saw both of Starscream's rifles narrow so that they both pointed at his face.
Starscream sent Silverline's cranial circuitry spraying out the back of his head. He then stepped over to Fogbank and Descent and made sure that they were polished off. Once his loyal helpers were dispatched, Starscream made his way into the Decepticon prison, followed by five vehicles rolling on the ground behind him.
"HOLD THE LINE!" Kup knew that the battle was getting hopeless, but if the Decepticons made it through, the Autobot cause would quickly become much more hopeless than it was currently. "We can't let those "Cons get that energon to the Cooler!"
The route from Polyhex to the Cooler was heavily guarded by the Decepticons, especially on either side of the Koltic Bridge, which stretched over a branch of the Ocelek Chasm and joined the roads from Polyhex and Tarn, where the Cooler was located. But knowing that with a nuclear power plant under Decepticon control on Earth, a Decepticon mass-awakening was in the works, Kup had led a savage strike to cut the route from the space bridge to the bridge that led to the dormant Decepticons. The savagery of the Autobots had paid off, as they now had a four-mile portion of the road to the bridge under Autobot control. But it was looking like they wouldn't be able to hold out for much longer. As long as they could hold for another few minutes, long enough to plant enough explosives to destroy the bridge, then their mission would be a success. And the repairs to the bridge would take almost a week, buying the Autobots precious time.
But the Decepticons had begun their bombing runs of the Autobot positions, wrecking a great deal of havoc and causing a high number of casualties. Kup needed to evacuate his troops now, but Camshaft had reported that it would be at least another seven minutes before the explosives would be in place. Kup and his troops would be lucky to last two.
Kup leapt for cover as another torrent of bombs rocked his position. When he lifted his head he noticed the large cannons that the Autobots had positioned there had been destroyed in the latest bombing run. "Aw, inferno!" Kup spat into his communicator. "Better hurry up Camshaft, Decepticons are going to be on our tails shortly!"
Kup looked up over the barricade that he had made from dead Decepticons and saw dozens of heavy tanks rolling his way. Then he saw a vehicle that didn't quite fit with the advancing battalion. A sleek, red ground cruiser weaving in and out of the tanks. Suddenly, the treads of one of the rear tanks burst violently apart. Then the same thing happened to the treads of the tank next to it. Then it happened to two other tanks simultaneously.
Kup tried to make out what was going on, but the distance was too great for him to clearly see what was unfolding. Springer ran up to Kup's side and peered in the same direction as the ancient Autobot. "What's going on, old timer?"
"Not sure, punk, not sure." Several of the tanks transformed, as did the red racer. The large, lumbering Decepticons started firing at the smaller red robot, who seemed fast enough to dodge most of the shots and return fire of his own. In an instant Kup was over the barricade and charging at the Decepticons. "HE'S ONE OF OURS!!!" A second later Springer and a dozen other Autobots were charging into battle behind Kup.
The Autobots watched as the red newcomer quickly made his way through the bulky Decepticons, landing multiple shots on each of them while narrowly avoiding all of theirs. He then leapt onto the shoulders of one of the Decepticons, pointed his pistol straight down at its head, and fired point-blank through its helmet and into its cranium. The Decepticon dropped to his knees, but before leaping away, the sleek red and yellow-adorned Autobot pointed his pistol toward the sky and successfully shot down a Decepticon bomber.
The Autobots finally reached the fracas, and tore into the damaged and frustrated Decepticons. Decepticon reinforcements were on their way, and once they arrived the Autobots would be hopelessly outnumbered, but until then, they would be taking the fight to the Decepticons.
Kup charged into the chaotic group of metal bodies, blasting away on any Decepticon that he could get a shot at. "So, what's your name hot rod?"
The blatantly youthful robot fired at a Seeker zipping by overhead, clipping it on the wing, and smiling broadly at Kup, expecting the old soldier to be impressed by the shot. "Don't have one." The red robot was a little perturbed that the blue Autobot had his attention set elsewhere.
