Cobra by Dirge
Summary: A tech spec for Cobra, AKA G2 Swindle
Categories: Generation Two Characters: Swindle (G1,G2)
Genre: Tech Spec
Location: Library
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 195 Read: 878 Published: 28/05/03 Updated: 28/05/03

1. Cobra by Dirge

Cobra by Dirge
Cobra (Physical model: G2 Swindle)
Function: Psychological Warfare/Medic
"I choose the time, I choose the place"

A silent, dark soldier. Lives up to her name - Will wait for the right moment, toying with an adversary, waiting for them to drop their guard before she strikes. Patient, dedicated (to the berzerkers, not the Decepticons). Cobra knows how to scare an enemy into submission. Despite her talent, she's not that effective, because she rarely communicates with others. She usually just tags along, without contributing much. Doesn't follow orders well, feels she's her own boss. Usually she has to be intimidated before she'll follow orders, but since she's usually defended by her fellow berzerkers, she rarely submits to Decepticon command. Acts as the medic of her group, although she's not the best medic (trained as an engineer before the war). Cobra joined Blueburner and Shadow not long after Blueburner defected, built Ambush and Fireball, as well as installing the Gestalting capability. Carries impulse blaster, which sends out vibrations at a frequency which resonates in most robot cerebral spaces, and a delayed-explosion shrapnel bomb gun.

Str: 4 Int: 5 Spd: 5 End: 9 Rnk: 5 Cor: 7 Frp: 8 Skl: 8

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