Transformers Fanfics, Essays, Author Interviews and More...! Established 1996!
Air Raid (G1,G2,TFU)


A Death In The Family by OmnisValidus

Rated: G •
Summary: The movie and Season three haven't happened. This is my alternate Season Three. In the aftermath of Operation: Sunburn, one group of Autobots must come to terms with the death of their team mate.

Air Raid by Dirge

Rated: G • starstarstarstarstar
Summary: One of the better Aerialbots, Air Raid's got colours that work for him and he's lucky enough to have a good plane mode. No real kibble in plane mode and well dealt with robot mode kibble. About as poseable as small toys got in his era.

Air Raid by Dirge

Rated: G •
Summary: Probably the weakest of the three Cyberjet moulds, however they've fixed the main physical flaw of the mould. The colours used are simply bizarre yet they come together okay.

Air Raid (G2) by Dirge

Rated: G •
Summary: One of the better Aerialbots, and he survived the G2 recolour process, unlike a lot of G2 recolours. Which warms me even more to this recolour. No real kibble in plane mode and well dealt with robot mode kibble. About as poseable as small toys got in his

Birth of a Griffin by Dark Primus, Phoenixfire90

Rated: G •

At the end of "The Phoenix Returns", Phoenixfire died. Find out how she came back to life and the secrets of Project G in this book.

Cyberjet Air Raid by Dirge

Rated: G •
Summary: The weakest of the cyberjet moulds - although it's still a pretty good one. The jet mode is great, the choice of a stealth fighter is appealing and the colours work well. While the transformation isn't as elegant as the other two moulds, and the robot mod

Rain Over Blue Water by Starhorse

Rated: G • starstarstarhalf-star
Summary: Sideswipe gets rained on. Sideswipe gets yelled at. Sideswipe just has a really crappy day.

Ravine by Dirge

Rated: G •
Summary: A tech spec for Ravine, AKA Cyberjet Air Raid

Shadow of the Guardian by Sheba

Rated: G •

This story is part one of a collaborative effort between myself and Conveyus-Prime. It takes place in my fanfic universe where magic is quite real and Starscream is protected by an Organic Transformer named Sheba. This takes place in the "Prisoner of Destiny" timeline, after the events of "Magic Adventures".

BTW, Conveyus-Prime is NOT the same person as the Conveyus Prime here.

Switcher by Dirge

Rated: G •
Summary: A tech spec for Switcher, AKA G2 Air Raid.

Technojet Air Raid by Firestorm

Rated: G •
Summary: Toy review for the G2 figure