"What?" Kup turned away from the battle for just a moment to give the unknown robot a bewildered look. He quickly turned back to the fighting. "How can you not have a name?"
"Not sure, but I don't have one. I just woke up a few miles from here. Saw some Decepticons brutally destroy some homeless neutrals, and decided then and there that I was meant to kick their exhaust ports. There's the story of my life." The red Transformer blasted a charging Decepticon right between the optics, stopping him in his tracks. He smiled at Kup once again; certain that this shot would have to gain the old timer's admiration.
The elderly Autobot just shook his head in annoyance by the youngster's cavalier attitude. "Fine, I guess Hot Rod will serve for now. It seems to fit anyway." Kup ducked as a shot whizzed by his auditory receiver. "So, how'd you get the tank treads to explode?"
Hot Rod leapt and delivered a snap kick to the head of another Decepticon. "Liked that, did you? Shot down a bomber a few miles back and pulled some ordinance he was carrying. Tossed a couple in front of these big, dumb goons and laughed as the fireworks went off." The energetic robot rolled to one side and popped up shooting. His optics grew large as he saw dozens of Decepticon ground troops advancing in the distance. "Uh, we may be in trouble."
Kup turned and saw the reinforcements as well. He grimaced and lifted his communicator to his mouth. "Camshaft, we're out of time. Get it in gear!"
A few tense seconds passed before a response came through. "Done! Let's get outta here!"
Kup called out to his troops. "AUTOBOTS, WE'RE GONE!" With that he and the other Autobots, including Hot Rod, transformed and sped away.
After driving for several miles they finally stopped at a breach in the ground. A green and yellow ground racer transformed into Springer and pointed at the red and yellow racer. "What do we do with this guy?"
Hot Rod and Kup transformed. Kup looked at Hot Rod and then at Springer. "I'll probably regret this, but I think that he should come with us."
Springer was visibly upset with Kup's reply. "What!?! We don't know anything about this guy. For all we know he could be a "Con spy."
Hot Rod clenched his fists and started toward Springer. "I ain't no "Con!"
Kup stepped between the two. "Alright, that's enough." Kup looked at Hot Rod. "Look, we would feel better if we had some idea of who you were and where you came from."
Hot Rod held up his hands and started backing away. "Fine, I never asked to go with you guys. Good luck trying to win the war without me." Hot Rod turned and started walking away. Kup trotted over to him and grabbed him by the arm. "Get off of me you old tin can!" Hot Rod jerked his arm away.
"Hold up, kid. We're not your enemy." Kup looked deeply into Hot Rod's optics, searching for any sign of duplicity. Still looking at Hot Rod, Kup called out to the other Autobots. "He's coming with us. There will be no more discussion about it." He looked away from Hot Rod and at Springer. "Is that understood?"
Springer just shook his head and crawled into the ground.
The battle at the Koltic Bridge had required that roughly half of the Decepticons guarding the space bridge be called away to join other Decepticon reinforcements to assist their embattled comrades. This left only about two-dozen Decepticons guarding the entrance to Earth. Two simultaneous explosions knocked that number down to eighteen. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, a gray jet shot overhead and strafed the Decepticon position, killing another three.
The panicked Decepticons started scattering in every direction. Hex-Nut, the appointed leader upon the death of Rough Shod, tried to calm his troops, but had his torso perforated by shots from a human helicopter.
The troops fleeing to the west of the space bridge were met by a speeding tan military jeep, one with heavy guns mounted on it. The guns proceeded to decimate the terrified Deceptcions.
Those Decepticons fleeing to the east of the space bridge were met by a large, green M1 tank, which blasted several of them into scrap. Those that were only injured by the ordinance were crushed beneath its treads.
Starscream flew over the abandoned space bridge, transformed and landed in front of it. A space shuttle followed him down, transformed into a robot and landed next to him. The jeep and tank rolled up next to them and transformed as well, and the helicopter, which switched to robot mode before landing, joined them all.
