Rated: G •

Summary: During the third cybertronian war, a young drone and a little yellow transformer will form a bond that can never be broken.
Most of this story is told from Bumblebee's point of view.
This is based on the War for Cybertron game out now!!
Categories: Generation One,
War For Cybertron Game
Characters: Alpha Trion aka A3 (G1/TFU),
Bumblebee (G1,G2) - aka Goldbug,
Cliffjumper (G1),
Draco Prime,
Elita One (G1),
Ironhide (G1,G2,Transformers Movie 2007),
Jazz (G1,G2),
Kup (G1),
Megatron (G1,G2,MW),
Omega Supreme (G1),
Optimus Prime (G1,G2,MW,RM,TFU, Transformers Movie 2007),
Perceptor (G1),
Phoenixfire Prime,
Prowl (G1,MW),
Ratchet (G1),
Sideswipe (G1,G2,Alt,TFU),
Starscream (G1,G2,BW,MW,RM),
Sunstreaker (G1,TFU),
Trypticon (G1),
Ultra Magnus (G1,TFU),
Wheeljack (G1, Alt)
Genre: DramaLocation: Library
Series: My War for Cybertron/G1/Japanese G1 series
Chapters: 12 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 8865 |
Hits: 27016 |
Published: 22/01/10 |
Updated: 20/03/10
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Rated: G •
Summary: The Doctor and Donna are chasing 2 Transformers through time and space in the TARDIS, little do they know that will lead them into a whole new adventure.
Note: This is the sequel to 1: A Bond That Can Never be Broken, but you don't need to read the first story to read this one.
Categories: Generation One,
War For Cybertron Game,
Crossovers >
Doctor Who
Characters: Bumblebee (G1,G2) - aka Goldbug,
Draco Prime,
Elita One (G1),
Ironhide (G1,G2,Transformers Movie 2007),
Jazz (G1,G2),
Megatron (G1,G2,MW),
Optimus Prime (G1,G2,MW,RM,TFU, Transformers Movie 2007),
Perceptor (G1),
Phoenixfire Prime,
Prowl (G1,MW),
Ratchet (G1),
Soundwave (G1,G2),
Starscream (G1,G2,BW,MW,RM)
Genre: Comedy,
DramaLocation: Library
Series: My War for Cybertron/G1/Japanese G1 series
Chapters: 4 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 3122 |
Hits: 3600 |
Published: 01/01/10 |
Updated: 21/01/10
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Rated: G •
Summary: This is it, the long awaited third book in my series.
Things on Cybertron are going from bad to worse, with energon quickly running out and the civilians are either starving or getting killed by the Decepticons.
Optimus Prime comes up with the last ditch plan, to leave Cybertron to look for new resources.
But Megatron has the same plan. What could go wrong?
Takes place 1 year, just before and during the first 10 minutes of More Than Meets The Eye Part 1.
Categories: Generation One,
War For Cybertron Game
Characters: Blackfire,
Bumblebee (G1,G2) - aka Goldbug,
Draco Prime,
Drift (G1),
Elita One (G1),
Griffin Prime,
Ironhide (G1,G2,Transformers Movie 2007),
Jazz (G1,G2),
Megatron (G1,G2,MW),
Mirage (G1,G2,MW,RM),
Optimus Prime (G1,G2,MW,RM,TFU, Transformers Movie 2007),
Phoenixfire Prime,
Prowl (G1,MW),
Ratchet (G1),
Skywarp (G1,MW),
Soundwave (G1,G2),
Starscream (G1,G2,BW,MW,RM),
Thundercracker (G1,MW),
Wheeljack (G1, Alt),
Genre: Drama,
Romance and AdventureLocation: Library
Series: My War for Cybertron/G1/Japanese G1 series
Chapters: 12 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 10877 |
Hits: 13793 |
Published: 02/06/10 |
Updated: 12/09/10
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Rated: G •

