Transformers Fanfics, Essays, Author Interviews and More...! Established 1996!
Starscream (Armada,Energon,Cyb)


Adjustments by Firestorm

Rated: G •
Summary: Rad returns, the base gets a shake-up, and the Decepticons gain reinforcements.

Ashes by Dr Watson

Rated: G • starstarstarstar
Summary: Armada: Optimus bids his final farewell to Starscream in the aftermath of Unicron's destruction.

Chibi Starscream by NobleKnightKaeru

Rated: G • starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: Yep... just a lil drawing of Armada Starscream, drawn Chibi-style. Inked in ballpoint pen, and colored in Photoshop CS

Fighting Fire by Dave_Van_Domelen

Rated: G • starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: Galvatron finds himself fighting his equal in every way.

Scream to the Stars by NobleKnightKaeru

Rated: G • starstarstarstar
Summary: Starscream, on the verge of confronting Megatron for the final time in ‘Cramp,’ considers all the events that led up to his final decision and what he is about to commit to do. (1st person, Starscream’s POV)

Starscream by Dirge

Rated: G •
Summary: A good toy with avoidable problems that should have been a great toy. Bad colours really hurt the jet mode, although the robot mode's engineering is very good, so I still recommend Starscream, although he's nowhere near as good a toy as he really should h

Starscream and Swindle by Dirge

Rated: G •
Summary: Starscream has nice colours and is a great homage with good play value. I like Swindle, thanks to his badass look and good colours.

The Phoenix Returns by Dark Primus, Phoenixfire90

Rated: G • starstarstarstar

It is the year 2100. Sam and Carly are 111 and the Autobots have returned. What will happen in this story, though? It's up to YOU to find out.

The Scream of the Immortal Star by Ameban

Rated: G • starstarstarstar
Summary: A crossover between G-1 and Armada (cartoon continuity). What if Armada Starscream would be zapped to G-1 Universe when he was being killed off by Unicron? Serious story with humoristic hints, don't miss it up with fan stuff. Important notes at the beginn

The Strange Case Of Omega Supreme by Raksha

Rated: G • starstar
Summary: Omega Supreme told Optimus Prime that Megatron warped the minds of the Constructicons. But was it the truth?