A flatbed truck with dual cannons on the bed rolled up to them a moment later, and transformed into a tall, powerful robot. "I still don't trust you Starscream, yours was one of the voices used to convict my team and I of the spurious charges that were brought forth against us. But if this is my opportunity to get back at Megatron, then lead the way."
"Of course, Onslaught, of course. Right this way." Roughly a dozen vorns before the Nemesis followed the Ark to Earth, several mutiny charges were brought against Onslaught and his team. False charges and planted evidence provided by a Decepticon who remained anonymous, one who feared that Onslaught would one day take his place as one of Megatron's most trusted Lieutenants, one renowned for his scheming ways. Starscream laughed inwardly at what he had perpetrated eons ago, and led the five Decepticons that he had orchestrated the conviction of through the space bridge.
A moment later they were standing before heaping piles of energon cubes lying out in the bright sun, with the sound of the wave's crashing intermixed with the arguing of the Stunticons. Starscream looked back at his companions. "Welcome to Earth."
In the distance, Motormaster shoved Wildrider aside and started marching back toward the power plant, just barely noticing the newcomers standing before the space bridge, and then doing a double-take and calling out toward the facility. "Holy slag, ol' one-optic was right!" Motormaster called out to the power plant. "MEGATRON, GET OUT HERE. STARSCREAM REALLY IS BACK!"
Onslaught walked forward and stood next to Starscream. "So much for slipping onto the planet undetected."
Starscream shrugged. "This isn't where I left the space bridge. No matter, they'd have found out about us soon enough anyway."
Out of the power plant walked Megatron, with Soundwave at his side. Megatron stopped and shook his head, more annoyed than shocked. "It can't be. This must be some sort of trick."
Starscream stepped toward Megatron and Soundwave, still several hundred yards separating them. "No trick Megatron. You can knock me down, but you'll never be able to take me out for good."
Megatron smirked. "I'll have a lot of fun testing that theory." Megatron walked toward Starscream as well. "So, who are your friends?"
Onslaught walked forward, passing Starscream. "What's the matter Megatron, don't you recognize us?"
Megatron stopped, a confused expression coming over his face. "I know your voice."
"Yes, you do. It's a voice that you unjustly silenced for over fifty thousand vorns."
Frenzy walked out from the other side of one of the energon piles. "Quit yer belly achin'. We've all been off line for fifty thousand vorns."
Onslaught ignored the diminutive Decepticon. "We were loyal to you, perhaps your best warriors, and you repaid us with a court martial and prison." Onslaught stopped walking. "We were no threat to you then, but we most definitely are now!" Onslaught bent forward, leveling the dual cannons mounted on his back at Megatron, and fired them. The blast caught Megatron in the chest, sending him flying back, his armor severely battered. "Combaticons, attack!" Onslaught turned to a bulky purple, brown and black Decepticon behind him. "Blast Off, run interference so that Soundwave can't get any messages out to off-site Decepticons!" He turned to Starscream and the other three members of his team as Blast Off transformed into a brown space shuttle and took to the sky. "The rest of you know what to do!"
Starscream snarled as he leapt into the air and transformed. "Hey, I'm calling the shots here!" But despite his protest he obediently darted out and engaged the advancing Octane and Thrust.
A hulking olive green colored teammate charged toward the Stunticons, with a smaller, but still fairly bulky purple and tan robot following closely behind him. The smaller robot transformed into a jeep and sped around his larger comrade, heading straight toward the advancing Dead End, Wildrider and Drag Strip. The guns on the jeep sprayed a deadly barrage at the three Stunticons, sending them darting into separate directions.
The large green Decepticon running behind the jeep finally transformed into tank mode, and began blasting away at the Stunticons as well. Motormaster and Breakdown saw their teammates under fire, transformed, and sped to their aid. Motormaster bore down on the tank, speeding on a collision course. The tank noticed the advancing semi truck, but instead of firing on the truck, the tank turned toward it and advanced at maximum speed.