Summary: My character's tech spec's. This includes G1, 07 movie/RotF/DotM and (Prime) versions of each character.
Categories: Transformers: Prime,
Transformers: Dark Of The Moon,
Generation One,
Transformers 2007 Movie,
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Movie,
War For Cybertron Game
Characters: Blackfire,
Draco Prime,
Phoenixfire Prime,
Genre: Tech SpecLocation: Library
Series: My War for Cybertron/G1/Japanese G1 series
Chapters: 20 |
Completed: No |
Words: 4410 |
Hits: 26372 |
Published: 21/01/10 |
Updated: 29/07/12
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Rated: G •

Summary: Recently I got Modnation Racers on the PS3 and have made some TF mods and karts.
I thought that you, the readers, may want to have a look at these and tell me what you think, all of these are mine, no Remixes, no idea stealing.
Some of my best ones can be downloaded in-game, just search, Phoenixfire90.
Note: This will be updated as I make more TF mods and karts, requests will be listened to. Decepticons will now be included along with Autobots!
Other Note: Some of the G1 mods are based on the Dreamwave comics, others the cartoon itself, with Dreamwave ones they were the only pictures I could find to base them on.
Categories: Armada,
Transformers: Dark Of The Moon,
Transformers: Prime,
Shattered Glass,
Generation One,
Japanese Generation One,
Beast Wars,
Robots In Disguise,
Transformers 2007 Movie,
Transformers Animated,
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Movie,
War For Cybertron Game,
Crossovers >
ModNation Racers
Characters: None
Genre: OtherLocation: Gallery
Series: None
Chapters: 159 |
Completed: No |
Words: 180 |
Hits: 673676 |
Published: 25/05/10 |
Updated: 25/11/12
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Rated: G •
Summary: Formally known as 'Phoenixfire and Draco Prime Picture'.
I thought I'd do a revamp of the entry to celebrate my 1 year anniversery of both my joining of Lexicon and the publishing of 1: Mind Of a Leader, my first ever fan-fic.
Little did I know it would lead to even more books, a hit and partnership with my long-time friend Dark Primus.
In this revamp I will publish photos and pictures of The Creed of the Phoenix and the Dragon, The Creed of the Shadow and the Darkness & new charcters that will be introduced later on in the stories.
Categories: Generation One,
Japanese Generation One,
Transformers 2007 Movie,
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Movie,
War For Cybertron Game
Characters: Blackfire,
Draco Prime,
Phoenixfire Prime,
Genre: Colour IllustrationLocation: Gallery
Series: None
Chapters: 11 |
Completed: No |
Words: 13 |
Hits: 26078 |
Published: 22/11/10 |
Updated: 25/04/11
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Rated: G •
Summary: A routine mission for Dogfight and his team of Triggerbots goes drastically wrong just outside the walls of Iacon, setting in motion a planet-hopping adventure for the team as they attempt to get home.
Categories: Generation One,
War For Cybertron Game
Characters: None
Genre: None
Location: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5 |
Completed: No |
Words: 4605 |
Hits: 4990 |
Published: 26/02/12 |
Updated: 27/02/12
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Rated: G •
Summary: The Autobots had just lost the three Omega Keys in their possession at the hands of Starscream. Having offered the keys as a peace offering, Starscream had once again joined the Decepticon rankings. Team Prime must now devise a plan to recapture the four Omega Keys before Megatron and his Decepticons can ultilize them to revive Cybertron.
Categories: Transformers: Prime,
Robots In Disguise,
War For Cybertron Game
Characters: None
Genre: DramaLocation: Gallery
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: No |
Words: 1429 |
Hits: 702 |
Published: 28/10/12 |
Updated: 31/10/12
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Rated: G •
Summary: Orion Pax is an ordinary Autobot data clerk, until one day the fate of all the Autobots changes when he is chosen for the mission to search for the Matrix of Leadership. Who will become the next Prime and save Cybertron from Megatron's reign of terror?
An exciting action-adventure thriller, the origins of the greatest Prime of all time are revealed in this Transformers series!
Categories: War For Cybertron Game,
Generation One
Characters: Optimus Prime (G1,G2,MW,RM,TFU, Transformers Movie 2007)
Genre: OtherLocation: Library
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 348 |
Hits: 580 |
Published: 21/04/13 |
Updated: 28/04/13
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