Quintessons (G1)
Rated: G •
Summary: Illustration from the fanfic "Silent Scream". Infuriated and frustrated, Rodimus gives Quintesson Ambassador Cleprachon a piece of his mind.
Categories: Generation One
Characters: Quintessons (G1)
Genre: Colour IllustrationLocation: Gallery
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 0 |
Hits: 864 |
Published: 27/04/06 |
Updated: 27/04/06
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Rated: G •

Summary: An older illustration from DSR chapter 2: The Quintessons have invaded Earth and murdered hundreds of thousands. They have abducted Rusti Witwicky to lure Rodimus Prime into the open.
Categories: Generation One
Characters: Quintessons (G1),
Rusti Witwicky
Genre: Colour IllustrationLocation: Gallery
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 0 |
Hits: 675 |
Published: 23/03/06 |
Updated: 23/03/06
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Rated: G •
Summary: The Dweller in the Depths is a monstrous energy leech that was once launched from Cybertron by ejecting a power core into space. It landed on a small Quintesson vessel and absorbed its energy, setting it adrift. Now the ship and its deadly occupant have drifted back towards Cybertron, being pulled into its gravity. Now Sheba has to figure out how to defeat the creature before it destroys them all.
based on, and a continuation of, the Transformers G1 Season 3 episode "
The Dweller In The Depths" (which was written by Paul Dini). Takes place in the
Big Capture Of 1999/2006 fanfic series where Sheba is Starscream's Guardian Force and a very capable magic user.
Categories: Generation One
Characters: Arcee (G1,TFU),
Astrotrain (G1),
Blast Off (G1,G2),
Brawl (G1,G2),
Bruticus (G1,G2),
Cliffjumper (G1),
Cyclonus (G1),
Galvatron (G1),
Inferno (G1,G2),
Ironhide (G1,G2,Transformers Movie 2007),
Kup (G1),
Megatron (G1,G2,MW),
Onslaught (G1,G2),
Optimus Prime (G1,G2,MW,RM,TFU, Transformers Movie 2007),
Perceptor (G1),
Quintessons (G1),
Scourge (G1),
Sky Lynx (G1),
Skywarp (G1,MW),
Springer (G1),
Starscream (G1,G2,BW,MW,RM),
Swindle (G1,G2),
Thundercracker (G1,MW),
Vortex (G1,G2)
Genre: DramaLocation: Library
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 3656 |
Hits: 410 |
Published: 19/04/17 |
Updated: 28/04/17
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Rated: G •
Summary: This story is part one of a collaborative effort between myself and Conveyus-Prime. It takes place in my fanfic universe where magic is quite real and Starscream is protected by an Organic Transformer named Sheba. This takes place in the "Prisoner of Destiny" timeline, after the events of "Magic Adventures".
BTW, Conveyus-Prime is NOT the same person as the Conveyus Prime here.
Categories: Generation One
Characters: Air Raid (G1,G2,TFU),
Air Strike Patrol (G1),
Astrotrain (G1),
Beachcomber (G1,G2),
Blades (G1),
Blast Off (G1,G2),
Blaster (G1),
Blitzwing (G1),
Bluestreak (G1),
Bonecrusher (G1,G2),
Brawl (G1,G2),
Brawn (G1),
Bruticus (G1,G2),
Bumblebee (G1,G2) - aka Goldbug,
Buzzsaw (G1),
Cliffjumper (G1),
Cosmos (G1),
Devastator (G1,G2,TFU),
Dirge (G1),
Fireflight (G1,G2),
First Aid (G1),
Frenzy (G1,G2),
Gears (G1),
Gnaw (G1) - aka Sharkticon,
Grapple (G1),
Grimlock (G1,G2,Alt),
Groove (G1),
Hoist (G1,MW),
Hook (G1,G2),
Hot Spot (G1),
Hound (G1,Alt),
Huffer (G1),
Inferno (G1,G2),
Ironhide (G1,G2,Transformers Movie 2007),
Jazz (G1,G2),
Laserbeak (G1),
Long Haul (G1,G2),