The collision was horrendous, knocking the other Stunticons and the jeep over with the aftershock. When the dust cleared the tank was inverted and several yards back, resting on it's turret. It quickly transformed, as did Motormaster, who was still a few feet taller than the newcomer. The two robots circled each other, ready to slug it out.
But before they could lock up, Motormaster was blasted away by shots originating from behind the green robot. The robot turned, to see Onslaught in truck mode with smoke curling out from his dual cannons. Onslaught transformed and barked at his bulky underling. "Strategy, Brawl, Strategy! We're too outnumbered for this one-on-one slag! Now do what you've been trained to do!" With that Brawl saluted and fired some shots at the other Stunticons as they transformed into robot mode and stood up.
Megatron lifted to his left shoulder and looked up to his Communications Commander. "Soundwave, have the others return."
Soundwave shook his head. "Negative. Unable to contact the other Decepticons." The Predacons and Insecticons were off hunting, and Thundercracker, Dirge, Skywarp, Ramjet, Astrotrain and Blitzwing were out assessing the mounting human military presence around the area, as well as checking for Autobot encroachment. That left the Stunticons, Rumble, Frenzy, Laserbeak, Buzzsaw, Ravage, Reflector, Thrust, Octane, the Constructicons, Soundwave and Megatron to deal with Starscream and his comrades. Soundwave recognized the voice of the tall warrior to be that of Decepticon criminal Onslaught. The other four were undoubtedly Brawl, Vortex, Swindle and Blast Off. Soundwave suddenly realized that it must be Blast Off that was jamming his signal to the other Decepticons. He looked skyward, only to see two bright flashes coming down at him.
Onslaught watched as Soundwave was sent flying, his armor scorched and shredded by Blast Off's high altitude attack. Blast Off's voice came through Onslaught's wrist communicator. "You won't have to worry about ol' Soundwave sending out any calls for help."
"Maintain your interference until his pets are dispensed with!" Onslaught watched as the Constructicons came rolling around the side of the power plant to see what was happening.
"Who are you calling a pet!?!" Rumble jumped in front of Onslaught and peppered his chest with laser fire. Onslaught's armor and additional chest shield kept him from receiving any significant damage. He looked down at the suddenly frightened Rumble and sent a powerful kick hard into the small Decepticon's chest, sending him flying.
"Hey, you can't do that to my buddy, you exhaust pipe!" Frenzy leapt at Onslaught from behind and kicked him in the head. Onslaught turned to deal with this nuisance, but both robots were suddenly thrown to the ground as Starscream darted just a few feet above their heads. Onslaught quickly looked up to see Starscream flying away with Thrust and Octane in hot pursuit. Suddenly, from behind a pile of energon cubes, a gray helicopter rose into the air and blasted away on the pursuing aircraft. Both Octane and Thrust were hit, and were soon careening into the ocean.
Laserbeak and Buzzsaw sped toward the helicopter, but a circling back Starscream intercepted them and easily shot them out of the sky. Onslaught watched the metal birds plummet to the ground, stood up, aimed his rifle at the still-prostrate Frenzy and blasted a hole into his lower back, a non-lethal shot, but one that would certainly take the fight out of him. Onslaught looked around. "Now where's the kitty?"
On cue, Ravage leapt from behind a boulder toward the head of the tall soldier. A split second later, Ravage's front paws were covered in a glue-like substance and stuck to each other. No longer able to control his momentum, Ravage hit Onslaught's chest with an uncontrolled thud and bounced to the ground. Onslaught looked down on the mechanical feline. "Well done Vortex." Onslaught reached down, grabbed Ravage by the neck, and hurtled him toward the coast and into the Pacific.
