Transformers Fanfics, Essays, Author Interviews and More...! Established 1996!
Windcharger (G1,Alt)


Contact by Hunter

Rated: G • starstarstarstarstar
Summary: This is one of two pics that have been patiently waiting to be finished for probly over a year.So..I decided to give them a new lease on life with Photoshop. This is graciously done in honor of the Fic "Though vicarioulsy, I do live" by Zooming in Zooming

Cybertron Remixed by Iacon

Rated: G • starstarstarstar
Summary: It is the year 1996. After twelve years of deadlocked battle on Earth, the stagnant balance of power is suddenly upset as the earthbound Autobots return home. Shockwave has found an abundant Energon source and forged peace on his own terms. The energy shortage has ended, but the war has only just begun...

Resonance by Guardinthena

Rated: Adult •

When Optimus Prime faces termination on the battlefield, Phage makes a desperate gamble to turn the table on the Decepticons.  Her plans go awry when she's taken hostage by Megatron, who believes she has the Matrix.  Despite Decepticon concepts of hospitatiy, Phage rejects to the claim that she has the sacred relic.  What she does have and will not say, is Optimus Prime's spark.

The Full Capture by Sheba

Rated: G •
Summary: The Quintessons finally capture Sheba, and implement a plan given to them by Unicron to take and replicate Megatron and some other Transformers.  The Horde is enlisted to assist, and what follows is the story of how the newly enslaved Transformers from both factions react to their predicament.

Transitions by Bobbi_Carothers

Rated: G • starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: In the post Generation Two universe, a new Unicron-like menace arises.

Windcharger by Dirge

Rated: G •
Summary: Very simple in both design & transform, Windcharger is not for those who like to play and pose. But he's an old toy and old design, and for what he is he's a cool toy.