Megatron (G1,G2,MW),
Mirage (G1,G2,MW,RM),
Mixmaster (G1,G2),
Onslaught (G1,G2),
Optimus Prime (G1,G2,MW,RM,TFU, Transformers Movie 2007),
Perceptor (G1),
Powerglide (G1),
Quintessons (G1),
Ramjet (G1,G2),
Ratchet (G1),
Ravage (G1,BW,BT),
Red Alert (G1),
Rumble (G1),
Scavenger (G1,G2),
Scrapper (G1,G2),
Seaspray (G1,G2),
Sideswipe (G1,G2,Alt,TFU),
Silverbolt (G1,G2),
Skydive (G1,G2),
Skyfire (G1),
Skywarp (G1,MW),
Slingshot (G1,G2),
Sludge (G1),
Smokescreen (G1,Alt),
Snarl (G1,G2),
Soundwave (G1,G2),
Sparkplug Witwicky (G1),
Spike Witwicky (G1),
Starscream (G1,G2,BW,MW,RM),
Streetwise (G1),
Sunstreaker (G1,TFU)
Genre: DramaLocation: Library
Series: None
Chapters: 8 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 63880 |
Hits: 3241 |
Published: 15/06/17 |
Updated: 29/07/17
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Rated: G •
Summary: The Quintessons finally capture Sheba, and implement a plan given to them by Unicron to take and replicate Megatron and some other Transformers. The Horde is enlisted to assist, and what follows is the story of how the newly enslaved Transformers from both factions react to their predicament.
Categories: Crossovers >
Masters of the Universe,
Generation One,
Characters: Astrotrain (G1),
Blitzwing (G1),
Bombshell (G1),
Brawn (G1),
Bumblebee (G1,G2) - aka Goldbug,
Dirge (G1),
Elita One (G1),
Gears (G1),
Gnaw (G1) - aka Sharkticon,
Hound (G1,Alt),
Huffer (G1),
Ironhide (G1,G2,Transformers Movie 2007),
Kickback (G1),
Megatron (G1,G2,MW),
Optimus Prime (G1,G2,MW,RM,TFU, Transformers Movie 2007),
Quintessons (G1),
Ramjet (G1,G2),
Ratchet (G1),
Ravage (G1,BW,BT),
Rumble (G1),
Shrapnel (G1),
Skywarp (G1,MW),
Soundwave (G1,G2),
Spike Witwicky (G1),
Starscream (G1,G2,BW,MW,RM),
Thrust (G1),
Thundercracker (G1,MW),
Trailbreaker (G1),
Unicron (G1,G2),
Wheeljack (G1, Alt),
Windcharger (G1,Alt)
Genre: DramaLocation: Library
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: No |
Words: 8141 |
Hits: 548 |
Published: 17/04/17 |
Updated: 28/04/17
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Rated: G •
Summary: Sheba and the Transformers pay a visit to Mysticor on Etheria for the Annual Trickster Competition. They find out the hard way that the tricks aren't always what they seem...and some of the contestants are more than meets the eye!
Categories: Crossovers >
Masters of the Universe,
Generation One,
Characters: Brawn (G1),
Bumblebee (G1,G2) - aka Goldbug,
Cyclonus (G1),
Galvatron (G1),
Grimlock (G1,G2,Alt),
Hound (G1,Alt),
Huffer (G1),
Laserbeak (G1),
Megatron (G1,G2,MW),
Mirage (G1,G2,MW,RM),
Optimus Prime (G1,G2,MW,RM,TFU, Transformers Movie 2007),
Quintessons (G1),
Rumble (G1),
Scourge (G1),
Skywarp (G1,MW),
Soundwave (G1,G2),
Starscream (G1,G2,BW,MW,RM),
Sunstreaker (G1,TFU),
Thundercracker (G1,MW),
Tracks (G1,Alt)
Genre: Comedy,
DramaLocation: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 6071 |
Hits: 836 |
Published: 08/03/17 |
Updated: 11/03/17
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Rated: G •

Summary: The Terrorcons : Where did they come from? Are they working for the Quintessons? The Decepticons?
A look into a possible origin of the gruesome five.
Categories: Generation One
Characters: Quintessons (G1)
Genre: DramaLocation: Library
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 1371 |
Hits: 546 |
Published: 05/05/05 |
Updated: 05/05/05
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