Megatron was on his feet and charging the unsuspecting Onslaught, with Reflector close behind him. A gray F-22 zipped overhead, dropping a pair of bombs that landed right at Megatron's feet. The chrome Decepticon was sent flying back, and hitting the rocky ground thirty yards behind Reflector, who had stopped and watched the entire event befall his leader. When he did turn back ahead, there was Onslaught, his rifle leveled directly at Reflector's chest. A moment later Reflector was lying next to Megatron, dark smoke curling out of his chest.
But Megatron was quickly back on his feet and resuming his charge on Onslaught. "I will kill you traitor!" But this charge was also stopped by an attack from above, as Blast Off was quickly descending and laying waste to Megatron and anything around him.
Onslaught walked toward the smoldering Megatron. "No Megatron, it is you that is the betrayer. Now you will pay the price for that betrayal."
Megatron looked up from his prostrate position and smiled at Onslaught. "We'll see about that." The injured leader then craned his neck around and called out to six Decepticons behind him. "Constructicons, form Devastator!"
With that, the six construction vehicles that were still driving toward the battle stopped and began shifting shape. A moment later Devastator was standing before the combatants, ready to bust some metal heads. "Devastator ready to crush!"
Starscream transformed and landed on top of one of the energon piles. "Onslaught, why don't you show Megatron the trick up your sleeve?"
Onslaught took a few steps away from Megatron and called out to his team. "Combaticons, unite to form Bruticus!" Onslaught leapt into the air, his thighs splitting outward and his knees bending inward. His fists and wrists retracted into his arm and his arms rotated so that they were facing behind him. From the tops of his shoulders, which were now facing forward, came pieces of gray metal, which expanded and spread out over the front of his body, connecting at the middle and forming a crest that went down past his waist.
Swindle, the jeep, sped toward him and followed Onslaught into the air. The rear of the jeep rotated completely, and the front section of the vehicle flipped back. From what now constituted the rear of the vehicle, a metal slat arose, expanding to form a foot. The top of the modified jeep finally latched onto the bottom of Onslaught's right leg, the purple underside facing forward.
Brawl transformed into tank mode and rolled toward Onslaught as well, leaping into the air to join as Swindle had done. The front half of the tank bent forward, and from the rear a metal slat grew out to form another foot. Brawl connected to Onslaught's left foot, the top of his turret facing forward.
Blast Off and Vortex sped toward either side of Onslaught's arms, each remaining in vehicle mode, but extending/flipping their robotic legs. Then each robot spread their lower legs, and from in between their large calves flipped out gray fists, which were locked into place as the lower legs reconnected. Then the dorsal section of Blast Off's shuttle gave rise to a connection port, which linked to Onslaught's right shoulder. The connection port for Vortex came from the helicopter's ventral side, and linked to Onslaught's left shoulder. Then, from around Onslaught's head and neck, pieces of gray metal extended upward and connected around his head, forming a new, larger head. Bruticus was born.
The newly created giant stood a foot and a half taller than Devastator, which was a difficult difference to notice given their awesome statures. The two combiners stared each other down, not sure what to make of the other, and started circling, ready to grapple. Devastator charged first, tackling Bruticus to the ground. The green monstrosity lifted to his knees and prepared to rain punches down on his new enemy.
Bruticus literally beat Devastator to the punch, landing a left and then a right cross, which sent the Constructicon gestalt sprawling on it's back. Both giants quickly scrambled back to their feet, and this time it was Bruticus that attacked first. Charging the green and purple Devastator, Bruticus planted his right shoulder into the Constructicon's chest and sent him stumbling backward toward the coast.
Devastator finally righted himself before being rammed again by the new combiner. This time Devastator was sent sailing into the surf, the blow powerful enough to propel him far enough so that the salty water came up to his knees when he finally righted himself.
Megatron watched this unfold, but his attention was brutally torn away for a moment by laser fire peppering his back. He looked up at the cackling Starscream flying overhead in robot mode. "Looks like your boy's in trouble, Meggy. Maybe it's time for you to submit and step aside gracefully?"
Megatron snarled at the traitorous Seeker, but his mouth slowly contorted into a smile. "Maybe not." Megatron turned toward Motormaster, who was tending to his smoldering chest. "Motormaster, I want Menasor in there now!"
"NO!" Suddenly panicked, Starscream shot toward the Stunticons, but a few fusion bolts shot into the path he would take to get to them warded off his assault.
"Alright you fembots, you heard the boss! MERGE!" The four other Stunticons grumbled about Motormaster for a second before leaping toward him to form the limbs of Menasor, and a few seconds later the Stunticon super warrior was formed.
Megatron pointed to the brawl occurring in the ocean. "Menasor, help Devastator destroy that thing!"
Menasor smiled and lumbered his way down toward the water. Bruticus was pounding on Devastator, who had been forced to his knees and was covering his head, when Menasor finally arrived to help. Coming up behind the Combaticon giant, Menasor swung heavily with his sword, catching Bruticus in the back and sending him splashing heavily into the water several dozen feet to the left. Menasor looked down at Devastator arrogantly, and gave the Constructicon a condescending grin as he removed his arms from over his head.
Bruticus burst forth from the water, and waded toward the robot that had attacked him from behind. The two started trading blows, and while Menasor seemed to be able to land his punches more quickly, Bruticus's appeared to carry more power. A right roundhouse from Bruticus sent Menasor falling backward into the water, but the slugfest had given Devastator more than enough time to regain his bearings, and moments after knocking Menasor down, Bruticus was on the receiving end of several powerful purple fists which sent him crashing to the wavy water as well.
Devastator kept the pressure up, and though Bruticus was slowly getting back to his feet, it wasn't fast enough to avoid the double team from the recovered Menasor. The two Decepticons loyal to Megatron pounded away on the prostrate Bruticus. The Combaticon giant was eventually able to scoot forward toward the beach, and temporarily away from his assailants. Wading through the water, Devastator and Menasor close behind him, Bruticus eventually made it to land and turned on his attackers, seemingly ready to continue the fight.
"Bruticus, disengage and prepared for retreat!" Starscream landed next to the giant, who looked down at the Seeker, hesitated at first, but eventually complied. The five Combaticons were soon standing next to Starscream, and Blast Off, Starscream and Vortex transformed to vehicle modes and each allowed Onslaught, Swindle and Brawl to grab hold of their undersides and hitch a ride as they flew off up the coast. "Good bye, Megatron. Next time we fight on my terms!" Starscream's laughter trailed off as the images of he and the Combaticons vanished from Megatron's sight.
Megatron grumbled as he turned back to his injured troops and began assessing the damage that had been caused by his former Lieutenant and his new brigade.
If not for the brightly shining moon, nothing would have been visible. General Peterson had been waiting in the covered flatbed truck for twelve minutes, but the party that he was waiting for had finally arrived. The dark shape of the tyrant lizard king made it's way across the clearing toward the truck. Peterson opened the door and stepped out of the cab. "Good, you're in beast mode. They shouldn't be able to track you."
"Me Grimlock have no interest in conversing with human. Just get package."
The General nodded. "It's in the back of the truck."
Grimlock walked around to the back of the truck and peered in. "It small. Human sure it capable of what human claimed it would be capable of earlier?"
Peterson smiled. "It'll do its job. Just make sure you do yours. My colleagues and I aren't too thrilled about just handing one of these things over to anyone."
"Me Grimlock always get job done! Me Grimlock have strength Prime lacks!"
Peterson nodded and pulled a disc from his pocket and held it up. "Alright then. This data disc will explain how to operate this thing. Make sure that your operative is fully brought up to speed on the details."
The dinosaur was visibly annoyed. "Me Grimlock know what to do!" The relatively tiny T-Rex arm snatched the disc from the General's hand.
"Alright. Then take the package and we'll be on our way."
The mouth of the T-Rex gently lowered into the rear of the truck to retrieve its contents.